Marble Map


Selects the Marble map type and adds it to the current material in the Material Editor sample window.

The Marble map produces a marbled surface with colored veins against a colored background. A third color is automatically generated.

Marble Coordinates

Marble Parameters

Note: Another way to create marble is to use the Perlin Marble Map.

How To

To create a Marble map:

  1. Click a map button to assign a map.
  2. Choose Marble in the Material/Map browser, and then click OK.

To adjust the size of Marble veins:

The larger the Size value, the wider the veins.

The larger the Vein Width value, the more veins appear relative to the overall pattern.

To change vein color:

  1. In the Marble Parameters rollout, click a color swatch to display the Color Selector dialog.
  2. Adjust the color.
  3. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.

To use a map for a vein;

To swap the two vein colors:

To adjust mapping coordinates:

These controls are comparable to the same controls for bitmapped materials. The differences are that 3D maps such as Marble have a W axis as well, and that mirroring is not available.

For mapping coordinates, Marble can use either world coordinates or an object's local mapping coordinates.