Blitz (397/640)

From:Anton Reinauer
Date:13 Sep 99 at 03:09:03
Subject:Re: Amiga really is dead after all!

On 11-Sep-99, Donovan Reeve wrote:

> HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! What a load of CRAP!

> How can you do anything but laugh or cuss at this garbage?

> C'mon guys, don't be sucked in by every piece of blow you see in
> print, especially on the dubiously documented and poorly researched
> crud on the web. Just because it's called businessweek doesn't
> mean they do their articals in a businesslike manner. Don't mistake
> businessweek for the likes of NewsWeek, and even NewsWeek prints
> some biased crap sometimes.

> Obviously somebody is just trying to cause a sensation or even to
> purposely damage the Amiga and our community. This so-called "article"
> is FULL of half-truths, misquotes, stuff taken out of context and
> blatent falsehoods. A source "close to Amiga"???!!! Crap, that could
> describe anyone who ever heard of the Amiga the way these guys work.
> And notice that they did not say "a source friendly to Amiga" or "a
> source which really knows anything about Amiga". Shucks, even bILL
> gATES could be described as "a source close to Amiga" as he has
> several ex-Commodore engineers working for him. I would be willing to
> BET that I am closer to Amiga than the "source" they refered to if
> they meant in any meaningful way. I have heard absolutly nothing to
> indicate that Amiga have changed what they plan to do, although I have
> seen some indications that they have modified how they plan to
> accomplish it a bit.

Yes, a very good point, but you can't blame people for going
overboard, what with Gateway's patchy performance so far, and then
saying ok, we're cutting off *all* information to the Amiga community,
and then Jim, and Bill leaving/fired! Even if it is a hoax/bad
journalism, then it's Gateways fault that it happened, by leaving such
a sudden void, in a climate of fear and distrust!
Had they said, ok we can't give out any more tech info at the moment
because of competition, and kept in touch with the community (instead of
saying- You can all go get Fucked, as far as we're concerned!), then
this wouldn't have been able to happen!! Or at least people would have
kept an open mind about it.

> Gateway now have a LOT of money invested in the Amiga effort. They
> are not going to just dump it, no matter how much certain people would
> like them to.

Yeah, just like C=, Escom, Viscorp, and Gateway's previous efforts!
- I personally think they *could* be that stupid!

Anyway, even if do dump it, I prefer the QNX/PPC solution better
anyway- loyal Amiga developers who have stuck it through the bad times,
won't just get chucked (like Holger Kruse, P5, etc), and with my PPC
card I won't need to upgrade for awhile, as I can develop for the new
OS immediately, with no outlay!

Anton Reinauer <>
A500,DF1:,0.5MC,8.5MF,60HDD,WB3.1 &1.3/2.0
A1200,2M,CD-Rom,25/040,200/PPC ,WB3.0

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