Scale Keys (Function Curve)


Use Scale Keys to scale function curve keys horizontally.


Scale Keys: Changes the horizontal location and amount of time covered by selected keys.

The scale center for scale time is the current time set by the time slider. You can scale keys about any moment in time by dragging the time slider before you use Scale Keys.

How To

To scale a selection of keys horizontally:

  1. Drag the time slider to the time to use as the scale center.
  2. Click Scale Keys.
  3. Select one or more keys.
  4. Drag horizontally to scale selected keys or press SHIFT and drag to add scaled copies of selected keys.
  5. Drag left or right for the following results:
  6. Dragging right expands the keys away from the current time.

    Dragging left shrinks the keys towards the current time.

    Dragging left past the current time reverses the keys and expands the keys away from the current time.