12.27 Slack Overcome: I finally got rid of the tables that have been plaguing this page since
the dawn of time; it looks the same in HotJava, Netscape, and Opera so it should be pretty compatible. [Actually, I like Sun's HotJava version of my
page best...you may want to check this browser out].
12.11 Silicon Toad: The man is back! Or should I say, I finally found out what he has been up to.
He has been working with Hackers.com,
and a lot of his old page can be found at their users
and FAQ pages.
Currently, he is with Ethical Hackers Against Pedophilia,
a non-profit org of hackers dedicated to wiping out internet child pornography (Fravia should appreciate this).
12.08 Mindless Invective:A couple of Adbuster scans I had lying around unlinked on this page:
Are You Blind? and
Death of Reality. They make for pretty good reading.
I had this lying around for a
few weeks and, having nothing better to do with it --and no site updates planned in the immediate future--
I uploaded it. Enjoy --or don't, as the mood strikes you. [What? You want more unlinked files? Browsing through my ftp
listing I have some stuff that I cannot account for...like freesrch.html,events.html, goodsites.html,
search.html, Anon.html, vxd.html, toolnew.html, Windows.inc, winice.dat ... I must clean up some.]
12.02 Stoppard: For those of you who did not know, I have long been a fan of
Stoppard's works. Apparently my favorite bit of Stoppard dialogue
--I think I had this very argument
with a girlfriend-- is appreciated by others as well.
And again, gratitude to kuririn for the poetry.
Finally, the more discriminating readers of this site may enjoy some, albeit non-Stoppard,
short and
long plays.
11.29 Philosophy with a Torque Wrench: Awhile ago Harma and I had pretty cool
thread going on Fravia's Message Board, and having nothing better to do I decided to upload it here before the
board shuffles off this mortal coil. Part I was the longest and the one I
enjoyed the most--though no-one got my Steven Brust "bones?" reference. Or maybe they did...
Part II is missing my long response as my Netscape crashed right when I
hit send; thus this thread has always been missing my tender invective.
PartIII concerns one of my favorite topics: the worth (or lack thereof) to
which humanity lays claim.
11.29 Flow Analyzer: Rev 2. Now exports IDC scripts, has a few new features
and a killer IDC script for the main call trace. Get it below...
11.27 Active X: I just returned from an errand run wherein I picked up
8 Stories by Dylan Thomas,
Zytnia Vodka and some Juliano dry vermouth,
and Mr Bunny's Guide to Active X. All are highly recommended (though I like
D'Aquino vermouth best: does anyone even distribute that anymore?)
11.27 Win32ASM: There is now an IRC channel/server for Windows Assembly Language at
#win32 asm or via the web interface, courtesy of
11.26 Flow Analyzer: I have started work on what should eventually turn into a useful reverse engineering tool. Those wishing a preview may
examine it right now, though it has maybe a quarter of its intended functionality. If you do not understand what it is
or why it exists after the first usage, return it postage pre-paid for a full refund.
10.31 Hiatus II: The web is taking too much of time; following the message boards, trying to keep old projects alive, seeking out new things.
I'm behind on my Unix work, I'm behind on my programming, I'm behind on my writing, I'm behind on my painting, I'm even behind on my email. Cracking concerns and
questions keep dragging me back to the Windows platform when I am now on Linux (and never want to go back!). So I'm giving up the ol' web for the time being, I am henceforth going to
ignore my site, the message boards, and any cracking/help requests related to the Windows platform (unless they're *really* intriguing). I will of course still answer email. I will be on ICQ.
I will continue to work on the APJ, though Visual Assembler I quite frankly do not have time for. Perhaps I'll return in a few weeks/months, perhaps even with a newer incarnation of my page ;)
10.31 APJ: I need more articles for the December issue! Anything to do with assembly language programming, even code snippets... Check the Message Board, mail me, or
check out the APJ Guestbook. Also, the freeservers site has horrivle uptime, so I have mirrored it here.
10.31 Visual Assembler: I do not have time to co-ordinate this project. I do have time to advise, and to help work on it. I have the addresses, etc. of all the coders and interested parties,
but I am not going to bug them about working (apologies to all who have expressed interest in the past 1-2 months, I will reply to you eventually). So, in short, I need a successor to co-ordinate design plans with,
to take over the daily duties of the project (moderating the message board, maintaining contact with the coders, etc)--any interested parties may email me.
10.16 Assembly Programming Journal: APJ first Issue is out! Also, looking for successor to handle Visasm project in my absence.
Archive old interests: Due to the growing size of this page, and its subsequent effect on loading time,
I have archived all of the older "of interest" items here.
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