OPISY KART - THE WIZARDS (Allies) Bill the PonyTYPE: ResourceRARITY: U CLASS: Ally MP: 1 MIND: 1 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: -2 BODY: 10 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Gail McIntosh RANDOM#: 12 Unique. Playable at Bree of Bag End; playable even if the site is tapped. If at a non-Haven site and if his company's size is three of less, you may discard Bill the Pony at the end of his company's turn and replace its site with the nearest Haven [H]. GoldberryTYPE: ResourceRARITY: U CLASS: Ally MP: 1 MIND: 2 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 0 BODY: 0 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Angus McBride RANDOM#: 11 Unique. Playable at Old Forest. May not be attacked. Tap Goldberry to cancel any effect that would cause her company to return to its site of origin after declaring its movement to a new site. Alternatively, tap Goldberry to cancel one attack against her company keyed to Wilderness [w]. GollumTYPE: ResourceRARITY: U CLASS: Scout Ally MP: 2 MIND: 4 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 2 BODY: 9 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Angus McBride RANDOM#: 11 Unique. Playable at Goblin-gate or Moria. If his company's size is less than three, tap Gollum to cancel one attack against his company keyed to Wilderness [w] or Shadow-land [s]. Tap Gollum if he is at the same non-Haven site as The One Ring; then both Gollum and The One Ring are discarded. GwaihirTYPE: ResourceRARITY: R CLASS: Ally MP: 2 MIND: 4 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 4 BODY: 8 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Gail McIntosh RANDOM#: 10 Unique. Playable at Eagles' Eyrie. If his company's size is two or less, you may discard Gwaihir during the organization phase to allow his company to move to any site that isnot in a Shadow-land [s] or Dark-domain [d]; only hazard creatures keyed to the site may be played on a company that moves in this fashion. LeaflockTYPE: ResourceRARITY: U CLASS: Ally MP: 2 MIND: 3 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 5 BODY: 8 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Gail McIntosh RANDOM#: 10 Unique. Playable at Wellinghall. Tap to cancel the effects of one hazard that targets his company. May not be attacked by automatic-attacks or hazards keyed to his site. Discard Leaflock if his company moves to a site that is not in: Fangorn, Rohan, Gap of Isen, Wold & Foothills, Enedhwaith, Old Pukel-land, Brown Lands, Anduin Vales, or Redhorn Gap. QuickbeamTYPE: ResourceRARITY: U CLASS: Ally MP: 2 MIND: 3 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 6 BODY: 9 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Gail McIntosh RANDOM#: 10 Unique. Playable at Wellinghall. May not be attacked by automatic-attacks or hazards keyed to his site. Roac the RavenTYPE: ResourceRARITY: R CLASS: Diplomat Ally MP: 1 MIND: 1 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 8 BODY: -3 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Mark Poole RANDOM#: 9 Unique. Playable at any site in Northern Rhovanion. Tap and discard to attempt to bring any faction into play - treat this influence check as though it were made by a diplomat. ShadowfaxTYPE: ResourceRARITY: R CLASS: Ally MP: 1 MIND: 2 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 2 BODY: 8 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Angus McBride RANDOM#: 9 Unique. Playable at Edoras or Dunharrow. If his company has only one character or one character and a Hobbit at the end of the movement/hazard phase, tap Shadowfax to allow his company to immediately move again; an additional site card may be played and an additional movement/hazard phase follows for that company. SkinbarkTYPE: ResourceRARITY: R CLASS: Ally MP: 2 MIND: 3 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 10 BODY: 9 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Gail McIntosh RANDOM#: 9 Unique. Playable at Wellinghall. May not be attacked by automatic-attacks or hazards keyed to his site. discard Skinbark if his company moves to a site that is not in: Fangorn, Rohan, Gap of Isen, Wold & Foothills, Anduin Vales, or Redhorn Gap. Tom BombadilTYPE: ResourceRARITY: R CLASS: Sage Ally MP: 3 MIND: 4 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 12 BODY: 11 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Angus McBride RANDOM#: 9 Unique. Playable at Old Forest. Tap to cancel the effects of one hazard that targets any company moving to a site in: Arthedain, Cardolan, Rhudaur, of The SHire. Discard Tom Bombadil if his company moves to a site that is not in: Arthedain, Cardolan, Rhudaur, or The Shire. TreebeardTYPE: ResourceRARITY: U CLASS: Sage Ally MP: 2 MIND: 3 INFLUENCE: 0 PROWESS: 8 BODY: 9 CORRUPT: 0 ARTIST: Angus McBride RANDOM#: 8 Unique. Playable at Wellinghall. May not be attacked by automatic-attacks or hazards keyed to his site. Discard Treebeard if his company moves to a site that is not in: Fangorn, Rohan, Gap of Isen, Wold & Foothills, Enedhwaith, Old Pukel-land, Brown Lands, Anduin Vales, or Redhorn Gap. |
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