I'm not anywhere near the quality of famous guys yet but I'll share what I have done so
far with you. My coding knowledge is far from great but feel free to use any of the
crap in my sources for your own keygens, but do NOT rip complete keygens. I'll find
you if you do, woohooooo! ;) They are provided here so that you may use them to
LEARN if you are having trouble reversing an algorithm and need to see how it is done
properly etc.....
Please click this link to move my site up some places in the UCF/PC topsites listings!
Any contributions will be gratefully accepted :)
Many thanks go to Stone and to the authors of all the other keygens also.
Here are Stone's keymaker include functions, a VERY useful set of routines like number
conversions, up/lowcase, string length and many others. [DOWNLOAD]
Here you go, enjoy these sources, about 130 of them, with more to come!
Keygens by me (rubbish coding :)
First of all, I shall make no apologies about the quality of the coding
in the keygens by myself, I am not a professional coder, and have not spent a lot of time
learning to code efficiently. The keygens work and that is good enough for me, so
don't complain about them. :)) Also, some of them were my first keygens so I would
do them VERY differently if I was doing them now as they are very inefficient.
ActiveX Manager v1.3 (assembler)
Add/Remove Cleaner v2.3 (win32asm)
AutoShutDown v2.85 (win32asm)
Axman v2.20 (assembler)
Backup Magic v1.3.1 (win32asm)
Backup Scheduler v3 (win32asm)
Blackboard screensaver activate. (pascal)
Business Card Designer Pro v5.5 (win32asm)
CdWizzard v4.6x (pascal)
Checkfiles v1.6 (win32asm)
Cruehead's crackme 2 keygen (pascal)
Crypto v3.1 (assembler)
CSE HTML Validator v3.0x (assembler)
Dirtbike 3D beta (win32asm)
DropIt v4.6 (win32asm)
Email Wolf v1.00 (assembler)
Exespy 4.5 (keyfile) (pascal)
File Usage Monitor v1.3 (bad assembler :)
FontViewer v1.0 (assembler)
GodeZip v2 (C)
Have You New Mail v1.1 (win32asm)
HexDecChar editor (assembler)
HighLighter v1.23 (win32asm)
Htmasc 2.X (pascal)
J-Write v2.3 (pascal)
KeyEx v1.03 (pascal)
MicroChart/32 v7.04 (assembler)
mIRC v5.5 (assembler)
Morpher (pascal)
MP3_Strip It ! v5 beta (win32asm)
ODBC Spy v4.2 (keyfile) (pascal)
Password Tracker Deluxe v3.56 (win32asm) (C)
Quintessential CD v1.2x (win32asm)
RenderSoft VRML Editor v1.722 (C)
All Ilium Software Products (assembler)
All PACT 12 Ghosts Software v9X.X (assembler)
All Popcorn software (untidy pascal)
All Software by Design Products (assembler)
All 4Developers Software (assembler)
Stealth File Encryptor v3.1 (win32asm)
Teleport Pro v1.29 (assembler)
Tray Calender v2.8d (win32asm)
Tray Icon v3.0c (assembler)
UltraEdit v5.20 (assembler)
Web Palette (keyfile) (pascal)
I have done some others but most of the ones which are not here are just variations on
the above ones like web palette, the blackboard software and the spy suite series.
If you need any others, mail me and I will try to help.
From this point on, none of the keygens are written by myself. I would personally
like to thank the authors of all these keygens for donating or allowed my to display the
sources here. Thanks again guys.
Keygens by The+Q [PC]
Terminate v5.00 (keyfile-assembler)
CuteFTP v2.x (keyfile-assembler)
BulletProof FTP vx.x (pascal)
News Rover v3.x (pascal)
Game Hack v1.0 (assembler)
Keygens by EliCZ
aPACK (asm)
HWiNFO (asm)
pCE crackme (asm)
j0b's UCF crackme v1 (asm)
Keygens by f0SSiL (all C)
All digital Library v1
Active Media Eclipse v2.1
Allvue v2.11
Allvue PRO v1.01
BowerBird v1.01
EMULive Pro Video Producer v3.98b
EMULive FSx Video Broadcast server v3.0b4
Financial Engineer
GroupMaster v1.4
IChat Message Boards Server v1.0
Live Image Wizard v1.26
RK NetPlus v2.3
PC Baby v5.0
XPertRule v3.65
Keygens by Stone [UCF]
Winzip 6.2 & 6.3 by Stone & Drone (assembler)
Things to Do v2.2d (assembler)
What is this ? v1.6 (assembler)
Windates v3.0 (assembler)
No Frills Timer v1.2 (assembler)
Site Sleuth v1.05 (pascal)
Quick Cab v6.2 (assembler)
Actionizer v1.3 (assembler)
Keygens by flag eRRatum [ekh]
Bitmap Shrinker v1.02 (C)
Calender Builder v3.2c (C)
CTMailer (C)
EasySweep v1.0 (C)
Ez-Pix v1.1 (pascal)
Font Finder v4.xx (C)
FTP Edit v2.2 (pascal)
Gif Movie Gear v2.62 (C)
HexDecChar Editor v1.02 (C)
ISPSwitcher v1.0 (C)
JavaPad PRO v1.0 (pascal)
MMViewer v1.02 (C)
Offline Explorer v1.0 (C)
Paste Listener v1.0 (C)
Start-It v4.xx (C)
TakeNote v1.0 (C)
Wav_Akai v98.02 (C)
Keygens by Miramax [UCF]
(all are pascal sources)
Cabinet Manager v1.5.25
Second Copy v5.21 build 66
Action Player v3.0
Get time server 2.1
Table of contents v.2.0
Command Line 97 v1.0
Cel assembler v1.2f
Qboot 1.5
BuisnessCard designer plus v.5.0
Net Probe v1.
Super Mail 2.2c
Gif2HTML Writer v1.3
Media Changer Deluxe v3.7
MailCrypt Wizzard 0.9B
Mocha W32 TN5250
Things To do 2.2a
World Merge v2.6
Indox Organizer v1.10
It's time 2.1d
Units required to compile the above keymakers
Keygens by others.
Direct net by CoRN (hi buddy)
[pascal] [C version]
NOTE: for the above keygen sources, I higly advise you get CoRN's tutorial about HOW to
make these programs from the tutorial page. You won't
regret it :)
Globetime keygen by Vizion (assembler)
NOTE: also get Vizion's tutorial on how to crack this app from the tutorial page and try to make a keygen for it yourself in
your language of choice. The protection scheme is well explained by Vizion so it
isn't hard to understand.
Axman v1.10 by MegaDoc [UCF] (C++)
Ax-Icon v4.0 by Teraphy [PC] (assembler)
CuteFTP 2.0 (advanced) by Jammer [UCF] (assembler)
Cygnus Hexeditor v1.5 by Tie [UCF] (assembler)
Dao 3.1e 16/32 by a #cracking member (assembler)
HyperSnap-DX v3.02 by +Snikkel (assembler)
FTP-Wolf v2.x by Pain [RBS] (assembler)
UltraEdit32 v5.x by Pain [RBS] (pascal)
Virtual CD-ROM 1.0 Unlock keygen by MegaDoc [UCF] (C)
WinDownload v3.4 by GigaDoc [UCF] (C++)
All Wolf programs by MegaDoc [UCF] (C++)
ZTWin 1.20 & 1.21 by Illumitie [UCF] (assembler)
MailCrypt Wizard 0.92b by Teraphy [PC] (assembler)
No Frills Timer 1.3 by Teraphy [PC] (assembler)
aVirt Gateway Server v3.0 by Vizion [CORE] (win32asm)
Collection of sources by Hayras - get this