Yikes, it's almost Halloween and the Newsletter hasn't been updated in eons! Now that's scary! I guess the Work Fairies haven't been doing their jobs!
Speaking of scary holidays, we're planning the First Annual Halloween Costume Party in the C*E*A Chat Room on the 31st. Log in under a different name than you usually do, & try to guess who the other chatters are! We're really excited about new avatar chat rooms coming online in November, so stay tuned for news about those!
And while we're on the subject of things that are scary, be sure to check out Count Floyd's Movie News, exclusive to the C*E*A. It contains a trivia contest, survey, and lots of exciting news, and was recently named the Site du Jour of the Day.
Watch out Hal*ma*k -- the C*E*A Card Shop is a great free feature that allows you to send your friends electronic greeting cards, and has hundreds of selections to choose from. Don't forget to send one to your favourite Webmistress! And while we're on the subject of favourite Webmistresses, be sure to visit Cathie's newly redesigned Personal Shrine Page, including a game to play!
We think Jim Rosenberg is one funny guy, even though we're jealous that he's funnier than we are. His jokes are available by daily e-mail, or can be viewed at his web site. We like him so much that we've featured him here at the C*E*A, so visit Jim's jokes regularly, as it's updated daily.
Everybody loves Trivia, & we've added a thrilling Trivia Game called Trivia Blitz. New questions are added every Monday, and you can register to win cash!
PeopleLink is an exciting program for instant online communication with your friends. You can download a free copy from our page & start yakking immediately.
Giving credit where credit is due, we have a new Credits page, where you can see who's behind the scenes here at the C*E*A. Even Tessa the Cat got into the act, although she's been slacking off on the job lately.
Our Miss Walker was recently interviewed by Bill Hyde, and you can read all about the Genius Behind the C*E*A at The Comedy Zone.
We've teamed up with the nutzoids at CONK! to bring you the CEA/CONK! Site of the Day, as well as the CEA at CONK which has links to our pages. If you miss the yellow buttons, you can visit them there! As well, they're featuring featuring Cathabanca as aWeekly Feature there.
Awardwise, we were named AdZe's Cosmic Site of the Night and received the LASERGUIDE Weekly Top 20 Award. We received Award For Outstanding Achievement In The Field Of Excellence, JanMan's 'Great Page' Award, The Cat's Meow Award, A Classic's Radial Thinker Award for Excellence in Online Creativity, and voted America's Funniest Homepage for July 1997. If that weren't enough, we were also the Highlight site for the day at SearchPoint. Thanks everybody!
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The C*E*A was also featured on the TV show "Don't Quote Me On This", was Cool Central's Cool Site of the Hour, received the Milkywayman Site of the Year Award, & was deemed a "Way Cool Site" by Your Webscout.
Rush to DigiDay & download the free calendars for yourself & your friends, so you can enjoy a different work-avoidance story or joke each day. If you can't afford gifts this holiday season because you're spending all your money on our Miss Walker, & would like to give others the calendars as gifts, there's a special form set up to e-mail a personalized notification to your friends of a gift for them to download.
Submissions are still welcomed for both calendars, & we hope you'll fill out the forms for the "What's So Funny" & "How to Avoid Work at Work" calendars. We'd also love to hear your workplace tales, Interview From Hell anecdotes, office romance stories, or whatever you do to keep sane from 9 to 5.
We were placed in the Top 100 web sites at the Internet Success Awards site, awarded the Positive Boote Award, a DigiDay Site of the Day & named one of the Best Human Interest Sites on the World Wide Web. We're also getting a lot of traffic from the Science Fiction Book Club site, but can't seem to find where we're listed. If anyone can enlighten us, we'd appreciate it!
Selected submissions will appear in the upcoming DigiDay calendar "365 Days of How to Avoid Work at Work", & we will also be creating a C*E*A web page of your ideas. Let's see how creative you can be -- you could win our Sloth of the Month Award! We're also going to be supplying material for a DigiDay Humour calendar, so if you have any favourite jokes, please send them to funny@amused.com for possible inclusion.
Unfortunately we were unable to attend the awards ceremony in New York, but we did manage to watch the webcast on the Internet. It was just like watching the festivities on TV, only if somebody was constantly unplugging the you & you had to run across the room to plug it back in every time. At the crucial moment our award was announced, we lost the video feed & had to rely on the IRC chat area we were in to receive confirmation that we had been announced as the winners. It was quite the experience nonetheless, & we didn't have to buy new clothes.
