1997 updates

update #15 - 16 December 97

Homage to Alfredo CΘsar Torres, ex-vice-president of FIA

Christmas background! Have a MERRY XMAS! + *SUPER* NEW YEAR, friend!

Debut of the ALAIN PROST RACING channel!!*

Added a link to CARLA's web, where you can find LOADS of F1 autographs

ALL our LFRS RESULTS updated and posted in the LFRs Results Page

UPDATED the pages ABOUT ALL OUR DRIVERS with their own LFRS results!

NEW GP2 results for San Marino and Pacific

!!!Artur Marques is WORLD's #1 KEYBOARD DRIVER - check the UNOFFICIAL LFRS driver standings!!!

nearly 2.000.000 PROSTs!! [can't explain it...]

*only avaible for Internet Explorer 4 users**

**don't know if Geocities will accept the .CDF file

update #13 - 5 October 97

JosΘ Calhariz becomes our NEW LFRS class D driver!!

LFRS pre-season-testing FINAL RESULTS in the LFRs Results Page


Marius has a PAST! Check his troubles in the About Marius page!

Transfered the NFS replays to other site, 'cos of the 2MB barrier...

Added a link to (Attila's) Laky's GP2 results at http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9484/

NEW GP2 results for Japan and Australia

GP2WRL97 with big problems because of CHEATERS!

!!APR will RACE in LFR 97-98!! (Little Formula 1 Racing Series)

> 1650 PROSTs!!

update #12 - 26 SEPTEMBER 97


WELCOME to our NEW DRIVER!! - Marius A. Bj°nness

Inserted a PROST VIDEO SECTION link to the table of contents...


Manuel Sancho is back! He improves in GP2 JEREZ!

There are RESULTS in the LFRs Results Section

Debut of pages about ALL OUR DRIVERS!

Reduced the pictures' size in table of contents! Faster downloads!

Updated the Who Are We, Results, and Friends...

Manuel Sancho is looking for someone to takeover is place in GP2WRL97! Interested?

!!APR will RACE in LFR 97-98!! (Little Formula 1 Racing Series)

> 1600 PROSTs!!

update #11 - 15 SEPTEMBER 97

This is one of the biggest updates, ever:

!!WELCOME to 3 NEW DRIVERS!! - Attila, Stanislaff and Calhariz


Artur Marques improves in GP2 Monza and Australia

Debut of the LFRs Results Section

Debut of pages about the NEW drivers - Attila, Stanislaff and Calhariz

Radical NEW LOOK Main Page

Updated the Who Are We, Results, Friends and Links pages...

Updated the no frames page, trying to place it upper in the search engines :-)

Manuel Sancho is looking for someone to takeover is place in GP2WRL97! Interested?

New icons for some sections

!!APR will RACE in LFR 97-98!! (Little Formula 1 Racing Series)

> 1400 PROSTs!!

update #10 - 30 AUGUST 97


Oskar Schuler's NEW TIMES for INDYCAR 2

Artur Marques improves in GP2 Hungary and SPA

Artur Marques scores 4th place in SPA / GP2WRL97

Manuel Sancho is looking for someone to takeover is place in GP2WRL97! Interested?

New 120x110 JPG icon for the "Who are We" section

!!APR will RACE in LFR 97-98!! (Little Formula 1 Racing Series)

> 1200 PROSTs!!

update #9 - 19 and 21 JULY 97

On day 21-JULY, I redesigned the Front Page.

Dramatic changes in APR: only 2 frames and bigger characters, from now on.

We debuted banners from sponsors and from Link Exchange

RESULTS pages are now ABSOLUTELY redesigned for much BETTER!

Artur Marques scores WORLD #3 and #7 in Canada and England, IRS-GP2

Artur Marques improves in GP2 England and Germany

Artur Marques & APR climb #3 in GP2WRL97!!

Manuel Sancho is looking for someone to takeover is place in GP2WRL97! Interested?

