Archaeological Expedition
- by Patrick Kubrat -
(one deck game, general opponent)
Archaeological Expedition or Hobbits in the Barrow-Downs - a quick and dirty 15 minutes creation. The idea is to go with 4 Hobbits to the Barrow-Downs (except if you have Tom in your start hand) play items with Thorough Search, play Barrow-blades, Tom Bombadil with HToY and possibly Beasts of the Wood.
If you are in desperate need of cards or bored, you might
consider to move this company to Ruined Signal Tower or Himring (watch out for Tom!) If you have Radagast in your start hand create a company with Folco, but don't move him without enough cancelers. If Folco is alone, consider to move him to the Old Forest. Maybe you are lucky and you draw Tom and Halfling Strength.
Folco and/or Radagast are our main faction gatherer. Radagast can play the Beast of the Wood in the Old Forrest and booth the Hobbits in Bag End. They might play Tom and a Noble Hound or a major item if you are at the right site but you can play almost everything in the Barrow-downs with your grave-diggers.
Watch out for Scorba at Home. Even Hobbits are not immune to corruption!
Starting Pool (same against heroes and minions)
Frodo (with Dagger of Westernesse), Sam (with Dagger of Westernesse), Fatty Bolger, Robin Smalburrow, Folco Boffin, Bilbo (substitute), Merry (substitute), Pippin (substitute), Gildor Inglorion (in case it went wrong with the character draft), Glorfindel II (in case it went very wrong and your cancelers will be useless)
Characters & wizards in deck (6)
Radagast 3x (against minions)
Pallando 2x (against heroes)
(We need Radagast for the factions, Pallando is not the most clever substitute, because he is not a scout, Gandalf or Alatar would be a much better choice.)
If you like, put a Hobbit ore two in your deck, but it is normally useless.
Resources (30)
Barrow-blade 2x, Great-shield of Rohan, Hauberk of Bright Mail 2x (against minions substitute for Glamdring and Durin's Axe), Torque of Hues, Tom Bombadil, Noble Hound, Concealment 3x, Hiding 2x, Stealth 3x, Halfling Stealth 3x, Halfling Strength 3x (dont't forget Halfing Strenght + Fatty Bolger = Halfling Stealth), Farmer Maggot (you might replace him with a 3rd Hiding), Longbottom Leaf, Smoke Rings 2x (don't waste the recyclers. they are your only "factions"), Thorough Search 3x, Here,There, or Yonder
Not that many marshalling points. Including starting characters and sideboard 23 so don't bother to try this deck in a two deck tournament.
Hazards vs Heroes(30)
Adunaphel, An Unexpected Outpost 2x, Assassin 3x, Beorning Skin-changers 2x, Cave Worm, Cave-drake 2x, Daelomin at Home, Foolish Words 2x, Golodhros, Heart Grown Cold 2x, Heedless Revelry 2x, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Mouth of Sauron, My Precious, River 3x, Searching Eye 2x, Stirring Bones 2x, Uvatha the Horseman
Nothing fancy, that deck was not specially designed. You might consider Tookish Blood and News of Doom and a 3rd Foolish Words (remember, you have a problem with factions). If
your opponent goes to shadow/ dark hold you have a big problem, though the anti minion part of your sideboard might help a little bit. Lobelia is mostly a defense against Pilfer Anything Unwatched. I am normally not a friend of Unexpected Outposts but it is necessary
without a special Anti Fallen Wizard deck.
Hazards vs Minions(30)
Adunaphel, An Unexpected Outpost 2x, Bairanax Ahunt, Chill Douser 2x, Foolish Words 2x, Heedless Revelry 3x, Itangast Ahunt, Landroval, Mouth of Sauron, My Precious, Pukel-men 3x, Reluctant Final Parting (this is a cycler against Balrog and good against those cheap
Cave Trolls), River 3x, Unabated in Malice 2x, Uvatha the Horseman, Waiting Shadow 2x, Wisp of Pale Sheen 3x
This is basically a "detainment" deck. In one deck games it is normally enough to slow down your opponent. If you play against (Wolf-)Balrog cycle either Artedain Rangers/ Horse
Lords or Nameless Thing in your deck. Gather the critters in your hand and hit the opponent hard.
Sideboard (30)
Beasts of the Wood 3x, Hobbits, Lordly Presence, Arthadan Rangers 3x, Bane of the Ithil-stone 2x, Drowning Seas, Horse-lords 3x, Lost in Free-domains, Nameless Thing 3x, Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent, News of Doom, Pilfer Anything Unwatched 3x, Rolled down to the Sea, Searching Eye, Seized by Terror, The Way is Shut 3x, Your Welcome Is Doubtful
I was too lazy to create two sideboards so I compiled this one. But it often turnes out
that "anti minion" cards are devasting against heroes. For example if your opponent goes
in the Under-deeps...
If you wonder how I was able to win with this deck send me a mail to Patrick Kubrat
Patrick Kubrat