Oh, at the Cool Site ceremonies they distributed some minor awards to seven lesser-known web sites. Sharing the Ask Dr. Science spotlight were Discovery Channel, Hotwired, Netscape, Java, Salon, Alta Vista, and Timothy Leary's Home Page.
Thank you for your votes, your support, and your getting the word out to others on our behalf!
Along with important study information, the C*E*A was mentioned in the student handbook for University of California, Irvine -- now if they would only give us honorary doctorates in surfing for procrastination aids. Around the world we were discussed in other languages, as we made our way into Australia's Computer Living, Swedish Internet Guide, Tips & Advies Internet in the Netherlands, & the Village Voice in the US. As more & more books on the Internet are published, we found ourselves among good company in What's New on the Web, Dave Barry in Cyberspace & Best of the Web, a special publication by Barnes & Noble.
The hot weather has made it difficult to spend time in front of our Macs when the Slip 'n Slide is beckoning, but we've refilled the Slurpee Machine with Cream Soda, cranked up the fans, & filled the staff room's Mr. Turtle pool with ice, because we have a lot of exciting news to tell you!
We're a big hit in Insomniacs Asylum on AOL, & were awarded the USA Today Hot Site Award, Web Search's Top 1% Award, & Yoyodyne Prized Picks Award.
C*E*A members wishing to contribute towards this new Mac may send $1 to: Cathie Walker, c/o 4739 University Way NE, #1231, Seattle, WA 98105-4412. Stalkers should be aware that this is a mailing address only, & those hoping to catch a glimpse of the Great Webmistress will be disappointed. What better way to say "thank you for all those hours of surfing pleasure" than to send the price of a Slurpee? This ends our pledge break, & we now present the rest of the Newsletter.
In the June/96 issue of Computer Life there's a great road map/poster enclosure entitled "Computer Life's Guided Tour of Internet Entertainment", where the C*E*A is keeping good company in the Wired Entertainment section. We were also featured in the June/96 issue of Inside the Internet as well as the May/96 issue of Online Access. We were finally able to get a copy of the May/96 issue of the UK magazine PC Format, where we were thrilled to see a screen-shot of the C*E*A next to one of President & Mrs. Clinton. We're sure Bill was majorly excited as well.
We received international newspaper coverage, as well, appearing in the Irish Times, Zaire Sunday Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Albuquerque Journal, and Net BC, British Columbia's news web , published an article about our world-famous Webmistress. We have not yet heard whether any of these newspapers wish to fly us to their city for a public appearance, but are keeping our passports handy just in case!
These media appearances managed to make up for miraculously being excluded from The Net's list of Top 100 web sites. Congrats to our friend Ken at Chilidog's Condiment Castle, however, on being selected for this honour!
In celebration of such a successful month, Miss Walker treated the entire C*E*A staff to dinner, where they went all out & ordered the Super Size Fries with their Happy Meals.
Miss Walker made a rare public appearance at Victoria's Underground Onramp, an Internet Cafe, and plans to return soon to give demonstrations of quality time-wasting and latte consumption. Thanks are extended this issue to Rita Bronnenkant for giving us a great write-up in the Montclair State University newspaper, and to Netsurfer Digest for reviewing us in their March 15 issue. We can only assume Entertainment Tonight is just around the corner. The C*E*A was also mentioned in the Family Net column in the Victoria Times-Colonist on March 28.
It seems a long haul until Spring, & sometimes we all need a little treat. To get you in the mood for National Chocolate Month, we've included one of our favourites. Try not to get chocolate on the keyboard.
As the monitors of the C*E*A's Macs are gaily decorated with holiday desktop patterns, we've experienced more excitement than usual lately.
Season's Greetings!
Thanks to those who have submitted links for our new Friends of C*E*A page. As you can see, the list is growing daily. If your home page contains a link to us & you want it listed, please fill out the form on that page.
Fall has suddenly arrived here at the C*E*A. The lineups at the Staff Lounge slurpee machine have been replaced by the constant operation of the espresso machine, as our dedicated employees become latte-fueled. Now that the new television season has begun, they are finding it difficult to leave the Ricki Lake show to remain at their surfing workstations, so we've had to come up with some new projects to challenge them.