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Angelo Montanini
 Athelas                       (U)
 Awaken the Earth's Fire       (U)
 Balin                         (U)
 Bard Bowman                   (F)
 Beornings                     (F)
 Beretar                       (U)
 Bifur                         (C)
 Blue Mountain Dwarves         (U)
 Bofur                         (C)
 Bombur                        (U)
 Boromir II                    (F)
 Corsairs of Umbar             (U)
 Dori                          (U)
 Drowning Seas                 (U)
 Dunlendings                   (F)
 Dwalin                        (C)
 Eomer                         (U)
 Eowyn                         (U)
 Faramir                       (F)
 Fili                          (U)
 Fog                           (U)
 Foul Fumes                    (C)
 Gloin                         (U)
 Hillmen                       (U)
 Horn of Anor                  (C)
 Iron Hill Dwarves             (F)
 Kili                          (F)
 Knights of Dol Amroth         (U)
 Men of Anfalas                (U)
 Men of Northern Rhovanion     (U)
 Merry                         (U)
 Mumak (Oliphant)              (R)
 Nenya                         (R)
 Nori                          (C)
 Oin                           (U)
 Olog-hai (Trolls)             (U)
 Ori                           (C)
 Pippin                        (U)
 Radagast                      (F)
 Rangers of Ithilien           (F)
 Rangers of the North          (F)
 Robin Smallburrow             (F)
 Sam Gamgee                    (U)
 Snowstorm                     (R)
 Storms of Osse                (R)
 The One Ring                  (R)
 Thorin II                     (R)
 Tower Guard of Minas Tirith   (F)
 Traitor                       (R)
 Woodmen                       (U)

Angus McBride
 Alatar                        (F)
 Ambusher                      (C)
 Annalena                      (F)
 Aragorn II                    (F)
 Arinmir                       (U)
 Arouse Denizens               (C)
 Arouse Minions                (C)
 Arwen                         (R)
 Assassin                      (R)
 Awaken Denizens               (C)
 Awaken Minions                (C)
 Barrow-downs                  (F)
 Bilbo                         (R)
 Block                         (C)
 Brigands                      (C)
 Celeborn                      (F)
 Dain II                       (R)
 Denethor II                   (R)
 Despair of the Heart          (C)
 Erkenbrand                    (F)
 Fellowship                    (C)
 Frodo                         (R)
 Galadriel                     (R)
 Gamling the Old               (U)
 Ghouls                        (C)
 Goldberry                     (U)
 Gollum                        (U)
 Lucky Strike                  (C)
 Minas Morgul                  (R)
 Minions Stir                  (U)
 Mirror of Galadriel           (U)
 Mount Gundabad                (U)
 Old Man Willow                (U)
 Pallando                      (F)
 Ringlore                      (U)
 Risky Blow                    (C)
 Rogrog                        (R)
 Saruman                       (F)
 Shadowfax                     (R)
 Siege                         (R)
 The Nazgul are Abroad         (R)
 The Ring's Betrayal           (U)
 The Will of Sauron            (R)
 Theoden                       (F)
 Tom Bombadil                  (R)
 Treebeard                     (U)
 Vanishment                    (C)
 Wellinghall                   (F)
 Wizard's Test                 (C)

April Lee
 Barliman Butterbur            (U)
 Elladan                       (F)
 Elrohir                       (F)
 Ghan-buri-Ghan                (U)
 Giant Spiders                 (C)
 Huorn                         (C)
 Lossoth                       (U)
 The Cock Crows                (U)
 Tookish Blood                 (C)

Audrey Corman
 Dw. Ring of Thrar's Tribe     (U)
 Glamdring                     (U)
 Great Ship                    (R)
 Great-shield of Rohan         (U)
 Hauberk of Bright Mail        (C)
 Magic Ring of Lore            (U)
 Narsil                        (U)
 Orcrist                       (U)
 The White Towers              (U)

Brian Snoddy
 Orc-patrol                    (C)
 Orc-warriors                  (C)
 Southrons                     (R)

Christina Wald
 Dol Guldur                    (R)
 Edhellond                     (C)
 Stone-circle                  (R)
 Thief                         (R)

Dameon Willich
 Abductor                      (C)
 Ford                          (C)
 Giant                         (C)
 Lure of Power                 (R)
 Orc-guard                     (C)
 Orc-watch                     (C)

Dan Frazier
 Dw. Ring of Bavor's Tribe     (R)
 Dw. Ring of Durin's Tribe     (R)

