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Lista wszystkich kart z wszystkich dodatk≤w do Middle-Earth:(13.04.2000)


Against The Shadow
Dark Minions
Lidless Eye
White Hand
The Balrog

> Dark Minions:

An Article Missing
*An Unexpected Outpost
*An Unexpected Party
Ancient Stair
Angmar Arises
Await the Advent of Allies
Aware of their Ways
Balance Between Powers
*Bill Ferny
*The Black Enemy's Wrath
Bring Our Curses Home
Buthrakaur the Green
Chance of Being Lost
Chill Douser
Choice of Luthien
*Crown of Flowers
*Cunning Foes
*Cup of Farewell
*Dark Numbers
*Doubled Vigilance
Durin's Bane
*Dwarven Light-stone
*The Dwarves Are upon You!
*Endless Whispers
*Enduring Tales
*Exhalation of Decay
Eyes of Mandos
*Eyes of the Shadow
*Face out of Sight
*Faces of the Dead
Fate of the Ithil-stone
Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees
*First of the Order
*Flies and Spiders
*Foes Shall Fall
*Folco Boffin
*Forewarned Is Forearmed
Forgotten Scrolls
*Fori the Beardless
*Free to Choose
The Gem-deeps
Gems of Arda
*Gnaw with Words
*Good Sense Revolts
Great Need or Purpose
Great Secrets Buried There
The Grimburgoth
*Hall of Fire
*Healing of Nimrodel
Helms of Iron
*Here Is a Snake!
*Hermit's Hill
*Hidden Knife
Horns, Horns, Horns
Hour of Need
*Hundreds of Butterflies
The Hunt
*I Know Much about You
*In Darkness Bind Them
In Great Wrath
In the Heart of his Realm
*Inner Cunning
Into Dark Tunnels
Into the Smoking Cone
The Iron-deeps
*Knowledge of the Enemy
*Leaf Brooch
Like the Crash of Battering-rams
Lindion the Oronin
*Little Snuffler
Lobelia Sackville Baggins
Long Dark Reach
*Lost Tome
*Memories Recalled
Mistress Lobelia
*The Moon Is Dead
Mordor in Arms
More Alert than Most
My Precious
Nameless Thing
*Necklace of Girion
Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent
*Never Seen Him
No Waiting to Wonder
*No Way Forward
*Noble Hound
*Nobody's Friend
Ordered to Kill
*Out of the Black Sky
*Pale Dream-maker
*Palm to Palm
Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur
Phial of Galadriel
*Pierced by Many Wounds
The Pukel-deeps
Rank upon Rank
*Reaching Shadow
*The Reach of Ulmo
*Rebuild the Town
*Redoubled Force
*Reluctant Final Parting
Revealed to all Watchers
*Saw Further and Deeper
*Scimitars of Steel
*Secret Ways
*Seek without Success
*Seized by Terror
Sentinels of Numenor
Shadow out of the Dark
Smoke Rings	Hero
Spells of the Barrow-wights
Spider of the Morlat
Stirring Bones
*Sudden Fury
The Sulfur-deeps
To Get You Away
*To the Uttermost Foundations
Token of Goodwill
*Tribal Banner
Tribal Totem
*Twisted Tales
*Two or Three Tribes Present
Umagaur the Pale
*The Under-courts
*The Under-galleries
*The Under-gates
*The Under-grottos
The Under-leas
The Under-vaults
*Urlurtsu Nurn
*Vein of Arda
*The Way is Shut
Waylaid, Wounded, and Orc-dragged
*When You Know More
*Which Might Be Lies
Will not Come Down
*The Windlord Found Me
*Wisp of Pale Sheen
*Withdrawn to Mordor
*Wound of Long Burden
Your Welcome Is Doubtful

> Dragons:

Type  Name                         Type/Race         Rarity
*C    Ioreth            	     Dunadan           U
 C    Thrain II                    Dwarf             R
*C    Galdor                       Elf               U
*C    Brand                        Man               U
 C    Fram Framson                 Man               R
*E    Nenselde the Wingild         Ally              R
*E    A Short Rest                 Event, Long       C
 E    Cloudless Day                Event, Long       U
 E    Star of High Hope            Event, Long       U
 E    Dragon Lore                  Event, Perm       U
*E    Echo of All Joy              Event, Perm       U
 E    Gift of Comprehension        Event, Perm       C
 E    Helm of Her Secrecy          Event, Perm       R
*E    Houses of Healing            Event, Perm       C
*E    King Under the Mountain      Event, Perm       R
 E    Legendary Hoard              Event, Perm       R
*E    Lore of the Ages             Event, Perm       C
*E    Map to Mithril               Event, Perm       U
 E    Mathom Lore                  Event, Perm       R
*E    Refuge                       Event, Perm       C
*E    Tales of the Hunt            Event, Perm       C
*E    Three Golden Hairs           Event, Perm       U
*E    When I Know Anything         Event, Perm       C
*E    Wondrous Maps                Event, Perm       C
 E    Alert the Folk               Event, Short      U
 E    And Forth He Hastened        Event, Short      C
*E    Belegaer                     Event, Short      C
*E    Bounty of the Hoard          Event, Short      C
*E    Burglary                     Event, Short      C
 E    Dragon Feuds                 Event, Short      U
 E    Dragon's Hunger              Event, Short      R
*E    Dwarven Hoard                Event, Short      C
*E    Elf Path                     Event, Short      C
*E    Fast Asleep                  Event, Short      C
*E    Flatter a Foe                Event, Short      C
 E    Forod                        Event, Short      C
*E    Harad                        Event, Short      C
*E    Here, There or Yonder        Event, Short      U
*E    Hey! Come Merry Dol!         Event, Short      C
*E    Look More Closely Later      Event, Short      C
*E    Many Foes He Fought          Event, Short      C
*E    Many Turns and Doublings     Event, Short      C
*E    Marvels Told                 Event, Short      C
*E    Master of Esgaroth           Event, Short      C
*E    Master of Wood, Water or HillEvent, Short      C
 E    More Sense than You          Event, Short      C
*E    Not at Home                  Event, Short      C
*E    Pledge of Conduct            Event, Short      C
*E    Rhun                         Event, Short      C
*E    Riddling Talk                Event, Short      U
*E    Sated Beast                  Event, Short      U
*E    Secret News                  Event, Short      C
*E    Skin Changer                 Event, Short      R
 E    Staff Asunder                Event, Short      R
 E    The Riddle Game              Event, Short      R
*E    Trickery                     Event, Short      C
*E    Vanish in Sunlight!          Event, Short      U
*E    Warm Now be Heart and Limb   Event, Short      C
*E    Washed and Refreshed         Event, Short      C
*E    Wielded Twice                Event, Short      C
*E    Wit                          Event, Short      U
*E    Wizard Uncloaked             Event, Short      U
*E    Returned Exiles              Faction, Dwarf    R
*E    Men of Dale                  Faction, Man      U
*E    Men of Lake-Town             Faction, Man      U
*E    Emerald of the Mariner       Item, Greater     R
 E    Enruned Shield               Item, Greater     U
*E    Wizard's Staff               Item, Greater     U
 E    Wormsbane                    Item, Greater     R
*E    Bow of Dragon-Horn           Item, Major       U
*E    Habergeon of Silver          Item, Major       C
*E    Magical Harp                 Item, Major       U
*E    Valiant Sword                Item, Major       C
*E    Adamant Helmet               Item, Minor       C
*E    Arrows Shorn of Ebony        Item, Minor       U
*E    Cram                         Item, Minor       C
*E    Emerald of Doriath           Item, Minor       U
*E    Necklace of Silver and PearlsItem, Minor       C
 E    Scabbard of Chalcedony       Item, Minor       C
*E    Thror's Map                  Item, Minor       U
*E    Gold Belt of Lorien          Item, Special     U
*E    Twice-Baked Cakes            Item, Special     C
*E    Waybread                     Item, Special     U
*H    Bairanax                     Creature          R
*H    Carrion Birds                Creature          C
*H    Cave Worm                    Creature          C
*H    Dire Wolves                  Creature          C
*H    Dunlending Raiders           Creature          C
*H    Earcaraxe                    Creature          R
 H    Gothmog                      Creature          R
 H    Hobgoblins                   Creature          C
*H    Ice-Drake                    Creature          C
 H    Itangast                     Creature          R
*H    Land-Drake                   Creature          C
 H    Lesser Spiders               Creature          C
 H    Light-Drake                  Creature          C
*H    Marsh-Drake                  Creature          C
 H    Morgul Rats                  Creature          R
*H    Rain-Drake                   Creature          C
*H    Sand-Drake                   Creature          U
 H    Scatha                       Creature          R
 H    Scorba                       Creature          R
*H    Sea Serpent                  Creature          C
 H    Thunder's Companion          Creature          C
*H    True Cold-Drake              Creature          C
*H    True Fire-Drake              Creature          C
 H    Were-Worm                    Creature          R
 H    Wild Fell Beast              Creature          R
*H    Winged Cold-Drake            Creature          U
*H    Winged Fire-Drake            Creature          U
*H    Wolf-Riders                  Creature/Short    C
*H    Agburanar Ahunt              Event, Long       U
*H    Bairanax Ahunt               Event, Long       U
*H    Daelomin Ahunt               Event, Long       U
*H    Earcaraxe Ahunt              Event, Long       U
*H    From the Pits of Angband     Event, Long       U
*H    Host of Bats                 Event, Long       U
*H    Itangast Ahunt               Event, Long       U
 H    Leucaruth Ahunt              Event, Long       U
*H    Noose of the Sea             Event, Long       U
*H    Peril Returned               Event, Long       C
 H    Scatha Ahunt                 Event, Long       U
*H    Scorba Ahunt                 Event, Long       U
*H    Sleepless Malice             Event, Long       U
*H    Smaug Ahunt                  Event, Long       U
 H    Song of the Lady             Event, Long       R
 H    Times Are Evil               Event, Long       U
 H    Worn and Famished            Event, Long       C
 H    Agburanar at Home            Event, Perm       R
 H    Bairanax at Home             Event, Perm       R
 H    Black Breath                 Event, Perm       R
 H    Daelomin At Home             Event, Perm       R
*H    Dragon's Curse               Event, Perm       C
 H    Earcaraxe At Home            Event, Perm       R
 H    Foolish Words                Event, Perm       C
 H    Icy Touch                    Event, Perm       C
*H    Itangast at Home             Event, Perm       R
 H    Know to an Once              Event, Perm       R
*H    Leucaruth at Home            Event, Perm       R
 H    Memories Stolen              Event, Perm       R
 H    No Escape from My Magic      Event, Perm       R
 H    Scatha at Home               Event, Perm       R
 H    Scorba at Home               Event, Perm       R
*H    Shadow of Mordor             Event, Perm       R
*H    Smaug At Home                Event, Perm       R
*H    Stormcrow                    Event, Perm       C
 H    Cruel Caradhras              Event, Short      U
*H    Deftness of Agility          Event, Short      R
*H    Dragon Sickness              Event, Short      C
*H    Dragon's Blood               Event, Short      C
*H    Dragon's Breath              Event, Short      U
*H    Dragon's Terror              Event, Short      U
 H    Exile of Solitude            Event, Short      R
 H    Fever of Unrest              Event, Short      R
 H    Frenzy of Madness            Event, Short      R
 H    Half an Eye Open             Event, Short      C
*H    Incite Denizens              Event, Short      C
*H    Incite Minions               Event, Short      C
*H    Left Behind                  Event, Short      U
 H    Many Sorrows Befall          Event, Short      R
*H    Parsimony of Seclusion       Event, Short      R
 H    Passion of Wrath             Event, Short      R
 H    Prowess of Age               Event, Short      R
*H    Prowess of Might             Event, Short      R
*H    Rumor of Wealth              Event, Short      U
*H    Searching Eye                Event, Short      C
 H    Subtlety of Guile            Event, Short      R
*H    Velocity of Haste            Event, Short      R
 H    Winds of Wrath               Event, Short      R
 H    Withered Lands               Event, Short      C
 H    Worm's Stench                Event, Short      U
 S    Dale                         Border-hold       U
*S    Buhr Widu                    Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Framsburg                    Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Gold Hill                    Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Gondmaeglom                  Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Isle of the Ulond            Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Ovir Hollow                  Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Tharbad                      Ruins & Lairs     U
*S    Zarak Dum                    Ruins & Lairs     U

