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src/drivers/llc_vpw.c File Reference

Software LLC for VPW bus. More...

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <otto/packet.h>
#include "llc.h"


const char _ID_[] __attribute__ ((unused))="$Id: llc_vpw.c,v 1.6 2004/07/07 16:14:01 alpha Exp $"
enum otto_llc_symbol vpw_decode_symbol (const struct otto_llc_pulse bit)
 Decode pulse into symbol.

int vpw_encode_symbol (struct otto_llc_pulse *bit, const enum otto_llc_symbol sym, const struct otto_llc_pulse bit_prev, const enum otto_llc_symbol sym_prev)
 Encodes symbol into data type for driver.


const struct otto_llc_timing vpw_timing []
 Bit timing for VPW bus.

otto_llc_format vpw_format

Detailed Description

Software LLC for VPW bus.

Function Documentation

const char _ID_ [] __attribute__ (unused)   )  [static]

enum otto_llc_symbol vpw_decode_symbol const struct otto_llc_pulse  bit  )  [static]

Decode pulse into symbol.

decoded symbol
bit  Bit to decode

int vpw_encode_symbol struct otto_llc_pulse bit,
const enum otto_llc_symbol  sym,
const struct otto_llc_pulse  bit_prev,
const enum otto_llc_symbol  sym_prev

Encodes symbol into data type for driver.

bit  Encoded bit
sym  Symbol to encode
bit_prev  Previous encoded bit
sym_prev  Previous symbol

Variable Documentation

struct otto_llc_format vpw_format [static]

Initial value:

{ .name = "vpw", .desc = "Variable pulse width modulation", .decode_symbol = vpw_decode_symbol, .encode_symbol = vpw_encode_symbol, }

const struct otto_llc_timing vpw_timing[] [static]

Initial value:

{ { 34, 64, 96 }, { 96, 128, 163 }, { 163, 200, 239 }, { 239, 280, -1 }, { 239, 300, 1000000 }, { 280, 300, -1 }, }
Bit timing for VPW bus.

Generated on Thu Jul 8 19:26:07 2004 for OpenOtto by doxygen 1.3.7