Daniel Gelon
 Dw. Ring of Druin's Tribe     (R)
 Dw. Ring of Dwalin's Tribe    (R)

Darryl Elliott
 Bandit Lair                   (F)
 Gloom                         (C)
 Miruvor                       (C)
 Moon                          (U)
 Potion of Prowess             (C)
 Red Arrow                     (U)
 Rescue Prisoners              (C)
 Sun                           (U)
 Test of Form                  (C)
 The Evenstar                  (U)
 Use Palantir                  (U)
 Vilya                         (R)

David Cherry
 True Fana                     (R)

David Deitrick
 Adrazar                       (F)
 Anborn                        (U)
 Cave-drake                    (C)
 Favor of the Valar            (R)
 Haldalam                      (R)
 Lapse of Will                 (U)
 Men of Anorien                (F)
 Men of Lamedon                (U)
 Muster                        (C)
 Slayer                        (C)
 Smaug                         (R)
 Tempering Friendship          (C)

David Martin
 Amon Hen                      (C)
 Cameth Brin                   (C)
 Daelomin                      (R)
 Glittering Caves              (U)
 Morannon                      (R)
 White Mountains               (C)

Donato Giancola
 Halfling Strength             (C)
 Imrahil                       (U)
 Lordly Presence               (C)
 Mouth of Sauron               (R)
 New Friendship                (C)
 Old Friendship                (C)
 Persuasive Words              (C)
 Praise to Elbereth            (U)
 Riders of Rohan               (F)
 Test of Lore                  (C)
 The Balance of Things         (R)
 The Burden of Time            (U)
 The Will of the Ring          (R)
 Thorough Search               (C)

Douglas Chaffee
 Quiet Lands                   (U)
 Stars                         (U)
 Tolfalas                      (R)

Edward Beard Jr.
 Beregond                      (F)
 Dragon's Desolation           (U)
 Druadan Forest                (C)
 Earth of Galadriel's Orchard  (U)
 Eye of Sauron                 (R)
 Fell Beast                    (R)
 Kindling of the Spirit        (C)
 Magic Ring of Courage         (U)
 Palantir of Osgiliath         (R)
 Paths of the Dead             (R)
 Wizard's Fire                 (R)
 Wizard's Laughter             (U)
 Woses of the Druadan Forest   (U)

Eric David Anderson
 Align Palantir                (U)
 Beorn's House                 (F)
 Dimrill Dale                  (U)
 Escape                        (C)
 Isengard                      (F)
 Lake-town                     (C)
 Minas Tirith                  (F)

Gail McIntosh
 Bill the Pony                 (U)
 Choking Shadows               (C)
 Fell Winter                   (C)
 Gwaihir                       (R)
 Leaflock                      (U)
 New Moon                      (U)
 Night                         (C)
 Quickbeam                     (U)
 Skinbark                      (R)
 The Great Goblin              (R)

Heather Hudson
 Easterlings                   (R)
 Half-trolls of Far Harad      (C)
 Orc-raiders                   (C)
 Orc-warband                   (C)
 Variags of Khand              (R)

J. Wallace Jones
 Carn Dum                      (R)
 Himring                       (U)
 Lond Galen                    (C)
 Lossadan Cairn                (C)
 Mount Doom                    (U)
 Pelargir                      (C)
 Sarn Goriwing                 (C)
 Shrel-Kain                    (C)
 Stone of Erech                (R)
 Vale of Erech                 (R)
 Woodmen-town                  (C)
 Wose Passage-hold             (C)

Jeffrey Reitz
 Bane of the Ithil-stone       (R)
 Narya                         (R)
 Palantir of Minas Tirith      (U)
 Precious Gold Ring            (C)
 Red Book of Westmarch         (U)