> Lidless Eye:

Name                               Type/Race Rarity  
*A Little Gold Ring                RI        C
A Malady Without Healing           RE        R
*A Nice Place to Hide              RE        C
*Ad√naphel the Ringwraith          RC        FX
Ad√naphel Unleashed                RE        R
Agburanar Roused                   FAC       R
Akh⌠rahil the Ringwraith           RC        FX
Akh⌠rahil Unleashed                RE        R
All Thought Bent Upon It           RE        UC
Ambusher                           HC        C
Amon Hen                           S         UC
*An Untimely Whisper               RE        UC
Arouse Defenders                   HE        C
Arouse Denizens                    HE        C
Arthadan Rangers                   HC        UC
Asternak                           MC        FX
Awaiting the Call                  RE        UC
Awaken Defenders                   HE        C
Awaken Denizens                    HE        C
*Back to the Fray                  RE        UC
*Bade to Rule                      RE        C
Bag End                            S         UC
Balchoth                           FAC       R
*Bandit Lair                        S         UC
*Barad-d√r                         S         FX
*Barrow-downs                      S         FX
*Barrow-wight                      HC        UC
Belegorn                           MC        UC
Beorning Toll                      HC        R
Beornings                          FAC       R
Beorn's House                      S         UC
Binding-ring                       RI        R
Bitter Cold                        RE        R
Black Mace                         RI        UC
Black Rain                         RE        R
*Black Rider                       RE        C
Black Trolls                       FAC       UC
Blackbole                          A         R
*Black-hide Shield                 RI        C
*Black-mail Coat                   RI        C
Blazon of the Eye                  RI        C
*Blow Turned                        RE        C
Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold           S         R
*Bold Thrust                       RE        C
Bree                               S         UC
Brigands                           HC        C
*Bright Gold Ring                  RI        UC
*Broad-headed Spear                RI        C
Br≤in                              MC        R
*Buhr Widu                         S         FX
Burning Rick, Cot, and Tree        RE        UC
By the Ringwraith's Word           RE        C
*Calendal                           MC        R
Call of Home                       HE        C
Cameth Brin                        S         UC
Carambor                           MC        R
*Carn D√m                          S         C/FX
Catch an Elusive Scent             RE        UC
Cave Worm                          HC        C
Cave-drake                         HC        C
*Caves of █lund                    S         FX
Chill Them With Fear               HE        R
*Cirith Gorgor                     S         UC
*Cirith Ungol                      S         UC
*Ciryaher                          MC        UC
Come By Night Upon Them            RE        R
Corpse-candle                      HC        C
Coverous Thoughts                  HE        UC
Crack in the Wall                  RE        UC
*Crooked Promptings                 RE        C
*Dale                              S         FX
Darkness Under Tree                HE        R
Dead Marshes                       S         UC
Deeper Shadows                     RE        UC
Despair of the Heart               HE        C
Dimrill Dale                       S         UC
Dire Wolves                        HC        C
Diversion                          RE        C
D⌠grib                             MC        UC
Dol Amroth                         S         R
*Dol Guldur                        S         C/FX
Doors of Night                     HE        C
Dorelas                            MC        UC
Down Down to Goblin-town           RE        UC
Dr·adan Forest                     S         UC
Dunharrow                          S         UC
Dunlending Spy                     MC        UC
Dunlendings                        FAC       R
Dunnish Clan-hold                  S         UC
*Dwar the Ringwraith               RC        FX
Dwar Unleashed                     RE        R
Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe      RI        R
Dwarven Ring of Bßvor's Tribe      RI        R
Dwarven Ring of Dr·in's Tribe      RI        R
Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe      RI        R
Dwarven Ring of Dwßlin's Tribe     RI        R
Easterling Camp                    S         FX
Easterlings                        FAC       FX
Edoras                             S         UC
Elf-lord Revealed in Wrath         HC        R
Elves Upon Errantry                HC        C
Ent in Search of Entwives          HC        UC
Eradan                             MC        UC
*Ettenmoors                        S         FX
*Fell Rider                         RE        C
*Fell Winter                        HE        C
*Focus Palantφr                    RE        UC
Foolish Words                      HE        C
*Forced March                      RE        C
Foul Trophies                      RE        R
Foul-smelling Paste                RI        C
Freeze the Flesh                   RE        R
*Geann a-Lisch                     S         C/FX
Ghosts                             HC        C
Ghouls                             HC        C
*Giant                             HC        C
Giant Spiders                      HC        C
Gifts as Given of Old              RE        C
Gladden Fields                     S         UC
*Gleaming Gold Ring                RI        C
*Glittering Caves                  S         UC
Gobel Mφrlong                      S         UC
*Goblin-gate                       S         FX
*Goblins of Goblin-gate            FAC       FX
Gold Chains in the Wind            RE        R
*Gold Ring that Sauron Fancies     RI        C
Gondmaeglom                        S         FX
Gondorian Rangers                  HC        C
Gorbag                             MC        FX
Greed                              HE        C
Grey Mountain Goblins              FAC       FX
*Grishnßkh                         MC        FX
Gulla                              MC        R
Hador                              MC        UC
*Half-Trolls                       FAC       UC
Haudh-in-Gwan√r                    S         FX
Heedless Revelry                   HE        R
Hendolen                           MC        R
Henneth Ann√n                      S         UC
*Heralded Lord                      RE        UC
Hermit's Hill                      S         UC
*Hidden Ways                       RE        C
Hide in Dark Places                RE        UC
*High Helm                          RI        UC
Hill Trolls                        FAC       R
Hillmen                            FAC       R
Hoarm√rath the Ringwraith          RC        FX
Hoarm√rath Unleashed               RE        R
Hobgoblins                         HC        C
Honey on the Tongue                RE        R
Horse-lords                        HC        C
Horseman in the Night              MC        C
Huorn                              HC        C
Ice-orcs                           FAC       R
*I'll Be At Your Heels             RE        C
*I'll Report You                   RE        C
*In The Name of Mordor             RE        UC
Incite Defenders                   HE        C
Incite Denizens                    HE        C
*Ind√r the Ringwraith               RC        FX
*Ind√r Unleased                    RE        R
Iron Hill Dwarf-hold               S         R
Iron Road                          RE        UC
*Isengard                           S         UC
Jerrek                             MC        FX
Kham√l the Ringwraith              RC        FX
Kham√l Unleased                    RE        R
Kill All But NOT the Halflings     RE        R
*Lagduf                            MC        UC
*Lake-town                          S         UC
*Land-drake                        HC        C
Landroval                          HC        R
Last Child of Ungoliant            A         R
Lawless Men                        HC        C
*Layos                             MC        FX
Leg It Double Quick                RE        R
Lesser Spiders                     HC        C
Lieutenant of Angmar               MC        R
*Lieutenant of Dol Guldur           MC        R
Lieutenant of Morgul               MC        R
Long Galen                         S         UC
Long Winter                        HE        C
Lossadan Cairn                     S         UC
*Lossadan Camp                      S         UC
*Lost in Border-lands               HE        C
Lost in Free-domains               HE        C
Lost in Shadow-lands               HE        C
Lost in Wilderness                 HE        C
*Luitprand                         MC        FX
Lure of Expedience                 HE        C
Lure of Nature                     HE        C
*Lure of the Senses                HE        C
Magic Ring of Delusiuon            RI        UC
*Magic Ring of Enigma              RI        UC/FX
*Magic Ring of Fury                RI        UC/FX
*Magic Ring of Guile               RI        UC/FX
Magic Ring of Lies                 RI        UC/FX
Magic Ring of Savagery             RI        UC/FX
Magic Ring of Shadows              RI        UC
Magic Ring of Weals                RI        UC
Marsh-drake                        HC        C
*Men of Dorwinion                  FAC       FX
Messenger of Mordor                RE        R
*Minas Morgul                      S         C/FX
*Minas Tirith                      S         FX
Minions Stir                       HE        UC
*Minor Ring                        RI        C
