Amiga Site Log
Amiga Site Log
- 6-28-2000 - Added Compuquick release; updated menu options and
margins sitewide.
- 6-27-2000 - Uploaded Eye-play story in Amigatainment.
- 6-26-2000 - Added New York Times article info.
- 6-26-2000 - Uploaded PDF version of 5/00 Amiga World.
- 6-20-2000 - Updated dealer list.
- 6-17-2000 - Added Volker Mohr article and updated new page.
- 6-7-2000 - Changed some wording in the last Executive Update.
- 6-5-2000 - Added Press Release about the launch of Devicetop.com.
- 6-4-2000 - Fixed some image problems in Amiga World and a typo.
- 6-3-2000 - DNS propogation for amigadev.net has not completed yet, so
some users may be locked out of the new developer support section for a few
- 6-3-2000 - Added Site Map do to a user
- 6-3-2000 - Added Developers Kit Press Release to news
- 4-19-2000 - Fixed bug in search engine. Removed unnecessary material
from AW.
- 4-12-2000 - Restored retired products section ("oldies but
goldies"); fixed formatting in Corporate section.
- 4-11-2000 - Added archive material from old web site. It is now
searchable using the main search engine. Corrected some typos.