PRZYKúADOWE TALIE 'Rohirrim'- by Wim Heemskerk -Tournament Winning deck The resource portion of this deck was built around the Riders of Rohan theme. I quickly added the hazards and the hazard portion of the sideboard in order to play the tournament. To play spiders was a tip from my girlfriend and something I have wanted to try since I set eyes on the Balrog expansion. Unfortunately the resources and hazards donÆt match, as both require you to hold many cards. Since I liked the resources best, I only used part of the hazardÆs potential. Play is straightforward without being a boring repetition of moves. On turn one you make your way to the Gap of Isen, where you hope to pick up an item. After that your resources guide you along. You can use both the item sites (Glittering Caves and Isengard) and Amon Hen (Noble Steeds) for the Barrow-blades. Both the Ents and Leaflock are in the deck. Leaflock is slightly my favourite, because of this excellent special ability, but on the down side you cannot take him with you to Dr·adan Forest. Do not play Shadowfax at Edoras, he is not worth it. Upon entry, the wizard makes his way to L≤rien and uses the chance to play an extra character. The Red Arrow can boost your (free) influence. Split into two companies whenever useful. DonÆt do this against heavy men hazards! The hazards will cripple an opponent that uses a lot of wildernesses. Against other opponents you will find the Withered Lands useful, but hand size and hazard limit will make it hard to play many creatures with it. Snowstorm will do itÆs job, but be careful not to hinder yourself too. Vs. (fallen) heroes: like this Starting Pool (10+2)Theoden, Erkenbrand, Eomer, Beregond, Faramir, Dagger of Westernesse, Dagger of Westernesse, Brand, Hama, Beretar, Elrohir, Elladan Characters & wizards in deck (6)Gandalf, Pallando 2x, Beorn, Eowyn, Peath Resources (30)And Forth He Hastened Barrow-blade 2x, Crept Along Carefully, Dark Quarrels 2x, Ents of Fangorn, Forewarned Is Forearmed 2x, Glamdring, Glamour of Surpassing Excellance 2x, Great-shield of Rohan, Leaflock, Lordly Presence, No Strangers at this Time 2x, Noble Steed 3x, Red Arrow, Riders of Rohan, Risky Blow 3x, Shadowfax, Smoke Rings, The Old Thrush, Woses of the Druadan Forest, Twilight Hazards (30)Cave Worm, Daelomin at Home, Doors of Night 2x, Dwar of Waw, Full of Froth and Rage 2x, Giant Spiders 3x, Lesser Spiders 2x, Mouth of Sauron, Peril Returned, Power Built by Waiting, Redoubled Force, Shelob, Shelob's Brood, Snowstorm 2x, Spawn of Ungoliant, Spider of the Morlat, True Fire-drake 2x, Twilight 2x, Wake of War, Withered Lands 2x, Worm's Stench Sideboard (30)Adunaphel, Alone and Unadvised 2x, Bairanax Ahunt, Carrion Feeders, Eyes of the Shadow, In the Heart of his Realm 2x, Itangast Ahunt, Itangast at Home, Lost in Free-domains, No Escape from My Magic, Redoubled Force, Scorba Ahunt, Shelob's Brood, Siege, Smaug Ahunt, Stench of Mordor, The Way is Shut 2x, Unabated in Malice 2x, Ungoliant's Foul Issue, All the Bells Ringing, Dark Quarrels, Palantir of Orthanc, Pledge of Conduct 2x, Power Against the Shadow, The Old Thrush Extra sideboard against Fallen wizard(10)Nature's Revenge 3x, Mask Torn, Heart Grown Cold 2x, Cast from the Order, Cruel Claw Perceived, Echoes of the Song, Inner Rot |
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