Misty Mountain Wargs               FAC       UC
Morgul-blade                       RE        R
*Moria                             S         FX
Motionless Among the Slain         RE        R
*Mount Doom                        S         UC
Mount Gram                         S         UC
Mount Gundabad                     S         FX
Muster Disperses                   HE        C
Muzgash                            MC        FX
Nßin                               MC        R
Nevido Sm⌠d                        MC        FX
News Must Get Through              RE        C
News of Doom                       HE        R
News of the Shire                  RE        R
*No More Nonsense                  RE        R
No News of Our Riding              RE        R
*Not Slay Needlessly               RE        UC
*Nothing to Eat or Drink           HE        C
*N√rniag Camp                      S         UC
*N√rniags                          FAC       UC
*Odoacer                           MC        FX
*Old Cache                         RE        C
Old Prejudice                      RE        R
Old Troll                          MC        UC
One Dear to You                    RE        R
*Orc Brawler                       MC        C
*Orc Captain                       MC        UC/FX
Orc Chieftain                      MC        UC/FX
*Orc Quarrels                      RE        C
Orc Sniffer                        MC        C
Orc Stealth                        RE        UC
*Orc Tracker                       MC        C/FX
*Orc Veteran                       MC        C/FX
*Orc-draughts                      RI        C
*Orc-liquor                        RI        C
Orc-mounts                         RE        R
Orc-raiders                        HC        C
Orcs of Angmar                     FAC       UC
Orcs of Gorgoroth                  FAC       UC
Orcs of Gundabad                   FAC       FX
*Orcs of Mirkwood                  FAC       FX
Orcs of Moria                      FAC       FX
*Orcs of the Ash Mountains          FAC       UC
*Orcs of the Ephel D·ath           FAC       UC
Orcs of the Red Eye                FAC       UC
Orcs of the Ud√n                   FAC       UC
*Orc-warband                        HC        C
Orc-watch                          HC        C
Ost-in-Edhil                       S         UC
Ostisen                            MC        FX
Palantφr of Amon S√l               RI        R
Palantφr of Ann·minas              RI        R
Palantφr of Elostirion             RI        R
*Palantφr of Minas Tirith          RI        UC
Palantφr of Orthanc                RI        UC
Palantφr of Osgiliath              RI        R
*Paltry Ring                       RI        C
Pelargir                           S         UC
Perfect Gold Ring                  RI        R
Pirates                            HC        R
Plague                             HE        R
Plague of Wights                   HE        UC
Poison                             RI        R
Poisonous Despair                  RE        UC
Pon Opar                           MC        FX
Radbug                             MC        UC
Raider-hold                        S         UC
Rats!                              HE        UC
Ready to His Will                  RE        R
Rebel-talk                         HE        C
Red Book of Westmarch              RI        UC
Remnants of Old Robberies          RE        R
*Ren the Ringwraith                RC        FX
Ren Unleashed                      RE        R
*River                             HE        C
*Ruined Signal Tower               S         UC
Rumor of The One                   RE        R
Ruse                               RE        R
Sable Shield                       RI        UC
*Sarn Goriwing                     S         FX
*Saw-toothed Blade                 RI        C
Scatha Roused                      FAC       R
Scorba Roused                      FAC       R
*Scroll of Isildur                 RI        UC
*Searching Eye                     HE        C
Secrets of Their Forging           RE        UC
*Seize Prisoners                   RE        C
*Sellswords Between Charters       HC        C
Shadow-cloak                       RI        UC
*Shagrat                           MC        FX
Shßmas                             MC        R
*Shelob's Lair                     S         UC
*Shrel-Kain                        S         FX
Shut Yer Mouth                     HE        UC
Skies of Fire                      RE        C
*Slayer                            HC        C
*Smart and Secret                  RE        C
Smaug Roused                       FAC       R
Smoke on the Wind                  RE        R
Snaga                              MC        R
Snaga-hai                          FAC       C
Sneakin'                           RE        R
So You've Come Back                HE        UC
*Some Secret Art of Flame           RE        R
Something Has Slipped              HE        R
Sons of Kings                      HC        C
Southron Oasis                     S         FX
Southrons                          FAC       FX
Spying out the Land                RE        R
*Stabbed Him in His Sleep          RE        C
Stay Her Appetite                  HE        R
*Stench of Mordor                   HE        UC
*Stinker                           A         UC
*Stirring Bones                    HC        C
*Stone Trolls                      FAC       UC
*Stone-circle                      S         UC
*Strange Rations                   RI        C
*Sudden Call                       RE        C/FX
Swag                               RE        UC
*Swarm of Bats                      RE        C
Swift Strokes                      RE        UC
Tarcil                             MC        R
Test of Fire                       RE        C
Thanduil's Folk                    HC        R
*Tharbad                           S         UC
*That Ain't No Secret               RE        C
*That's Been Heard Before Tonight  RE        C
The Border-watch                   HC        C
The Iron Crown                     RI        R
*The Least of Gold Rings           RI        C/FX
The Lidless Eye                    RE        R
The Lonely Mountain                S         FX
The Mithril-coat                   RI        R
The Mouth                          MC        R
The Names Among Them               RE        C
*The One Ring                       RI        R
The Oracle's Ring                  RI        R
The Reviled Ring                   RI        R
The Ring Leaves Its Mark           RE        C
The Ring Will Have But One Master  HE        R
The Roving Eye                     HE        R
The Stones                         S         R
The Warding Ring                   RI        R
The Warg-king                      A         R
*The Water's Tithe                 RE        UC
The White Towers                   S         UC
The Wind Throne                    S         FX
*The Witch-king                    RC        FX
The Witch-king Unleased            RE        R
The Worthy Hills                   S         R
They Ride Together                 RE        R
Thing Stolen                       RE        UC
*Thranduil's Halls                 S         FX
Threats                            RE        R
Threlin                            MC        R
Thrice Outnumbered                 HE        UC
Thunder's Companion                HC        C
Tidings of Bold Spies              HE        C
Tidings of Death                   RE        R
*Tidings of Doubt and Danger       HE        UC
*To Satisfy the Questioner         RE        C
*Trifling Ring                     RI        C
Troll Lout                         MC        C
Troll-chief                        MC        UC/FX
*Tros Hesnef                       MC        UC
*True Fire-drake                   HC        C
*Twilight                          HE        C
Two-headed Troll                   A         R
Uchel                              MC        UC
Ufthak                             MC        R
Ulkaur the Tongueless              MC        R
Umbarean Corsairs                  FAC       UC
*Under His Blow                    RE        C
Ungol-Orcs                         FAC       UC
*Urlurtsu Nurn                      S         R
Uruk-hai                           FAC       R
Uruk-lieutenant                    HC        R
*█vatha the Ringwraith              RC        FX
█vatha Unleashed                   RE        R
*Vale of Erech                     S         FX
Variag Camp                        S         FX
Variags of Khand                   FAC       FX
Veils Flung Away                   HE        UC
Veils of Shadow                    RE        R
Voices of Malice                   RE        C
Waiting Shadow                     HE        R
Wake of War                        HE        C
Wandering Eldar                    HC        R
Wargs                              HC        C
Wargs of the Forochel              FAC       R
*War-warg                          A         C
*War-wolf                          A         C
*Watcher in the Water               HC        UC
We Have Come to Kill               RE        R
*Weariness of the Heart             HE        C
Webs of Fear and Treachery         HE        R
*Weigh All Things to a Nicety       RE        C
Where There's a Whip               RE        R
While the Yellow Face Sleeps       RE        R
*Whip                              RI        UC
White Mountain Wolves              FAC       R
*Wild Trolls                       HC        C
Wisdom to Wield                    RE        UC
*Woodmen-town                      S         FX
*Woodmen                           FAC       FX
Words of Menace and Deceit         RE        R
Wose Passage-hold                  S         UC
Woses of the Eryn Vorn             FAC       R
Wrath of the West                  HE        UC
Zarak D√m                          S         FX

