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Here are some stories from the Internet:
- "Amen" - Zasoby internetowe ks. Wiesława Mroza
Strona domowa ks. Wiesława Mroza. Zawiera katalog katolickich stron www polskojęzycznych i zagranicznych, czytelnię, galerię obrazków religijnych oraz wiele innych przydatnych informacji, np. jak zrobić dobrą stronę www.
- "Thanks For Correcting Me."
A story: ... What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving. ''Thank you for correcting me, Sister!''
- A Wooden Bowl for Grandfather
A story: One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly: What are you making? Just as sweetly, the boy responded: Oh, I am making a little bowl for
- Balance
A story about Balance.
- Harvard
Story about the Harvard University's founders.
- Has Anyone Ever Seen God???
A story: A small boy once approached his slightly older sister with a question about God: Susie, can anybody ever really see God? Busy with other things, Susie curtly replied: No, of course not, silly. God is so far up in heaven that nobody can see him...
A story: ... Mama, an angel came and told me I would be going to Heaven soon. I wanted to take the dress with me so I could show Jesus that I shed some blood for him.
- Image of God
A story: To God, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to Him.
- Love without ears
A lovely story about parents love.
- The Butterfly Lesson
A story: A man decided to help the butterfly, he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.
- The Doll and The White Rose...
A story: I went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home where the young woman was. And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, my life changed forever.
- The Telephone
An touching story about death.