Wood Parameters

The Wood Parameters rollout contains the following settings:

Grain Thickness: Sets the relative thickness of the color bands that make up the grain. Default = 7.

Radial Noise: Sets the relative randomness of the pattern on a plane perpendicular to the grain. Default = 1.0.

Axial Noise: Sets the relative randomness of the pattern on a plane parallel with the grain. Default = 1.0.

Colors: Allows choice of any two colors for the grain. Defaults = brownish yellow for Color #1 and dark brown for Color #2.

Maps: Allows replacement of colors by maps. Defaults = None.

Swap: Reverses the position of colors.

Parameters on the Coordinates rollout adjust placement of the wood map. See mapping coordinates and Setting Grain Direction..


Defaults: Grain Thickness = 7, Radial Noise = 1.0, Axial Noise = 1.0

Setting Grain Thickness

Setting Grain Direction

Setting Grain Irregularity

Setting Grain Complexity

Setting and Swapping Wood Colors

Replacing Wood Colors with Maps