> Wizards:

Type  Name                         Type/Race         Rarity  
*C    Adrazar                      Dunadan           F1
*C    Anborn                       Dunadan           U 
*C    Aragorn II                   Dunadan           F1
*C    Beregond                     Dunadan           F1
*C    Beretar                      Dunadan           U 
*C    Bergil                       Dunadan           U 
*C    Boromir II                   Dunadan           F2
*C    Damrod                       Dunadan           U 
*C    Denethor II                  Dunadan           R 
*C    Faramir                      Dunadan           F1
*C    Forlong                      Dunadan           B1
*C    Halbarad                     Dunadan           U 
 C    Haldalam                     Dunadan           R 
 C    Imrahil                      Dunadan           U 
*C    Mablung                      Dunadan           U 
*C    Balin                        Dwarf             U 
*C    Bifur                        Dwarf             B1
*C    Bofur                        Dwarf             B1
*C    Bombur                       Dwarf             U 
*C    Dain II                      Dwarf             R 
 C    Dori                         Dwarf             U 
 C    Dwalin                       Dwarf             B1
*C    Fili                         Dwarf             U 
*C    Gimli                        Dwarf             F1
 C    Gloin                        Dwarf             U 
*C    Kili                         Dwarf             F2
 C    Nori                         Dwarf             B1
 C    Oin                          Dwarf             U 
 C    Ori                          Dwarf             B1
 C    Thorin II                    Dwarf             R 
*C    Annalena                     Elf               F2
 C    Arinmir                      Elf               U 
 C    Arwen                        Elf               R 
*C    Celeborn                     Elf               F1
*C    Cirdan                       Elf               R 
*C    Elladan                      Elf               F1
*C    Elrohir                      Elf               F1
*C    Elrond                       Elf               R 
 C    Galadriel                    Elf               R 
*C    Gildor Inglorion             Elf               F1
*C    Glorfindel II                Elf               F1
 C    Haldir                       Elf               U 
 C    Legolas                      Elf               U 
 C    Orophin                      Elf               B1
*C    Thranduil                    Elf               F1
*C    Bilbo                        Hobbit            R 
 C    Frodo                        Hobbit            R 
 C    Merry                        Hobbit            U 
*C    Pippin                       Hobbit            U 
*C    Robin Smallburrow            Hobbit            F2
*C    Sam Gamgee                   Hobbit            U 
*C    Bard Bowman                  Man               F2
*C    Barliman Butterbur           Man               U 
*C    Beorn                        Man               F1
 C    Eomer                        Man               U 
*C    Eowyn                        Man               U 
*C    Erkenbrand                   Man               F1
*C    Galva                        Man               R 
*C    Gamling the Old              Man               U 
 C    Ghan-Buri-Ghan               Man               U 
*C    Hama                         Man               B1
*C    Peath                        Man               F1
*C    Theoden                      Man               F1
 C    Voteli                       Man               B1
 C    Vygavril                     Man               R 
 C    Wacho                        Man               U 
*C    Alatar                       Wizard            F2
*C    Gandalf                      Wizard            F2
*C    Pallando                     Wizard            F2
*C    Radagast                     Wizard            F2
*C    Saruman                      Wizard            F2
 E    Black Arrow                  Promotional       P 
*E    Bill the Pony                Ally              U 
*E    Goldberry                    Ally              U 
*E    Gollum                       Ally              U 
 E    Gwaihir                      Ally              R 
 E    Leaflock                     Ally              U 
*E    Quickbeam                    Ally              U 
 E    Roac the Raven               Ally              R 
 E    Shadowfax                    Ally              R 
 E    Skinbark                     Ally              R 
 E    Tom Bombadil                 Ally              R 
*E    Treebeard                    Ally              U 
 E    Clear Skies                  Event, Long       R 
 E    Elf Song                     Event, Long       R 
 E    Fog                          Event, Long       U 
 E    Lapse of Will                Event, Long       U 
 E    Moon                         Event, Long       U 
*E    Sun                          Event, Long       U 
*E    Align Palantir               Event, Perm       U 
 E    Anduril, The Flame of the    Event, Perm       R 
*E    Dreams of Lore               Event, Perm       A2
*E    Fellowship                   Event, Perm       A2
*E    Gates of Morning             Event, Perm       F5
*E    Morannon                     Event, Perm       R 
*E    Reforging                    Event, Perm       A1
*E    Rescue Prisoners             Event, Perm       A2
*E    Return of the King           Event, Perm       R 
*E    Sacrifice of Form            Event, Perm       R 
 E    Stone of Erech               Event, Perm       R 
 E    The White Tree               Event, Perm       R 
*E    A Chance Meeting             Event, Short      B1
*E    A Friend or Three            Event, Short      B2
*E    Anduin River                 Event, Short      B2
*E    Ash Mountains                Event, Short      B1
*E    Block                        Event, Short      A1
*E    Bridge                       Event, Short      U 
*E    Concealment                  Event, Short      A1
*E    Cracks of Doom               Event, Short      U 
*E    Dark Quarrels                Event, Short      A2
*E    Dodge                        Event, Short      A1
 E    Eagle-Mounts                 Event, Short      R 
 E    Escape                       Event, Short      A1
*E    Fair Sailing                 Event, Short      R 
*E    Fair Travels in              Event, Short      A1
 E    Fair Travels in              Event, Short      R 
 E    Fair Travels in              Event, Short      R 
*E    Fair Travels in              Event, Short      A1
*E    Fair Travels in Wilderness   Event, Short      A1
*E    Far-sight                    Event, Short      A1
*E    Favor of the Valar           Event, Short      R 
*E    Ford                         Event, Short      A1
 E    Gollum's Fate                Event, Short      R 
 E    Great Ship                   Event, Short      R 
*E    Great-Road                   Event, Short      A1
*E    Halfling Stealth             Event, Short      B2
*E    Halfling Strength            Event, Short      B2
*E    Hiding                       Event, Short      R 
 E    Horses                       Event, Short      A1
*E    Kindling of the Spirit       Event, Short      A1
 E    Lordly Presence              Event, Short      B2
*E    Lucky Search                 Event, Short      R 
*E    Lucky Strike                 Event, Short      A1
 E    Mirror of Galadriel          Event, Short      U 
*E    Misty Mountains              Event, Short      B2
 E    Mountains of Shadow          Event, Short      B1
*E    Muster                       Event, Short      A1
*E    Narya                        Event, Short      R 
*E    Nenya                        Event, Short      R 
*E    New Friendship               Event, Short      B1
 E    Old Friendship               Event, Short      B1
 E    Old Road                     Event, Short      B2
 E    Paths of the Dead            Event, Short      R 
 E    Persuasive Words             Event, Short      B1
*E    Praise to Elbereth           Event, Short      U 
 E    Quiet Lands                  Event, Short      U 
 E    Ringlore                     Event, Short      U 
*E    Risky Blow                   Event, Short      A1
 E    Secret Entrance              Event, Short      R 
*E    Secret Passage               Event, Short      A1
*E    Stars                        Event, Short      U 
 E    Stealth                      Event, Short      A1
 E    Tempering Friendship         Event, Short      B2
*E    Test of Form                 Event, Short      A2
*E    Test of Lore                 Event, Short      A2
*E    The Cock Crows               Event, Short      U 
*E    The Evenstar                 Event, Short      U 
*E    The Old Thrush               Event, Short      U 
*E    Thorough Search              Event, Short      A1
 E    True Fana                    Event, Short      R 
*E    Use Palantir                 Event, Short      U 
*E    Vanishment                   Event, Short      A1