Jo Hartwig
 Andrast                       (C)
 Andrast Coast                 (C)
 Anduin Vales                  (C)
 Anfalas                       (C)
 Angmar                        (C)
 Anorien                       (C)
 Arthedain                     (C)
 Bay of Belfalas               (C)
 Belfalas                      (C)
 Brown Lands                   (C)
 Cardolan                      (C)
 Dagorlad                      (C)
 Dorwinion                     (C)
 Dunland                       (C)
 Elven Shores                  (C)
 Enedhwaith                    (C)
 Eriadoran Coast               (C)
 Fangorn                       (C)
 Forochel                      (C)
 Gap of Isen                   (C)
 Gorgoroth                     (C)
 Grey Mountain Narrows         (C)
 Gundabad                      (C)
 Harondor                      (C)
 Heart of Mirkwood             (C)
 High Pass                     (C)
 Hollin                        (C)
 Horse Plains                  (C)
 Imlad Morgul                  (C)
 Iron Hills                    (C)
 Ithilien                      (C)
 Khand                         (C)
 Lamedon                       (C)
 Lebennin                      (C)
 Lindon                        (C)
 Mouths of the Anduin          (C)
 Northern Rhovanion            (C)
 Numeriador                    (C)
 Nurn                          (C)
 Old Pukel Gap                 (C)
 Old Pukel-land                (C)
 Orc-lieutenant                (U)
 Redhorn Gate                  (C)
 Rhudaur                       (C)
 Rohan                         (C)
 Southern Mirkwood             (C)
 Southern Rhovanion            (C)
 The Great Eagles              (U)
 The Shire                     (C)
 Udun                          (C)
 Vygavril                      (R)
 Western Mirkwood              (C)
 Withered Heath                (C)
 Wold & Foothills              (C)
 Woodland Realm                (C)

Kaja Foglio
 Corpse-candle                 (C)
 Pukel-men                     (R)

Ken Meyer Jr.
 Long Winter                   (C)
 Lost in Shadow-lands          (C)

Kevin Ward
 Ash Mountains                 (C)
 Barad-dur                     (R)
 Clear Skies                   (R)
 Cracks of Doom                (U)
 Dreams of Lore                (C)
 Elrond                        (R)
 Fair Travels in Dark-domains  (R)
 Far-sight                     (C)
 Lost in Border-lands          (C)
 Lost in Free-domains          (C)
 Lure of Expedience            (C)
 Moria                         (F)
 Old Forest                    (C)
 Old Road                      (C)
 Secret Passage                (C)
 Shelob's Lair                 (R)
 The White Tree                (R)
 Watcher in the Water          (U)

Larry Forcella
 Beautiful Gold Ring           (C)
 Lesser Ring                   (U)

Liz Danforth
 Adunaphel                     (R)
 Akhorahil                     (R)
 Bert (Burat)                  (U)
 Dwar of Waw                   (R)
 Elves of Lindon               (R)
 Hoarmurath of Dir             (R)
 Indur Dawndeath               (R)
 Khamul the Easterling         (R)
 Morgul-knife                  (R)
 Ren the Unclean               (R)
 Tom (Tuma)                    (U)
 Uvatha the Horseman           (R)
 William (Wuluag)              (U)
 Witch-king of Angmar          (R)
 Wood-elves                    (F)

Lori Deitrick
 Barrow-wight                  (U)
 Ents of Fangorn               (F)
 Gildor Inglorion              (F)
 Gimli                         (F)
 Haldir                        (U)
 Hama                          (C)
 Lossadan Camp                 (C)
 Men of Dorwinion              (U)
 Men of Lebennin               (U)
 Orophin                       (C)
 Sapling of the White Tree     (U)
 Twilight                      (C)
 Weariness of the Heart        (C)
 Wizard's Flame                (U)

 Army of the Dead              (R)

Margaret Organ-Keane
 Edoras                        (F)
 Horses                        (C)
 Mablung                       (U)
 Palantir of Annuminas         (R)

Mark Forrer
 Thranduil's Halls             (F)

Mark Poole
 Anduin River                  (C)
 Call of the Sea               (U)
 Cirith Ungol                  (R)
 Damrod                        (U)
 Dol Amroth                    (C)
 Elf-stone                     (C)
 Fair Sailing                  (R)
 Fair Travels in Free-domains  (R)
 Fair Travels in Shadow-lands  (C)
 Fair Travels in Wilderness    (C)
 Grey Havens                   (C)
 Lost in Dark-domains          (R)
 Morgul-horse                  (R)
 Ost-in-Edhil                  (U)
 Roac the Raven                (R)
 Ruined Signal Tower           (F)
 Silent Watcher                (R)
 Sword of Gondolin             (C)
 The Mithril-coat              (R)
 The Old Thrush                (U)

Melissa Benson
 Doors of Night                (F)
 Dw. Ring of Thelor's Tribe    (U)
 Gates of Morning              (F)
 Magic Ring of Stealth         (U)

N. Taylor Blanchard
 Anduril                       (R)
 Book of Mazarbul              (U)
 Dunharrow                     (R)
 Fair Gold Ring                (C)

