Abakt - Manual
Free backup software for Windows.
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Description of Abakt's filtering capabilities.

General Usage

How does filtering work?

In the 'Source | Directories' box: select the directories to include.
Files in unselected directories will be ignored throughout the rest of the filter-process.
On the 'Filters | Exclude' page: select files that will not be backup up, using a mask.
On the 'Filters | Include' page: select files to include. Use this to override the Exclude filter.
On the 'Filters | File Properties' page: select files based on their properties (attributes, size, date).
On the 'Filters | No Compression' page: select files/directories that should be added to the backup without compression.
Only works for Zip Archives.
- Exclude & Include
Files in unselected directories will be ignored throughout the rest of the filtering-process.
Exclude Page

Exclude files in the selected directories from backup.
Use masks to select the files to exclude.

Include Page

Override the Exclude filter.
Include these files in the backup, even if they are filtered out by the Exclude filter.
Use masks to select the files to include.

- File Properties

Allows filtering on file properties: attributes, sizes and modification-date.

- No Compression

Do not compress these files (this can improve backup speed).

Only applies to built-in Action Type 'Zip' (this feature depends on ZipForge).

Use masks to select files by path and/or filename.

Wildcards: * ?
* : A range of characters.
? : Any character.
If a mask contains a \ files are matched against the full path of a file (including the drive).
You should use * to select ALL files, not *.*.
Pipe character: |
Use a pipe character to seperate the directory-part of a filename from the name-part.
Syntax: "directory-mask"|"filename-mask".
Example masks:
Select all files in directories with the name 'temp'.
C:\Documents and Settings*\temp\*|*
Select all files in directories named 'temp' below 'C:\Documents and Settings'.
Select all .doc files in directories with names that contain 'part-of-dirname'.
Sets: [a-z] [!0-9] [12.ad#$]
Each set should be enclosed in brackets: [set].
Between the brackets are the elements of the set. Each element is a literal character or a range.
Ranges are specified by an initial value, a dash (-), and a final value: [a-z].
Do not use spaces or commas to separate the elements of the set.
A set must match a single character in the string. The character matches the set if it is the same as one of the literal characters in the set, or if it is in one of the ranges in the set.
A character is in a range if it matches the initial value, the final value, or falls between the two values. All comparisons are case-insensitive.
If the first character after the opening bracket of a set is an exclamation point (!), then the set matches any character that is not in the set.
Example of a mask with the ([) character: *[[]*
Example of a mask with the (]) character: *]*