 E    Vilya                        Event, Short      R 
 E    White Mountains              Event, Short      B1
 E    Wizard's Fire                Event, Short      R 
 E    Wizard's Flame               Event, Short      U 
*E    Wizard's Laughter            Event, Short      U 
*E    Wizard's River Horses        Event, Short      U 
*E    Wizard's Test                Event, Short      A1
*E    Wizard's Voice               Event, Short      R 
 E    Knights of Dol Amroth        Faction, Dunadan  U 
*E    Rangers of Ithilien          Faction, Dunadan  F1
*E    Rangers of the North         Faction, Dunadan  F1
*E    Tower Guard of Minas Tirith  Faction, Dunadan  F1
*E    Blue Mountain Dwarves        Faction, Dwarf    U 
*E    Iron Hill Dwarves            Faction, Dwarf    F1
*E    The Great Eagles             Faction, Eagle    U 
 E    Elves of Lindon              Faction, Elf      R 
*E    Wood-Elves                   Faction, Elf      F1
*E    Ents of Fangorn              Faction, Ent      F1
 E    Hobbits                      Faction, Hobbit   R 
*E    Beornings                    Faction, Man      F1
*E    Dunlendings                  Faction, Man      F1
 E    Easterlings                  Faction, Man      R 
*E    Hillmen                      Faction, Man      U 
*E    Lossoth                      Faction, Man      U 
 E    Men of Anfalas               Faction, Man      U 
*E    Men of Anorien               Faction, Man      F1
 E    Men of Dorwinion             Faction, Man      U 
 E    Men of Lamedon               Faction, Man      U 
 E    Men of Lebennin              Faction, Man      U 
 E    Men of Northern Rhovanion    Faction, Man      U 
*E    Riders of Rohan              Faction, Man      F1
 E    Southrons                    Faction, Man      R 
 E    Variags of Khand             Faction, Man      R 
 E    Woodmen                      Faction, Man      U 
 E    Army of the Dead             Faction, Special  R 
*E    Woses of the Druadan Forest  Faction, Wose     U 
*E    Woses of the Old Pukel-land  Faction, Wose     R 
*E    Beautiful Gold Ring          Item, Gold Ring   A2
*E    Fair Gold Ring               Item, Gold Ring   A2
*E    Precious Gold Ring           Item, Gold Ring   A2
*E    Narsil                       Item, Greater     U 
 E    Orcrist                      Item, Greater     U 
 E    Palantir of Amon-Sul         Item, Greater     R 
*E    Palantir of Annuminas        Item, Greater     R 
 E    Palantir of Osgiliath        Item, Greater     R 
 E    Scroll of Isildur            Item, Greater     U 
 E    The Arkenstone               Item, Greater     R 
*E    The Mithril-Coat             Item, Greater     R 
*E    Durin's Axe                  Item, Major       U 
 E    Glamdring                    Item, Major       U 
*E    Great-Shield of Rohan        Item, Major       U 
*E    Hauberk of Bright Mail       Item, Major       A1
*E    Red Arrow                    Item, Major       U 
*E    Sapling of the White Tree    Item, Major       U 
*E    Sword of Gondolin            Item, Major       A2
*E    Torque of Hues               Item, Major       U 
*E    Athelas                      Item, Minor       U 
*E    Dagger of Westernesse        Item, Minor       A2
*E    Elf-Stone                    Item, Minor       B2
*E    Elven Cloak                  Item, Minor       A2
*E    Healing Herbs                Item, Minor       A2
*E    Horn of Anor                 Item, Minor       B1
*E    Miruvor                      Item, Minor       A1
*E    Potion of Prowess            Item, Minor       A1
*E    Shield of Iron-Bound Ash     Item, Minor       A2
*E    Star-Glass                   Item, Minor       U 
*E    Sting                        Item, Minor       U 
*E    Book of Mazarbul             Item, Special     U 
*E    Dwarven Ring of Barin's      Item, Special     R 
 E    Dwarven Ring of Bavor's      Item, Special     R 
*E    Dwarven Ring of Druin's      Item, Special     R 
 E    Dwarven Ring of Durin's      Item, Special     R 
 E    Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's     Item, Special     R 
*E    Dwarven Ring of Thelor's     Item, Special     U 
*E    Dwarven Ring of Thrar's      Item, Special     U 
*E    Earth of Galadriel's         Item, Special     U 
*E    Ent-Draughts                 Item, Special     U 
*E    Lesser Ring                  Item, Special     U 
*E    Magic Ring of Courage        Item, Special     U 
*E    Magic Ring of Lore           Item, Special     U 
 E    Magic Ring of Nature         Item, Special     U 
 E    Magic Ring of Stealth        Item, Special     U 
*E    Magic Ring of Words          Item, Special     U 
*E    Palantir of Elostirion       Item, Special     U 
 E    Palantir of Minas Tirith     Item, Special     U 
*E    Palantir of Orthanc          Item, Special     U 
 E    Red Book of Westmarch        Item, Special     U 
*E    The One Ring                 Item, Special     R 
 E    Wizard's Ring                Item, Special     R 
 H    Neeker Breekers                                P 
*H    "Bert" (Burat)               Creature          U 
 H    "Tom" (Tuma)                 Creature          U 
*H    "William" (Wuluag)           Creature          U 
*H    Abductor                     Creature          A1
 H    Agburanar                    Creature          R 
*H    Ambusher                     Creature          A1
 H    Assassin                     Creature          R 
*H    Barrow-Wight                 Creature          U 
*H    Brigands                     Creature          A2
*H    Cave-Drake                   Creature          A2
*H    Corpse-Candle                Creature          A1
*H    Corsairs of Umbar            Creature          U 
*H    Crebain                      Creature          A1
*H    Daelomin                     Creature          R 
 H    Fell Turtle                  Creature          R 
*H    Ghosts                       Creature          A1
*H    Ghouls                       Creature          A1
*H    Giant                        Creature          A2
*H    Giant Spiders                Creature          A2
*H    Half-Trolls of Far Harad     Creature          A1
*H    Huorn                        Creature          A1
*H    Leucaruth                    Creature          R 
*H    Mumak (Oliphant)             Creature          R 
*H    Old Man Willow               Creature          U 
 H    Olog-Hai (Trolls)            Creature          U 
 H    Orc-Guard                    Creature          A1
 H    Orc-Lieutenant               Creature          U 
*H    Orc-Patrol                   Creature          A2
*H    Orc-Raiders                  Creature          A2
*H    Orc-Warband                  Creature          A1
*H    Orc-Warriors                 Creature          A2
*H    Orc-Watch                    Creature          A1
*H    Pick-Pocket                  Creature          U 
*H    Pukel-Men                    Creature          R 
*H    Rogrog                       Creature          R 
 H    Silent Watcher               Creature          R 
*H    Slayer                       Creature          A1
 H    Smaug                        Creature          R 
*H    The Great Goblin             Creature          R 
 H    Thief                        Creature          R 
*H    Wargs                        Creature          A2
*H    Watcher in the Water         Creature          U 
*H    Wolves                       Creature          A2
 H    Adunaphel                    Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Akhorahil                    Creature/Event,P  R 
 H    Dwar of Waw                  Creature/Event,P  R 
 H    Hoarmurath of Dir            Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Indur Dawndeath              Creature/Event,P  R 
 H    Khamul the Easterling        Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Ren the Unclean              Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Shelob                       Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Uvantha the Horseman         Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Witch-king of Angmar         Creature/Event,P  R 
*H    Mouth of Sauron              Creature/Event,S  R 
*H    Awaken Denizens              Event, Long       A2
*H    Awaken Minions               Event, Long       A2
 H    Clouds                       Event, Long       R 
 H    Eye of Sauron                Event, Long       R 
*H    Fell Winter                  Event, Long       A1
*H    Foul Fumes                   Event, Long       A1
*H    Long Winter                  Event, Long       A1
 H    Minions Stir                 Event, Long       U 
*H    Morgul Night                 Event, Long       R 
 H    Night                        Event, Long       A1
*H    Plague of Wights             Event, Long       U 
*H    Snowstorm                    Event, Long       R 
*H    Storms of Osse               Event, Long       R 
 H    The Balance of Things        Event, Long       R 
 H    Wake of War                  Event, Long       U 
 H    Balrog of Moria              Event, Perm       R 
 H    Bane of the Ithil Stone      Event, Perm       R 