Olivier Frot
 Gandalf                       (F)

Pat Morrissey
 Dancing Spire                 (U)
 Dead Marshes                  (U)
 Great-road                    (C)
 Irerock                       (U)
 Leucaruth                     (R)
 The Stones                    (R)
 The Wind Throne               (F)

Quinton Hoover
 A Friend or Three             (C)
 Agburanar                     (R)
 Cirdan                        (R)
 Concealment                   (C)
 Fell Turtle                   (R)
 Forlong                       (C)
 Galva                         (R)
 Gladden Fields                (C)
 Halbarad                      (U)
 Halfling Stealth              (C)
 Healing Herbs                 (C)
 Hiding                        (R)
 Hobbits                       (R)
 Legolas                       (U)
 Lure of Nature                (C)
 Magic Ring of Nature          (U)
 Neeker-breekers              (P)
 River                         (C)
 Stealth                       (C)
 Torque of Hues                (U)

Randy Asplund-Faith
 Bag End                       (F)
 Caves of Ulund                (U)
 Lost at Sea                   (R)
 Lost in the Wilderness        (C)
 Plague of Wights              (U)
 Secret Entrance               (R)
 Star-glass                    (U)
 Sting                         (U)
 The Arkenstone                (R)
 The Pale Sword                (R)

Randy Gallegos
 A Chance Meeting              (C)
 Bree                          (F)
 Call of Home                  (C)
 Dark Quarrels                 (C)
 Ent-draughts                  (U)
 Glorfindel II                 (F)
 Goblin-gate                   (F)
 Gollum's Fate                 (R)
 Shelob                        (R)
 The Precious                  (R)
 Wake of War                   (U)

Rob Alexander
 Balrog of Moria               (R)
 Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold      (C)
 Clouds                        (R)
 Eagles' Eyrie                 (C)
 Elven Cloak                   (C)
 Ettenmoors                    (C)
 Fair Travels in Border-lands  (C)
 Henneth Annun                 (F)
 Isles of the Dead that Live   (R)
 Misty Mountains               (C)
 Morgul Night                  (R)
 Mountains of Shadow           (C)
 Return of the King            (R)
 Sacrifice of Form             (R)
 The Lonely Mountain           (F)
 Thranduil                     (F)
 Wizard's River-horses         (U)

Ron Rousselle II
 Dodge                         (C)
 Durin's Axe                   (U)
 Eagle-mounts                  (R)
 Iron Hill Dwarf-hold          (F)
 Lucky Search                  (R)
 Lure of Creation              (U)
 Lure of the Senses            (C)
 Scroll of Isildur             (U)
 Wizard's Ring                 (R)

Ron Spencer
 Ghosts                        (C)
 Reforging                     (C)
 Wizard's Voice                (R)

Ronald Chironna
 Black Arrow                   (P)
 Magic Ring of Words           (U)
 Palantir of Orthanc           (U)
 Words of Power and Terror     (R)

Ronald Shuey
 Pick-pocket                   (U)
 Shield of Iron-bound Ash      (C)

Stefano Baldo
 Beorn                         (F)
 Bergil                        (U)
 Bridge                        (U)
 Crebain                       (C)
 Dagger of Westernesse         (C)
 Elf-song                      (R)
 Greed                         (C)
 Lorien                        (C)
 Muster Disperses              (C)
 Palantir of Elostirion        (U)
 Peath                         (F)
 Rivendell                     (C)
 Voteli                        (C)
 Wacho                         (U)
 Woses of Old Pukel-land       (R)

Storn Cook
 Dunnish Clan-hold             (F)
 Dw. Ring of Barin's Tribe     (R)
 Easterling Camp               (R)
 Variag Camp                   (R)

Susan Van Camp
 Mount Gram                    (F)
 Wargs                         (C)
 Wolves                        (C)

Taylor Blanchard
 Palantir of Amon Sul          (R)

Tom Dow
 Rhosgobel                     (F)
 Southron Oasis                (R)
 Weathertop                    (F)
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  mystat   Radek Drozdalski -
Micha│ Rossa -
Patronem serwisu jest .: gate internet services
Serwisy sponsorowane: fronteria | impart | konferencja z│d | moda i sztuka | | wywrota
mystat   Radek Drozdalski -
Micha│ Rossa -  
Patronem serwisu jest .: gate internet services
Serwisy sponsorowane: fronteria | impart | konferencja z│d | moda i sztuka | | wywrota