All sites seem to have one of these pages, here is my attempt.
Vizion : You have taught me almost everything I know, I have enjoyed every second of learning with you, thanks buddy. Your keygens ain't bad either ;) mpbaer : Your cracks, keygens and web design all rock, keep working, but remember your priorities :)) Crackz : You are an amazing and genuinly friendly and encouraging guy with a fantastic knowledge of reverse engineering. Keep writing those great tutorials :) and btw, unless you wanna design the site for me, I'll still use this bloated and stupid editor only because I started with it and I am too lazy to change.....hehe ;)) +Malattia : You are a great guy to work with, full of enthusiasm and encouragement. The+Q : It is great to find people with so much knowledge and who are also willing to share everything they know. Thanks for helping me in everything. Keep in contact. Prophecy : Since you were a little newbie way back then, you were always gonna end up the great reverser you are now, you are just that kinda guy. You have always provided me with help when I have requested it and kind words when I needed them. Thanks. CoRN2 : its great to see you are working again, lets keep at it and get our little group rocking the way it used to be :)) Norway : Can humans make so many cracks ? ;) HalVar+ : Its been a while since we spoke - get back on the scene dude, I miss ya ! tHErAIN : You are a fantastic cracker, keep up the great work for UCF. NIabI, snipes, Cruehead, egis, pain, Intruder, RudeBoy, MadMax, Baser, JosephCo, bulll ( come back guy ), P020, Cali, Blorght (hrrnnk :), +Yoshi, all the rest of the Mexelite and C4N crew, Bisoux, Gij, +Gthorne, newbcrack (get that page back up :), VucoeT, russ97, LordByte, djhd, Nobody, Muffin, Sheridan, noos, Dimedrol, ytc_, Neural_N.