*H    Despair of the Heart         Event, Perm       A1
*H    Doors of Night               Event, Perm       F5
*H    Lure of Creation             Event, Perm       U 
 H    Lure of Expedience           Event, Perm       A1
*H    Lure of Nature               Event, Perm       A2
 H    Lure of Power                Event, Perm       R 
*H    Lure of the Senses           Event, Perm       A1
*H    Morgul-Knife                 Event, Perm       R 
*H    Siege                        Event, Perm       R 
*H    The Burden of Time           Event, Perm       U 
 H    The Nazgul Are Abroad        Event, Perm       R 
*H    The Pale Sword               Event, Perm       R 
*H    The Will of Sauron           Event, Perm       R 
*H    Traitor                      Event, Perm       R 
*H    Arouse Denizens              Event, Short      A2
*H    Arouse Minions               Event, Short      A2
*H    Awaken the Earth's Fire      Event, Short      U 
*H    Call of Home                 Event, Short      A2
*H    Call of the Sea              Event, Short      U 
*H    Choking Shadows              Event, Short      A1
 H    Dragon's Desolation          Event, Short      U 
*H    Drowning Seas                Event, Short      U 
*H    Fell Beast                   Event, Short      R 
*H    Gloom                        Event, Short      A1
*H    Greed                        Event, Short      A1
*H    Lost at Sea                  Event, Short      R 
*H    Lost in Border-lands         Event, Short      A1
*H    Lost in Dark-Domains         Event, Short      R 
*H    Lost in Free-Domains         Event, Short      A1
*H    Lost in Shadow-lands         Event, Short      A1
 H    Lost in the Wilderness       Event, Short      A1
 H    Morgul-Horse                 Event, Short      R 
*H    Muster Disperses             Event, Short      A1
*H    New Moon                     Event, Short      U 
*H    River                        Event, Short      A2
 H    The Precious                 Event, Short      R 
*H    The Ring's Betrayal          Event, Short      U 
*H    The Will of the Ring         Event, Short      R 
*H    Tookish Blood                Event, Short      B1
*H    Twilight                     Event, Short      A2
*H    Weariness of the Heart       Event, Short      A2
*H    Words of Power and Terror    Event, Short      R 
*R    Anduin Vales                 Border-lands      B2
 R    Dorwinion                    Border-lands      B1
*R    Gap of Isen                  Border-lands      B2
*R    Lamedon                      Border-lands      B1
 R    Rohan                        Border-lands      B2
*R    Woodland Realm               Border-lands      B2
*R    Andrast Coast                Coastal Seas      B1
 R    Bay of Belfalas              Coastal Seas      B1
 R    Elven Shores                 Coastal Seas      B1
*R    Eriadoran Coast              Coastal Seas      B1
*R    Mouths of the Anduin         Coastal Seas      B1
 R    Gorgoroth                    Dark-domains      B1
 R    Gundabad                     Dark-domains      B1
 R    Nurn                         Dark-domains      B1
*R    Southern Mirkwood            Dark-domains      B2
*R    Udun                         Dark-domains      B1
*R    Anorien                      Free-domains      B2
 R    Belfalas                     Free-domains      B1
*R    Lebennin                     Free-domains      B2
*R    Lindon                       Free-domains      B2
*R    The Shire                    Free-domains      B1
 R    Angmar                       Shadow-lands      B1
 R    Brown Lands                  Shadow-lands      B1
 R    Dagorlad                     Shadow-lands      B1
*R    Grey Mountain Narrows        Shadow-lands      B1
 R    Horse Plains                 Shadow-lands      B1
*R    Imlad Morgul                 Shadow-lands      B1
*R    Khand                        Shadow-lands      B1
*R    Andrast                      Wilderness        B1
*R    Anfalas                      Wilderness        B2
*R    Arthedain                    Wilderness        B2
*R    Cardolan                     Wilderness        B2
 R    Dunland                      Wilderness        B1
 R    Enedhwaith                   Wilderness        B1
 R    Fangorn                      Wilderness        B1
*R    Forochel                     Wilderness        B1
 R    Harondor                     Wilderness        B1
*R    Heart of Mirkwood            Wilderness        B1
*R    High Pass                    Wilderness        B2
*R    Hollin                       Wilderness        B2
*R    Iron Hills                   Wilderness        B1
 R    Ithilien                     Wilderness        B1
*R    Northern Rhovanion           Wilderness        B2
*R    Numeriador                   Wilderness        B1
 R    Old Pukel Gap                Wilderness        B1
*R    Old Pukel-land               Wilderness        B1
*R    Redhorn Gate                 Wilderness        B2
 R    Rhudaur                      Wilderness        B2
 R    Southern Rhovanion           Wilderness        B1
*R    Western Mirkwood             Wilderness        B1
*R    Withered Heath               Wilderness        B1
*R    Wold & Foothills             Wilderness        B2
*S    Bree                         Border-holds      F1
*S    Cameth Brin                  Border-holds      B1
 S    Druadan Forest               Border-holds      B1
 S    Dunharrow                    Border-holds      R 
*S    Dunnish Clan-Hold            Border-holds      F1
*S    Easterling Camp              Border-holds      R 
 S    Henneth Annun                Border-holds      F1
 S    Lake-Town                    Border-holds      B1
 S    Lond Galen                   Border-holds      B1
 S    Lossadan Camp                Border-holds      B1
*S    Old Forest                   Border-holds      A1
 S    Shrel-Kain                   Border-holds      B1
*S    Southron Oasis               Border-holds      R 
*S    Vale of Erech                Border-holds      R 
 S    Variag Camp                  Border-holds      R 
 S    Woodmen-Town                 Border-holds      B1
 S    Wose Passage-Hold            Border-holds      B1
 S    Barad-Dur                    Dark-holds        R 
 S    Carn Dum                     Dark-holds        R 
 S    Cirith Ungol                 Dark-holds        R 
 S    Dol Guldur                   Dark-holds        R 
*S    Minas Morgul                 Dark-holds        R 
*S    Bag End                      Free-holds        F2
*S    Beorn's House                Free-holds        F1
*S    Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold     Free-holds        B1
 S    Dol Amroth                   Free-holds        B1
 S    Eagle's Eyrie                Free-holds        B1
*S    Edoras                       Free-holds        F1
*S    Iron Hill Dwarf-hold         Free-holds        F1
*S    Minas Tirith                 Free-holds        F2
 S    Pelargir                     Free-holds        B1
*S    Rhosgobel                    Free-holds        F2
*S    Thranduil's Halls            Free-holds        F1
*S    Wellinghall                  Free-holds        F1
*S    Edhellond                    Haven             C 
*S    Grey Havens                  Haven             C 
*S    Lorien                       Haven             C 
*S    Rivendell                    Haven             C 
*S    Amon Hen                     Ruins & Lairs     A1
*S    Bandit Lair                  Ruins & Lairs     F3
 S    Barrow-Downs                 Ruins & Lairs     F1
 S    Caves of Ulund               Ruins & Lairs     U 
*S    Dancing Spire                Ruins & Lairs     U 
 S    Dimrill Dale                 Ruins & Lairs     U 
*S    Ettenmoors                   Ruins & Lairs     A1
*S    Gladden Fields               Ruins & Lairs     A1
 S    Glittering Caves             Ruins & Lairs     U 
 S    Himring                      Ruins & Lairs     U 
 S    Irerock                      Ruins & Lairs     U 
*S    Isengard                     Ruins & Lairs     F2
*S    Isles of the Dead That Live  Ruins & Lairs     R 
 S    Lossadan Cairn               Ruins & Lairs     A1
*S    Ost-In-Edhil                 Ruins & Lairs     U 
*S    Ruined Signal Tower          Ruins & Lairs     F2
*S    Stone-Circle                 Ruins & Lairs     R 
*S    The Lonely Mountain          Ruins & Lairs     F2
*S    The Stones                   Ruins & Lairs     R 
*S    The White Towers             Ruins & Lairs     U 
 S    The Wind Throne              Ruins & Lairs     F5
*S    Tolfalas                     Ruins & Lairs     R 
*S    Weathertop                   Ruins & Lairs     F4
*S    Dead Marshes                 Shadow-holds      U 
*S    Goblin-Gate                  Shadow-holds      F2
*S    Moria                        Shadow-holds      F3
 S    Mount Doom                   Shadow-holds      U 
 S    Mount Gram                   Shadow-holds      F2
 S    Mount Gundabad               Shadow-holds      U 
 S    Sarn Goriwing                Shadow-holds      A1
 S    Shelob's Lair                Shadow-holds      R 

