Micro Planner Specs/Competitive Analysis
Build/Modify Project From:
Network diagram Yes Yes
Bar Chart (Gantt) Yes Yes
Spreadsheet/Table Yes Yes
Outliner Yes Yes
Maximum Capacities:
Operations per project Mgr=1,500/XPrt=15,000 10000
Links per activity Unlimited Unlimited
Subprojects per project file Mgr=5/XPrt=100 Part of 10,000 activity limit
Operations per subproject 1364 10,000 (SP is separate file)
Linked project size Unlimited Unlimited
Calendars per project file 500 Unlimited
Zone/Responsibility labels 250 (16 char.) 3 group labels available
Cost codes 250 (16 char.) 3 group labels available
Characters in node ID 8 9
Calendar length 1952-2038 1960-2100
Interfaces between subprojects Unlimited Unlimited
Links between projects Unlimited Unlimited
Date Formats:
Calendar Style Yes Yes
Numeric Style Yes No
Work Breakdown Structure:
Levels of work breakdown 999 20
Work breakdown units per file 1000 Part of 10,000 activity limit
Breakdown code User defined Software controlled
Activity descriptions 254 characters 30 characters
Activity comments 254 characters 2048 characters
Duration units
Minutes Yes No
1/4 Hours No Yes
Hours Yes Yes
User-defined Shifts Yes No
Days Yes Yes
Weeks Yes Yes
Months No Yes
User defined start of week Yes No
Network Diagram:
Network methodologies Precedence & Arrow Precedence only
Drawn automatically & modified by user Yes Yes
Zoom in and out on screen Yes Yes
Network Logic Filters
Float Yes No
Criticality Yes No
Completion status Yes No
Determining Path of Selected task Yes No
Change font size per activity Yes No
Add text annotations Yes Yes
Add graphical annotations Yes No
Copy/cut/paste to clone operations Yes Yes
Summary, network rollups Yes Yes
Transfer network logic between files Yes No
Recording progress
Start Date Yes Yes
Percent Done Yes Yes
Balance Remaining Yes Yes
Finish Date Yes Yes
Out of sequence progressing Yes Yes
For Activity on Arrow:
Number of activity types 19 0
Number of event types 21 0
For Precedence:
Number of task types 8 3
Link types 4 3
Critical Path Time Control Features:
Earliest Start Yes Yes
Latest Finish Yes No
Target start/finish Yes No
Fixed start/finish Yes Yes
"Just in time" (ALAP) scheduling Yes Yes
Cash flow forecasting Yes Yes
Earned Value calculation methods
% complete Yes Yes
0/100 Yes No
50/50 Yes No
100/0 Yes No
Costing Calculations
Budget to Date (BCWS) Yes Yes
Earned Value (BCWP) Yes Yes
Actual Cost (ACWP) Yes Yes
Budget at Completion (BAC) Yes No
Estimate to Completion (ETC) Yes No
Estimate at Completion (EAC) Yes No
Earned/Cost Variance (CV) Yes No
Recoverable/Cost Variance Yes No
Schedule Variance (SV) Yes No
Variance at Completion (VAC) Yes No
Cost Performance Index (CPI) Yes No
Chargeable Costs Yes No
Budget control Yes No
Standard C/SSR reporting Yes No
Job Costing Yes No
Cost optimization (Wastage analysis) Yes No
Cost rates per resource 4 2
Cost rate change points per resource 20 5
Flexible cost roll-ups Yes No
Charge out (Billable) ratios Yes No
Cost Accrual Delay Options
Daily Yes No
Weekly Yes No
Bi_Weekly Yes No
Monthly Yes No
Quarterly Yes No
Annually Yes No
Cost Reports:
Standard cost reports 8 5
Graphic cost reports 8 2
User-created cost reports Unlimited None
Types of Resource Analysis:
Time limited Yes Yes
Resource limited Yes Yes, no splitting
As early as possible Yes Yes
As late as possible Yes Yes
User defined priorities Yes Yes
Maximum Capacities:
Resources per project 500 Memory constrained
Resources per operation 20 20
Changes in resource availability 20 5
Planned & actual resource usage Yes Yes
Resources scheduled by minute Yes No
Resource Control Features:
Individual & group resources Yes No
Group Resources Yes No
Resources based on proficiency Yes No
Resource efficiency adjusment Yes Yes
Partial resource assignments Yes Yes
"Not-to-Exceed" resource caps Yes No
Splitting (resource shifting) Yes No
Non-split operations (no interrupt) Yes Yes
Consecutive (Not interruptible) Yes Yes
Elastic (Res.avail.stretches task) Yes Yes
Project-wide non-split facility Yes No
Minimum split (definable interrupts) Yes No
Project minimum split Yes No
Sponge (consumes unused resources) Yes No
Float to longest path Yes Yes
Maximum delay period Yes No
Resource Reports:
Resource histograms Yes Yes
Resource histogram with Gantt bars Yes No
Histograms of group resources Yes No
Custom reports Unlimited None
Standard Reports 18 18
Network Diagram (PERT) Yes Yes
Gantt w/planned vs. actual Yes Yes
Gantt-Short Term Yes Yes
Linked Gantt (Logic & Time Scale) Yes Yes
Table Yes Yes
Activity/Task Yes Yes
Resource Histogram Yes Yes
Resource Gantt Yes No
Cost Profile (S-Curve) Yes No
Cost Pie Chart Yes No
WBS (Tree) Diagram Yes Yes
Milestone Yes Yes
Job Card Yes No
Progress Yes Yes
Cost Trend Yes No
Cost Plan & Variance Yes No
Charge Out Yes No
Job Cost Status Yes No
User-Defined Report Layouts Unlimited None
Customizable Gantt symbol sets Yes No
Selection criteria keys 14 52
Sorting criteria keys 17 39
Select/sort save Yes Yes
Print preview Yes Yes
User definable report bar colors Yes Yes
User definable report bar patterns Yes No
User definable report event markers Yes No
Living reports (automatic update) Yes Yes
Copy all reports to PICT files Yes No
Text annotations on Network & Gantt Yes Yes
Text Annotations on all reports Yes No
Grahpics annotation on all reports Yes No
User defined page breaks Yes No
Combine several reports on one chart Yes No
Hand pick selection Yes No
Plotter support Yes Yes
Project Desktop for organization Yes No
Custom Menu for often used reports Yes No
On-line help facility Yes Yes
Multiple active windows Yes Yes
Tiling of multiple windows Yes No
Archives for "What-iffing" 4 3
Direct open of MPX file Yes Yes
Import/Export table data to:
Spreadsheets Yes Yes
Databases Yes Yes
Word Processors Yes Yes