Tutorial Submission Guide

First of all, if you are reading this page with a view to submitting an essay I thank you, it is only by writing and sharing knowledge that many more generations of reverse engineers can learn and progress. I'm reluctant to make lots of rules because this would tend to deter submissions, however as with any collective project there have to be some brief guidelines. I won't get upset or not publish your essay if you don't follow these but if you would at least give them some consideration I for one would be most grateful.

1. My preferred formats for submission are .doc (MS Word), .txt (NotePad text) or any supported WordPad format. Use these and you'll get published and save me lots of work :).

2. I am really not a fan of anything written using MS FrontPage. If you want your own tutorial 'look' use a browser or any other dedicated HTML editing program, I do however reserve the right to change your layout.

3. I will correct any spelling or grammatical errors I find, but please remember that your favourite debugger is "SoftICE". On the same tack here are some of the cracker abbreviations / habits I detest the most - "cuz", "sice", "u", "mY cRacKinG tUtE", "elite colours", excessive bold, italics and underlining, "BIG text MiXed".

4. Essay style is left to you, diversity makes life interesting :), but please don't use excessive bad language or diss particular groups, (no-one has done this yet I am pleased to say, so I'll make the rule now).

5. Although you might like to thank hundreds of people, your parents for giving birth to you, your dog for ..... etc, I and most others just skip past long lists of greets because frankly they serve no purpose. However, I do accept in certain instances that respect may need to be paid so I will accept a "greets list" of a maximum 10 names.

6. Above all, just USE your common sense.

Now send me your essays / keygen sources (assuming you can live with my pedantic ways :) ).

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© 1999 CrackZ. 29th August 1999.