> Against The Shadow:

No.	Name
1)	A Lie in Your Eyes
*2)	Above the Abyss 
3)	Alatar the Hunter
*4)	All the Bells Ringing
*5)	Alliance of Free Peoples
*6)	Alone and Unadvised
7)	Ancient Black Axe
8)	Angmarim
9)	Angmarim
10)	Asdraigs
11)	The Ash Mountain Deeps
12)	Bairanax Roused
13)	The Balrog
*14)	Biter and Beater!
*15)	Black Horse
16)	Black N·men≤reans
*17)	Bow of the Galadhrim
18)	B√rat ("Bert")
19)	Cirith Gorgor
*20)	Come at Need
*21)	Corsairs of Rh√n
22)	Creature of an Older World
23)	Daelomin Roused
24)	Dancing Spire
25)	The Dark Power
26)	Dark Tryst
27)	Driven By a Madness
28)	Drughu
29)	Durin's Folk
*30)	Dwarven Ring of ThΘlor's Tribe
*31)	Dwarven Ring of Thrßr's Tribe
*32)	Dwarven Travelers
33)	Eagles' Eyrie
34)	EΣrcaraxδ Roused
35)	Early Harvest
*36)	Edhellond
*37)	Enchanted Stream
38)	Enchantments of Surpassing Excellence
*39)	Eye Never Sleeping
*40)	Faithless Steward
41)	Far Below the Deepest Delvings
42)	Farmer Maggot
43)	Fealty Under Trial
45)	Framsburg
*46)	Full of Froth and Rage
*47)	Galadhrim
48)	Gandalf the Wanderer
49)	Geann a-Lisch
50)	The Gem-deeps
51)	Gobel Mφrlond
*52)	Goblin Earth-plumb
53)	Gold Hill
*54)	Great Bats
55)	The Great Eye
*56)	Great Lord of Goblin-gate
57)	Grey Havens
58)	Hail of Darts
*59)	Haradrim
60)	Haradrim
61)	Helm of Fear
*62)	Himring
63)	Hoard Well-searched
64)	Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
*65)	Hounds of Sauron
66)	Irerock
*67)	The Iron-deeps
68)	Iron Shield of Old
*69)	Isle of the Ulond
*70)	Isles of the Dead that Live
*71)	Itangast Roused
72)	Ithil-stone
*73)	Jewel of Beleriand
*74)	Join With That Power
75)	Knights of the Prince
76)	Lady of the Golden Wood
*77)	Legendary Stair
*78)	Leucaruth Roused
79)	Lord of the Carrock
80)	Lord of the Haven
81)	L≤rien
82)	Master of the House
83)	Ma·hur
*84)	Mεonid
*85)	The Misty Mountain Deeps
*86)	Morgul-orcs
87)	Mount Slain
*88)	The Mountains of Shadow Deeps
89)	Near to Hear a Whisper
90)	Necklace of Girion
*91)	No Strangers at this Time
92)	N√riags
*93)	Nurniag Camp
94)	N√rniags
95)	Old Forest
96)	Old Treasure
97)	One Foe to Breed a War
*98)	Orc-mail
99)	Orcs of Dol Guldur
100)	Orders from Lugb·rz
*101)	Our Own Wolves
102)	Ovir Hollow
*103)	Padding Feet
104)	Pallando the Soul-keeper
*105)	Perchen
106)	Petty-dwarves
107)	Petty-dwarves
*108)	Pilfer Anything Unwatched
109)	Power Against the Shadow
*110)	Power Built by Waiting
111)	Powers too Dark and Terrible
*112)	The P√kel-deeps
113)	Radagast the Tamer
*114)	Raider-hold
*115)	Records Unread
*116)	Regiment of Black Crows
*117)	Returned Beyond All Hope
*118)	Rhosgobel
*119)	Ride Against the Enemy
120)	Riven Gate
*121)	Rivendell
*122)	Sack Over the Head
*123)	Safe from the Shadow
*124)	Saruman the Wise
*125)	Secret Book
*126)	Short Legs are Slow
*127)	Slip Treacherously
128)	Spies Feared
*129)	Steeds
*130)	Steward's Guard
*131)	Stout Men of Gondor
132)	The Sulfur-deeps
*133)	Summons from Long Sleep
*134)	The Sun Unveiled
135)	Thong of Fire
136)	Thrall-ring
137)	Thr≤r's Map
138)	Tokens to Show
*139)	Tolfalas
*140)	The Tormented Earth
141)	Tower Raided
142)	Treason the Greatest Foe
*143)	Tribute Garnered
144)	Trolls from the Mountains
145)	Troth-ring
*146)	Trouble on All Borders
147)	T√ma ("Tom")
*148)	Turning Hope to Despair
*149)	The Undeeps of Anduin
150)	The Under-courts
*151)	The Under-galleries
*152)	The Under-gates
*153)	The Under-grottos
*154)	The Under-leas
*155)	The Under-roads
156)	The Under-vaults
157)	Unhappy Blows
*158)	Use Your Legs
*159)	Usriev of Treachery
*160)	Wain-easterlings
*161)	Wain-easterlings
162)	Weathertop
*163)	Well-preserved
164)	Wellinghall
*165)	The White Mountains Cavern-ways
166)	Will Shaken
167)	World Gnawed by the Nameless
*168)	The Worthy Hills
169)	Woses of the Eryn Vorn
*170)	W√luag ("William")

> White Hand:

