Here is the capitalist "incentive" program as it currently exists:Child laborer in "third world" country:
If I stop working I will get a beating.
Adult laborer in "third world" country:
If I stop working I will starve. If I try to organize with my fellow workers I will get a beating, or shot.
Despotic ruler of "third world" country:
If I keep labor costs low enough, uncle sam will supply me with weaponry and protection, as well as kick-backs from all the companies relocating to my slave camp.
Typical American worker without a labor union:
If I work 60 hours this week I can buy that car I need to get to work. If I support uncle sam's foreign policies, he'll see that my cable tv rates don't double for at least another year.
Typical American worker with an AFL type labor union:
If I work 60 hours this week I can buy the car I need to get to work, and a nice stereo. If I support uncle sam's foreign policies, he'll televise the next war on pay-per-view tv for me. If the "competition's" workers go out on strike, we'll scab 'em and I'll make enough dough to afford pay-per-view tv.
Typical manager of american company:
If I keep labor costs low enough, the boss' boss' boss might decide to keep the company here, within a two hour drive of my tract house. Otherwise, I'll have to commute from timbukthree, or starve.
The Boss' boss' boss:
If I can squeeze another 20 million dollars out of my slaves, I can buy another home in Hawaii, and a nice big yacht to take me there. Then a few of my servants can wait on me there, too.
The worker who knows what the real deal is:
If we organize one big union, and realize our only "competition" is with a lousy system based on greed and priveledge, then we'll fold our arms until we put the bosses back to work!
Mike, The Everett Citizen