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Aboriginal Culture and Enterprise


  • Singing is one of the most highly valued activities throughout Aboriginal Australia, and the study of the great variety and beauty of Aboriginal song can reveal many important insights into Aboriginal Australians.
  • Aboriginal languages are fully fledged and modern languages of the world. They are not primitive. The sound and grammatical systems are as sophisticated as those of any other language.
  • When visiting Aboriginal communities it is wise to note that Aboriginal people are sensitive to having their homes being considered 'living zoos'. They thus guard their privacy jealously.
  • ABORIGINAL Affairs Minister John Herron yesterday dashed any hope of the Government compensating members of the stolen generation following last week's parliamentary statement of regret to indigenous Australians.
  • It was government policy in Australia to remove Aboriginal children from their parents and assimilate them into white culture.
    Now Australia may be on the verge of apologizing for this action.

  • Traditional Aboriginal society did not have chiefs, kings or other formal ruling roles. Authority is based on gender, age, life-experience, religious knowledge, wisdom, verbal skills and other informal means of influence.
  • Bark painting only occurs in some parts of the northern portion of Australia (roughly from around Broome, heading east to Mornington Island).
  • The Olympic Torch will start it's journey in Australia at Uluru in the nation's centre. The torch will then be carried by Aboriginal Athlete Nova Peris-Kneebone as it begins its 100 day journey through Australia
  • There is no one Aboriginal language. At the time of European arrival around 260 distinct languages existed in Australia with between 500 and 800 dialects.

  • Many words that are thought to be 'Aboriginal' don't come from one of those many languages - some come from the West Indies!
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Alan Tucker and Kenny Laughton
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