Name				Rarity	Aligment	Type
*A Merrier World		C3	SR	PE
*A New Ringlord			R3	SR	PE
*A Panoply of Wings		C3	HR	AF
 A Strident Spawn		U3	SR 	PE
*Alatar				C4	FW 	Character
*An Untimely Brood		C3	SR	PE
 Arcane School			R3	SR	PE
 Await the Onset		R2	SR	PE
*Bad Company			C3	SR	PE
*Beasts of the Wood		C3	HR	AF
 The Black Council		R3	MR	PE
 Blasting Fire			C4	MR	Special Item
*Blind to All Else		C3	SR	PE 
*Blind to the West		C4	Hazard	Short-event
 Bow of Alatar			R2	SR	PE
 Cast from the Order		R2	Hazard	PE
 Chambers in the Royal Court	U3	SR	PE
 Counterfeit			R3	MR	PE
*Crept Along Cleverly		C4	MR	Short-event
 Cruel Claw Perceived		R3	Hazard	PE
*Deep Mines			C3	Ruins & Lairs	Site
*Delver's Harvest		U3	SR	PE
 Doeth (Durthak)		R2	Minion	Character
*Double-dealing			C4	SR	PE
*Earth-eater			R3	SR	PE
*Echoes of the Song		C4	Hazard	Short-event
 Euog (Ulzog)			R2	Minion	Character
 The Fiery Blade		R3	MR	PE
 Flotsam and Jetsam		R3	Hazard	PE
*Fool's Bane			U3	Hazard	PE	
*The Forge-master		U3	SR	PE
*The Fortress of Isen		U3	SR	PE
*Fortress of the Towers		U3	SR	PE
 Foul Tooth Unsheathed		C3	Hazard	PE
 Friend of Secret Things	U3	SR	PE
*Gandalf			C4	FW	Character
 Gandalf's Friend		U3	SR	PE
*Gatherer of Loyalties		C3	SR	PE
*Girdle of Radagast		R2	SR	PE
*Give Welcome to the UnexpectedR2	SR	PE
*Glove of Radagast		R2	SR	PE
 Gnawed Ways			R3	SR	PE
 Goblin-faces			R3	Hazard	Creature
*Govern the Storms		R3	MR	Short-event
*The Great Hunt			R2	SR	PE
*Great Patron			C3	SR	PE
*Great Ruse			U3	SR	PE
 Greater Half-orcs		R3	SR	Orc Faction
 Grey Embassy			U3	SR	PE
*The Grey Hat			U3	SR	PE
 Guarded Haven			U3	SR	PE
*Half-orcs			U3	SR	Orc Faction
*Heart Grown Cold		U3	Hazard	PE
*Hidden Haven			C4	SR	PE
*Huntsman's Garb		U3	SR	PE
*Ill-favoured Fellow		C3	Minion	Character
*In the Grip of Ambition	C3	Hazard	PE
*Inner Rot			R3	Hazard	PE
*Ire of the East		C4	Hazard	Short-event
*Isengard			C3	Wizardhaven	Site
*Join the Hunt			U3	SR	Permanent-vent
 Keys of Orthanc		R2	SR	Special Item
 Keys to the White Towers	R2	SR	Special Item
*Legacy of Smiths		C3	SR	PE
 Liquid Fire			R3	MR	Special Item
*Longing for the West		U3	Hazard	PE
*Lugdush			U3	Minion	Character
*Man of Skill			U3	SR	PE
*Many-coloured Robes		U3	SR	PE
*Mask Torn			R3	Hazard	PE
*Master of Shapes		U3	SR	PE
 Mechanical Bow			C4	MR	Major Item
 Mischief in a Mean Way		R3	SR	PE
*Nature's Revenge		R3	Hazard	PE
 Never Refuse			U3	SR	PE
*Noble Steed			C4	HR	Ally
*Open to the Summons		U3	MR	PE
 Oromδ's Warders		R2	SR	PE
*Pallando			C4	FW	Character
*Pallando's Apprentice		U3	SR	PE
*Pallando's Hood		U3	SR	PE
*Piercing All Shadows		U3	MR	PE
*Plotting Ruin			C3	SR	PE
*Pocketed Robes			U3	SR	PE
*Poison of his Voice		U3	MR	Short-event
 Power Relinquished to ArtificR3	Hazard	PE
*Promptings of Wisdom		U3	HR	PE
 Prophet of Doom		R2	SR	PE
*Radagast			C4	FW	Character
 Radagast's Black Bird		U3	SR	Scout/Diplomat Ally
*Rhosgobel			C3	Wizardhaven	Site
 Ring of Fire			R2	SR	PE
 Rolled down to the Sea		R2	Hazard	Short-event
*Saruman			C4	FW	Character
 Saruman's Machinery		R3	SR	PE
 Saruman's Ring			R2	SR	PE
*Shameful Deeds			U3	SR	PE
*Shifter of Hues		R3	SR	PE
*Sly Southerner			C3	Minion	Character
 Sojourn in Shadows		R3	MR	Short-event
 Something Else at Work		R3	Hazard		PE
 Spells Born of Discord		U3	SR	PE
*Squint-eyed Brute		C3	Minion	Character
*Squire of the Hunt		U3	SR	PE
*Stave of Pallando		R2	SR	PE
*Thrall of the Voice		C4	SR	PE
 Truths of Doom			U3	SR	PE
 Ugl£k				R2	Minion	Character
*Vile Fumes			U4	MR	Special Item
*War-forges			U3	SR	PE
*The White Council		R3	HR	PE
 The White Hand			R2	SR	PE
*White Light Broken		U3	MR	Short-event
*The White Towers		C4	Wizardhaven	Site
 The White Wizard		R2	HR	PE
*Whole Villages Roused		R3	Hazard	Short-event
 Wild Horses			R3	HR	AF
*Wild Hounds			U3	HR	AF
 Will You Not Come Down?	U3	Hazard	PE
*Winged Change-master		R3	SR	PE
*Wizard's Myrmidon		C3	SR	PE
*Wizard's Trove			R3	SR	PE	

> Balrog:

*1)   A Few Recruits 
2)   A More Evil Hour 
*3)   Ancient Deep-hold 
4)   Ancient Secrets
5)   Angband Revisited 
6)   Azog 
*7)   The Balrog 
8)   Barad-d√r 
9)   Beorning Skin-Changers
10)  Black Vapour
*11)  Bolg 
*12)  Breach the Hold 
13)  B√thrakaur
14)  Carn D√m 
15)  Carrion Feeders
16)  Cave Troll
17)  Caverns Unchoked 
18)  Cloaked by Darkness
*19)  Challenge the Power 
*20)  Crept Along Carefully
*21)  Crooked-legged Orc 
22)  Crowned with Storm 
23)  Darkness Made By Malice
24)  Darkness Wielded 
25)  Descent through Fire
26)  Desire All For The Belly
*27)  Diminish And Depart

29)  Dol Guldur
30)  The Drowing-deeps
*31)  Eddy in Fate's Tide
*32)  Elven Rope
33)  Evil Things Lingering
34)  Flame of Ud√n
*35)  Fled Into Darkness
36)  Foe Dismayed 
*37)  Gangways over the Fire 	
*38)  The Gem-deeps		
39)  Glance Of Arien		
40)  Going Ever Under Dark	
41)  Great Army Of The North	
42)  Great Fissure 
43)  Great Shadow 
*44)  Great Troll 
*45)  Grond		
46)  Heart of Dark Fire 
47)  Hill-troll 		
*48)  Imprisioned And Mocket	
49)  Invade Their Domain 	
50)  The Iron-deeps		
*51)  Long, Grievous Siege	
52)  Longbottom Leaf		
53)  Lord and Usurper		
54)  Maker's Map 			
55)  Memories of Old Torture 	
56)  Minas Morgul			
57)  Mine or No One's 		
58)  Monstrosity Of Diverse Shape
*59)  Moria					
60)  Mountain-maggot 			
61)  Nasty Slimy Thing 			
62)  No Better Use			
63)  Obey Him or Die 			
*64)  Olog Warlords			
*65)  Orders from the Great Demon 	
*66)  Out He Sprang 			
*67)  People Diminished 		
*68)  Press Gang				
69)  Prone To Violence			
*70)  The Pukel-deeps 			
71)  The Reek				
72)  Remains Of Thangorodrim		
73)  Roam the Waste 			
74)  Roots of the Earth 		
75)  Rumours Of Rings			
*76)  The Rusted-deeps			
*77)  Sauron				
78)  Scourge of Fire 			
79)  Shelob's Brood			
*80)  Show Things Unbidden		
81)  Spawn Of Ungoliant			
*82)  Stabbing Tongue of Fire 	
*83)  Strangling Coils 			
*84)  Strider				
85)  The Sulfur-deeps			
86)  The Sun Shone Firecely		
87)  Tempest of Fire 			
88)  Terror Heralds Doom 		
     To Fealtu Sworn			
89)  Umagaur 				
90)  Unbated In Malice			
91)  The Under-courts			
92)  The Under-galleries		
*93)  The Under-Gates			
*94)  The Under-grottos			
*95)  The Under-leas			
*96)  The Under-vaults			
97)  To Featy Sworn			
98)  Ungoliant's Progeny		
99)  Ungoliant's Foul Issue		
*100) The Wind-deeps			
101) Vanguard of Might 			
*102) Whip of Many Thongs 		
*103) Whispers Of Rings			

(M) 		Minion
(H)		Hero
Fact 		Faction
Min		Minion
Creat		Creature
HE		Hazard Event
FX		Fixed Pack (Podstawka)
B1		Booster Common (dostΩpny tylko w Boosterach)
A1		Boosters and Starters Common

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