These pages crossed the > 1000 PROSTs barrier!!

update #8 - 16 June 97

Olivier Panis had a terrible crash in Canada. He broke both legs and will be out for >12 weeks.

We hope Olivier gets well soon!

Artur Marques scores WORLD #1 in Spain, IRS-GP2

Artur Marques improves in GP2-Canada

Manuel Sancho is looking for someone to takeover is place in GP2WRL97! Interested?

1st ever ALL FEMALE Internet Racing Team - Alain Prost Racing 2 - quits GP2WRL97, after Panis' crash

update #7 - 2 June 97

Page about the 1st ever ALL FEMALE Internet Racing Team - Alain Prost Racing 2

Artur Marques scores #6 in GP2WRL97

Oskar Schuler keeps flying (Indycar2) and he now has 3 replays!

Artur and Sancho go 1.16.xxx in GP2 Monaco - check the F1 link

S≤nia Gueterres and Carla Monteiro finish their 1st race!

We are now racing in the HOF 2.5 competition!

fixed some bugs

this was new on update #6 - 22 May 97

NEW logo for APR! (it now says "PROST RACING")


Carla Monteiro and S≤nia Guterres, join us as drivers!

NEW Artur's GP2 TIME for Spain - 1:18.607 with a Keyboard!

Artur and Sancho qualified #6 and #11 for GP2WRL97 Spain

*Artur, the webmaster of these pages is very short on time and the FEMALE debut will only be highlighted in the next few days, not in this update. Don't you miss the girls' pictures!! There even may be a S≤nia NAKED picture, who works for several fashion agencies.

this was new on update #5 - 19 May 97

Labeled ALL pictures and fixed minor bugs

changed recommended resolution to 1152x864

Oskar Schuler raced in 3 Indycar2 circuits!

Artur and Sancho performed bad at GP2WRL97, Monaco...

!UPDATED *BEST PICTURES* SECTION! - Great crashes at Monaco!

NEW GP2 TIMES for Europe / Gerez

this WAS new on update #4

Fixed hyperlinks, so they don't load in the APR's frame window!

Added: Karl Zosel, Satoru Asakawa, Martjin Koopman and Pat Painter to the FRIENDS section


- Oskar Schuler and Martjin Koopman as drivers

- Pat Painter as the official APR's *FREE* carset designer




Redesigned FRIENDS link

this WAS new on update #3

Martijn Koopman spots bugs in ZIP files' access (thank you Martijn!)

ZIP files' bugs SOLVED - you can DOWLOAD everything NOW!

!!Artur Marques finished 3rd in the TOP CHAMPIONSHIP GP2WRL97!!

Artur Marques did 28 points in INET97-GP2

Manuel Sancho finished 6th in the TOP CHAMPIONSHIP GP2WRL97

APR was the only team scoring with the 2 drivers in GP2WRL97

Artur Marques broke other 3 keys in his racing keyboard :-(

!!Artur Marques IMPROVES his time in MTM / Crazyer 8 for > 5 seconds!!

Artur and Sancho do # 5 and # 10 in IRS-GP2 championship

ALL results of Alain Prost Racing for "IMOLA", for the GP2WRL97 championship.

Final results of Alain Prost Racing at "IMOLA", for the IRS-GP2 championship.

Final results of Alain Prost Racing at "FRANCE", for the INET97-GP2 championship.

this WAS new on update #2

NEW driver. It's Nuno Marques, from Portugal

NEW times for GP2 and Monster Truck

NEW results for championships

Minor corrections in some pages

Geocities logo is now always visible

NEW counter, respecting Geocities rules

Alan Wong, the webmaster of the *unofficial* Alain Prost Grand Prix has visited us!

We are now linked from Oskar Schuler's Prost Page!

Read THIS!

We will try to update this site regularly, at least once a week, so please BOOKMARK this URL now!

We also promisse to answer ALL e-mail, but the "latency" time for an answer will depend on several factors.

We really want to make this corner a friendly place for you! So please visit the whole of our 2 MBs :-) and send us your oppinion.