INTERHOSPITAL '97: Congress Program 03 June 1997
Hospital policy
9.30 a.m.-11.00 a.m.
"How feasible is Sect. 70 of the Social Security Code (SGB V) - humane, high-quality, cost-efficient care?"
Chaired by: Konrad Regler
- From the perspective of hospital owners
The Reverend Karl-Gerhard Wien
- From the perspective of health insurance funds
Dr. Werner Gerdelmann
- From the perspective of Science
Prof. Eberhard Wille
2.30 p.m.-4.00 p.m.*)
Hospital Policy Forum I
Chaired by: Prof. Dr. Dr. Hermann Hoffmann
- "The future role of hospitals from the perspective of the German federal government"
Horst Seehofer, M.P.
- Comments from the perspective of the GDK:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hermann Hoffmann
11.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m.*)
Hospital Policy Forum II
"Prospects for patient care in light of the current general framework"
Chaired by: Prof. Dr. Dr. Hermann Hoffmann
- From the perspective of the Federal Association of Panel Doctors
Dr. Winfried Schorre
- From the perspective of the health insurance funds
Dipl.-Kfm. Herbert Rebscher
- From the perspective of hospital owners
The Reverend Jürgen Gohde
Panel discussion
Various speakers and Dr. Hubertus Müller, Hans Dieter Hübinger, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hermann Hoffmann
4.00 p.m.-5.30 p.m.*)
"Managed Care - with a view to the German health care system - Opportunities and limitations"
Chaired by: Dr. Dr. Karl-W. Lauterbach
- The feasibility of managed care in the German health care system: The Swiss experience
Jörg Baumberger
- Managed Care: How good ist the quality of care?
Prof. Konrad Selbmann
- Managed Care: The feasibility from the perspective of the health insurance funds
Franz Knieps
Practical Seminars
10.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
"Is outsourcing in?"
Part I: Outsourcing services
Chaired by: Bernd-Ulrich Drost
- The pros and cons of outsourcing catering services
Thomas Bose
Ludwig Gäng
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Holland
- The pros and cons of outsourcing linen services
Dipl.-Oec. Jörg Meßbauer
Karl Heinz Lehmann
- The pros and cons of outsourcing cleaning/disinfecting services
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) Stefan Burkart
Dr. Volker Graf
- The pros and cons of outsourcing facility management
Dipl.-Ing. Gergried Stieler
Jörn Rebien
Closing address: Bernd-Ulrich Drost
2.30 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
"Is outsourcing in?"
Part II: Outsourcing departments
Chaired by: Bernd-Ulrich Drost
- Outsourcing radiology - The Mülheim model
PD Dr. Rainer M. M. Seibel
- Outsourcing laboratory work
Dr. Josef Siebig
- Outsourcing hospital administration
Ulrich Bosch
Assessor Siegfried Gaertner
Closing address: Bernd-Ulrich Drost
2.30 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
"Internal and external electronic transmission of findings - A means
of boosting efficiency?"
Chaired by: Prof. Dr. Peter Haas
- Introduction to the subject
Prof. Dr. Peter Haas
- Telematics projects in Germany and throughout Europe - Overview and practical experience
Dr. Gottfried T. W. Dietzel
- Internal and external communication networks in a small hospital -
Implemantation procedures and practical experiences
Dr. Thomas Daehler
- Telepathology in the Bernburg Hospital - A practical report
Peter Löbus
- Teleradiology with MEDICUS - Benefits to patients and hospitals
Dr. U. Engelmann
Wrap-up: Prof. Dr. Peter Haas
Accompanying Events
2.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
Professional Association for Health and Social Services (BGW)
"Preventing occupational latex-related diseases"
Chaired by: Frank Haamann
2.30 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
Hearing Impairment Working Group (AGHG), Hannover area
"What hearing-impaired people want from hospitals"
Presented by: Gisela Speil
2.30 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
Catholic Vocational Institute of North Rhine-Westphalia
"Top performance through professional management"
Chaired by: Prof. Dr. Rochus Allert
2.30 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
German Association for In-Hospital Social Services
"Hospital-based social work at the interface between in-patient and
out-patient care: helping to cut costs"
Chaired by: Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Erika Witthöft, Dipl. Sozialpäd. Uwe Hinze
Further Training Event for Nursing Staff
2.00 p.m.-4.30 p.m.
"DP in the nursing and functional sector"
Extent of implementation and developments
Chaired by: Brigitte Schulz
- To what extent is information technology used in nursing?
- What plans exist for introducing software relevant to the nursing profession?
- How do nursing managers rate the level of acceptance and satisfaction
amongst the nursing staff?
*) marked topics are translated into english, french and german simultaneously.
Program is subject to change
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