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Aboriginal Culture and Enterprise

Aboriginal Culture and Enterprise

Aboriginal Culture and Enterprise

Creative Writing

What If? ..

"All the white men were on horses and had guns"

A letter from a Ngarrindjeri Grandmother explaining the abduction of women from her tribe by white settlers and the loss of culture that brings.

Mar the Cockatoo

"Along time ago there lived Mar the Cockatoo Man."

A dreaming story told by year 8 students from Freemont-Elizabeth High School.



State of Shock

"The play 'State of Shock' is based on the true story of Alwyn Peter"

A review of a contempory play based on the life and institutionalisation of an Aboriginal man in Queensland.


Home and Taken Away

"Last night I watched Home and Away... It felt good watching a nunga on TV for once instead of seeing all whitefellas!"

A quick review of an episode of a Home and Away episode dealing with the 'Stolen Generation' issue.


Fair Enough?

"If someone gets compensation, then everyone else in the same situation should get it as well".

A new story on Triple J prompts Sarah to review the value and equity in legal compensation for imprisonment.


Huge price drop on Encyclopedia of Aboriginal Australia in books and on CD, great new teaching packs, go here.



Aboriginal Australia Pty Ltd, wishes to respect Aboriginal cultural protocols; we therefore warn viewers that some photographs in this display contain names and images of people who may have died. We have made every endeavor to ensure that appropriate cultural protocols surrounding the death of a person have been observed. If the display of any imagery is offensive please advise us as soon as possible so we can make the necessary adjustments. We recommend that the counsel of senior members of the relevant community be sought where any concern is raised.

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