Quantico -=[Mexelite^UCF]=-


MEXELiTE/C4N : about
That +ORC dude

Welcome to my  web site!

Hey again, hopefully you have found this site using the new http://quantico.tsx.org  relocator as .cjb.net took down that relocator.  I have added a few things in this update which you can check on the news page, and I'm gonna stop promising to add my own tutors page, as other more important things appear to crop up.  It will be added when it's done ;)

If anyone wants to mirror this site let me know, as then I can get the .cjb.net relocator back again, as this domain is banned...hehe. 

Don't forget to SEND me stuff for the site !!!  I have very little time to look after it.




Here is some NEWS of the site.

You can grab my own tutorials from these links or go to the tutorial page.  Tutorial 1 [patching directory toolkit] - Tutorial 2 [patching notepad] - Tutorial 3 [keygenerators].

The only part of this site which remains the same as the old version is the +ORC page.  Here you can find all tutorials (available to me) written by this guy, in HTML format or zipped.

Have a look at my Micro$oft page.   Although I totally disagree with Microsoft's strategies, I still find them interesting and what is even more interesting is the amount of other companies they have partnered with os bought over this past 4 years.  It makes you wonder what their REAL long-term goal is.

Under the permission of Cruehead, I am now hosting an MiB mirror site.  Have a look at this VERY interesting site here and enjoy the *very* good tutorials by some excellent reversers.  Also, you will find information about the basics of assembler and a tutorial about how to use softice, our most valuable tool. 

Check out softice here at Numega's home site.  These guys are masters of assembler and have produced some of the most important reversing 'knives' known so far, softice, boundschecker and smartcheck.

I am also holding a set of Kottos' essays about the program Cooledit.  Kottos explains very well the evolution of this program's 'good' protection.  You can find the set on the tutorial page.  ADDED:  Instead of carrying only a few pages of kottos, I am now mirroring his site also.  Take a look at it here, you will find that kottos is indeed a very good reverser sith the correct attitude of teaching rather than keeping his knowledge to himself.

Please do mail me and report any broken links etc.


This page was last updated on 06/20/99.


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