Abakt - Manual
Free backup software for Windows.
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Description of the global preferences.

On Startup
Use This Profile

Select the Profile to show on startup.

Restore File Associations

Instructs Abakt to create file associations for *.abp and *.abg files.
If you (double-)click any of these files in Windows Explorer, Abakt will start, and open the selected file.

(Uninstalling Abakt will remove these file associations from the registry.)

Default Data Directory

This is the directory where your data (Profiles, Groups. etc.) will be saved.
If you modify this directory the following subdirectories will be created automaticaly: Filters, Groups and Profiles.

No files will be copied when you change this directory, you will have to do that yourself.

Show Path Information on Recent Files Menus

That's what it does.

Maximum Visible Recent Files

Set the number of visible files on Profile's and Group's menu 'File | Recent Files'.

Show Description Boxes

Turn this off if you do not need them.

Use New UI BrowseForFolder

Disable this if you prefer the old-style BrowseForFolder windows, or if you are experiencing problems.

Default Destination Directory

Used for new (Untitled) Profiles.

Temporary Directory

Specifies the directory where Abakt will save temporary files containing the list of files that should be in/excluded.
This is also the directory that ZipForge uses while updating and testing backups.
If empty, the system's default temporary directory will be used.

7-Zip Executable

Set the path to 7z.exe. Get 7-Zip from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/

Confirm 'File Operation | Delete'

Not used when Abakt was started using commandline parameters.

Modify these settings to specify which information is shown on the Log panel while performing an Action.
Detailed 'Building File Lists'

For every file: show if it is included or excluded.

Checking this option will slow down the Action.

Detailed Filter Information

Show why a file is included or excluded.

Also applies to page Source/Files.
Not used during Action when 'Detailed Building File Lists' is unchecked.

Detailed File Progress

Show complete file progress while executing an Action.
If unchecked, only the failures are reported.

Checking this option will slow down the Action.

Save Action Log

Check if you want to automatically save the information (selected above) to a log-file (below).
The log-file '[ProfileName].log' will be saved in the Action Log Directory.

Action Log Directory

Set the directory Log files will be saved to.