
The Skew modifier produces a uniform offset in an objects geometry. You can control the amount and direction of the skew on any of three axes. You can also limit the skew to a section of the geometry.


Skew modifier applied


Effect of moving modifier center with limits set



Skew Parameters

Amount: Sets the angle to skew from the vertical plane (1-360).

Direction:Sets the direction of the skew relative to the horizontal plane (1-360).

Skew Axis Area

X/Y/Z: Select one of these to specify the axis that will be skewed. Note that this axis is local to the Skew gizmo and not related to the selected entity.

Limits Area

Limit Effect: Check this to apply limit constraints to the Skew Modifier.

Upper Limit: Sets the upper limit boundries in world units from the skew center point, beyond which the skew no longer affects the geometry.

Lower Limit: Sets the lower limit boundries in world units from the skew center point, beyond which the skew no longer affects the geometry.

How To

To skew an object:

  1. Select an object and choose Skew from the More list on the Modifiers rollout.
  2. On the Parameters rollout, set the axis of the skew to X, Y, or Z. This is the axis of the Skew gizmo, not the axis of the selected object. Default=Z.
  3. You can switch between axes at any time, but only one axis setting is carried with the modifier.

  4. Set the amount of the skew. The amount is an offset in current units parallel with the axis.
  5. The object skews to this amount beginning at the lower limit, by default the location of the modifier’s center.

  6. Set the direction of the skew.
  7. The object swivels around the axis.

    You can reverse amount and direction by changing a positive value to a negative value.

To limit the skew:

  1. Check Limit Effect in the Limits area. Default=unchecked.
  2. Set values for the upper and lower limits. These are distances in current units above and below the modifier’s center, which is at zero on the gizmo's Z axis. The upper limit can be zero or positive, the lower limit zero or negative. If the limits are equal, the result is the same as unchecking Limit Effect. Defaults=0.
  3. The skew offset is applied between these limits. The surrounding geometry, while unaffected by the skew itself, is moved to keep the object intact.

  4. At sub-object level, you can select and move the modifier's center.
  5. The limit settings remain on either side of the center as you move it. This lets you relocate the skew area to another part of the object.