How it works
Students enter the system through our home page. They then have the opportunity to select the appropriate menu page (i.e. Semester Programs, Intensive Language Programs, Subjects, etc.). From the menu page, the student selects the country, language or subject of interest. This selection leads the user to an "advertiser page" which contains hot buttons and text links for all appropriate advertisers. Once users explore the advertisers links, they can link to the corresponding directory page to view free listings.
Free Listings
Free Listings are provided at no cost for all study abroad and language programs. Free listings are placed in appropriate directories which include:
- Semester and Academic Year Programs by Country
- Summer Programs by Country
- Intensive Language Programs by Language
- Academic Programs by Subject Area
- Experiential/Internship Programs
- High School Programs
- Teaching English as a Second Language Programs
Free listings include the following information:
- Name, postal address, e-mail address and phone number of
Sponsoring Institution
- Name of Program
- Host City of Program
- When the Program is Offered
- A brief program description (1 - 2 sentences)
- Subjects Areas Offered (academic programs)
E-mail addresses in free listings utilize the inquiry form, making it easy for students to inquire and for you to track referrals.
Here's how to easily update your Free Listing encourages all program administrators to submit and update their listings on-line by entering information in our form at Listings are also accepted via e-mail, phone, fax and mail. Our directory pages are updated several times each week, so the information you provide to us today will be on-line within a day or two!
A New Service - Express, the Leading source of International Education Information online, is proud to introduce Express,
an innovative, time-sensitive tool for reaching potential study abroad students!
It is a weekly announcement-type newsletter which is emailed to students who request to be receive it. The newsletter is made up of "Classified Ad" type announcements. In fact, there is also a 'classified' version of the newsletter posted on the Express website ( each week, where ads are arranged by classification. Your message can contain your email address, URL, and/or phone number for response.
Introduction * How it Works * Fee Schedule
Facts and Figures * How We Promote * Advertisers