About Amazonia
Development in Amaz⌠nia
But, later, enterprising explorers discovered ways to make money from the new lands that they discovered. Development of the area first began in the 1620s. Although small quantities of gold were found in some areas of Amaz⌠nia, the biggest developments were plantations. Plantations and SlaveryEarly visitors believed that the land in Amaz⌠nia must be very fertile due to dense luxurious rainforest which covered the area. European settlers tried establishing farms and plantations in Amaz⌠nia near the Atlantic coast, but soon discovered that the work was much more difficult than they'd imagined. Plantation work was long and hard, and didn't appeal to the Europeans – so they sent slaving expeditions deep into the rainforests to capture Indians as slaves and forced to work for the settlers. Once captured, Indian slaves became sad and depressed. They weren't used to such hard work – they were mistreated, and missed their life in the rainforests. Many waited for a quiet moment, then slipped back into the forest – trying to get as far from the settlers as possible. Even when Indians settled among the settlers on peaceful terms, they watched in horror as diseases (such as smallpox, malaria, and measles) devastated their communities. Unfortunately, Indians escaping back into the forest took the diseases back with them. These diseases swept through the rainforest (and the rest of South America) killing millions of Indians. The Indians learned too late that contact with Europeans made their people sick. Entire communities and cultures disappeared. Because of the huge decline, settlers found it increasingly difficult to find Indian slaves for their plantations and farms, so organised expeditions to travel even deeper into the forests to capture more of them. Wealthy settlers decided to import their slaves from Africa. African slaves were physically stronger people, and were better able to withstand the harsh conditions of plantation work. And because they were so far away from home, African slaves were less likely to run away into the surrounding rainforest. The rainforest was as unfamiliar to the Africans as it was to the Europeans. Slave labour made it possible for European settlers to establish huge plantations, exporting sugar, rice, coffee, tobacco, cotton, and cocoa to the markets of Europe and North America. For the plantation owners, life was luxurious and easy because they had many other people to do all the work for them. MissionsMany of the earliest settlements and plantations were established by Jesuit priests. These settlements, called Missions, were created by the Church as a way to make contact with the Indians and to convert them to Christianity. The missions were plantations and farms where the Indians were taught European methods of farming and agriculture – working long hours during the day, then learning about Christianity during the evenings an on Sundays. Life for Indians living in the missions was very strict and difficult, but it was much better than the mistreatment that they were likely to suffer as slaves belonging to other settlers. The Jesuit missions in Amaz⌠nia and elsewhere in Brazil became very successful – getting large numbers of Indians to work for them, and becoming rich from the produce which they were able to export back to Europe. The other settlers became jealous. They found it increasingly difficult to find Indians to take as slaves for their own farms, so began to attack and raid the Missions – looting and burning everything that they could find, and capturing the Indian workers. Although some of the missions gave the Indians weapons and training to defend themselves, they were no match for the settlers' armies. In the 1750s, as a result of pressure from the settlers, the colonial government declared new laws which forced the Jesuit missions to close. Their prosperous lands, animals, and Indians were distributed among the settlers who treated them very harshly. As a result, many of the Indians got sick or fled back into the forest. Production on the plantations declined – they became rundown and were soon abandoned. The new laws also claimed to make it illegal for the Indians to be kept as "slaves" – but, in reality, life for them became much worse and the slaving raids into the rainforests continued. Indians Drogas do SertπoIndians were employed for other tasks, gathering precious items from the forests and rivers, such as sarsaparilla (used for medicinal teas), cravo (a spice, similar to a clove), Brazil nuts, and dried fish. Another widely used product was oil from turtle eggs. In the days before electricity, turtle egg oil was a popular for use in lamps and lanterns – and turtle eggs were dug up from riverbanks all around Amaz⌠nia to produce this valuable oil. It is estimated that 48 million turtle eggs were dug up each year. Poaching of the turtles' eggs, combined with heavy hunting of adult turtles, have resulted in the near extinction of this once abundant species. Indians were also commonly used as rowers on expeditions upriver – acting as carriers for people and goods along Amaz⌠nia's many rivers. These expeditions usually kept the Indians away from their their families for many months. The Rubber BoomThe biggest development to affect Amaz⌠nia was the rubber boom of the 19th century and early 20th century. The Indians had been using rubber long before the arrival of the Europeans. Rubber was collected by cutting into trees which would bleed a milky white sap called latex. This could then be processed into rubber. The Indians used rubber for repairing holes in canoes, coating drumsticks, and making rubber syringes to suck up and squirt fluids. They even made rubber balls for Indian children to play with. At first, the Europeans treated rubber as a curiosity – they knew that it had special properties, but weren't sure how to use it. But gradually, European inventors found out how to treat rubber so that it could be used to make waterproof raincoats and boots, inflatable rubber tyres for bicycles (and cars), and many other useful things.
The rubber boom meant that lots of money was flowing into Amaz⌠nia. The rubber sellers (sometimes called rubber "barons") built huge houses for themselves rebuilt the cities of Manaus and BelΘm as replicas of the finest European cities. They had expensive restaurants, electric tramways, telephones, opera houses and theatres, and (eventually) motorcars and paved roads. The rubber boom meant significant changes for Amaz⌠nia. But, unfortunately, most people in Amaz⌠nia never made any money from the rubber boom because they were cheated and abused by the rubber barons who tried to keep all the profits for themselves. The boom ended suddenly in 1912, when rubber plantations in Malaysia (planted from seedlings stolen from the Amazon over thirty years before) started to producing enough rubber to offer an alternative source. You can learn more about the rubber boom in the next section.