PRZYKúADOWE TALIE Deck - by Ard van KesselTournament winning deck,
Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, January 6, 2001 Starting Pool (9+2)Dain II, Eomer, Gimli, Gloin, Halbarad, Ioreth, Oin, Thorin II, Thrain II Characters & wizards in deck (1+3)Fram Framson, Gandalf 2x, Radagast Resources against hero's (30)Easterlings, Emerald of the Mariner, Flatter a Foe 3x, Forewarned Is Forearmed 2x, Gates of Morning, Glamdring, Iron Hill Dwarves, Longbottom Leaf, Marvels Told 3x, Men of Dorwinion, Noble Steed 3x, Not at Home 3x, Orcrist, Risky Blow 3x, Scroll of Isildur, Smoke Rings, The Old Thrush 2x, Wormsbane Hazards (30)Adunaphel, An Unexpected Outpost, Assassin 3x, Chill Douser 3x, Daelomin at Home, Exhalation of Decay 2x, Foolish Words, Leucaruth at Home, Lure of Expedience 2x, Lure of Nature 2x, Lure of the Senses 2x, Mouth of Sauron, Ren the Unclean, Scorba at Home, Stirring Bones 3x, The Moon Is Dead 3x, Twilight 2x Sideboard (30)Gates of Morning, Glamour of Surpassing Excellance, King under the Mountain, Many Turns and Doublings 2x, Men of Northern Rhovanion, Promptings of Wisdom, Returned Exiles, Roac the Raven, The Old Thrush, Wizard Uncloaked, Wizard's Laughter, Wizard's River-horses, Bairanax at Home, Call of Home, Early Harvest, Foolish Words, Greed, Lost in Free-domains, Lure of Power, Muster Disperses, Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent, News of Doom, Reluctant Final Parting, River 2x, Rolled down to the Sea, The Balance of Things, The Ring Will Have But One Master, The Will of the Ring Extra sideboard anti-Fallen-wizard(10)Alone and Unadvised, Cruel Claw Perceived, Echoes of the Song 2x, Fool's Bane, Inner Rot, In the Grip of Ambition, Longing for the West, Lure of Creation, Will You Not Come Down? |
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