// LinuxTag 2004
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OpenBooks - Elektronische Bcher

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem O'Reilly Verlag befinden sich auf dieser CD neun vollst舅dige Bcher. Im einzelnen ist enthalten:

Free as in Freedom

Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software

Free as in Freedom interweaves biographical snapshots of GNU project founder Richard Stallman with the political, social and economic history of the free software movement. It examines Stallman's unique personality and how that personality has been at turns a driving force and a drawback in terms of the movement's overall success.

Open Sources

Voices from the Open Source Revolution

In Open Sources, leaders of Open Source come together in print for the first time to discuss the new vision of the software industry they have created, through essays that explain how the movement works, why it succeeds, and where it is going. A powerful vision from the movement's spiritual leaders, this book reveals the mysteries of how open development builds better software and how businesses can leverage freely available software for a competitive business advantage.

Using Samba

by Robert Eckstein, David Collier-Brown, Peter Kelly

This book, which has been officially adopted by the Samba team under an open content license, is a comprehensive guide to Samba administration, including such recent additions as integration with Windows NT domains and the SWAT graphic configuration tool. Samba turns a Unix or Linux system into a file and print server for Microsoft Windows network clients. Whether you're playing on one note or a full three-octave range, this book will help you maintain an efficient and secure server.

DocBook: The Definitive Guide

By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner

DocBook is a Document Type Definition (DTD) for use with XML (the Extensible Markup Language) and SGML (the Standard Generalized Markup Language). DocBook lets authors in technical groups exchange and reuse technical information. This book contains an introduction to SGML, XML, and the DocBook DTD, plus the complete reference information for DocBook.

Learning Debian GNU/Linux

By Bill McCarty

Learning Debian GNU/Linux guides the new user of Linux through the installion and configuration of Debian GNU/Linux. Debian is the purely Open Source Linux distribution, crafted and maintained by a worldwide network of volunteers. Windows users will gain a gentle introduction to this exciting computing world guided by Bill McCarty in Learning Debian GNU/Linux.

Linux Device Drivers

By Alessandro Rubini, Jonathan Corbet

This practical guide is for anyone who wants to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system. It shows step-by-step how to write a driver for character devices, block devices, and network interfaces, illustrating with examples you can compile and run. The second edition covers Kernel 2.4 and adds discussions of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), Universal Serial Bus (USB), and some new platforms.

Englische Version und Deutsche Version

Linux Network Administrator's Guide

By Olaf Kirch, Terry Dawson

Fully updated, this impressive, comprehensive introduction to networking on Linux now covers firewalls, including the use of ipchains and iptables (netfilter), masquerading, and accounting. Other new topics include Novell (NCP/IPX) support and INN (news administration). Original material on serial connections, UUCP, routing and DNS, mail and News, SLIP and PPP, NFS, and NIS has been thoroughly updated.

Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason

By Jonathan Swartz

This book shows you how to create large, complex, dynamically driven web sites that look good and are a snap to maintain. You'll learn how to visualize multiple Mason-based solutions to any given problem and select among them. The book covers the latest line of Mason development 1.1x, which has many new features, including line number reporting based on source files, sub-requests, and easier use as a CGI.

Open Source - kurz & gut

Open Source - Standortbestimmung

Seit Bestehen des Verlags hat O'Reilly Bcher zu allen wichtigen Open Source-Technologien und -Themen wie beispielsweise Unix, Linux, Sendmail, DNS & Bind bis hin zu Perl verfentlicht - lange bevor der Begriff Open Source gepr臠t wurde. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, Interessierten und Sympathisanten der Open Source-Initiative einen ワberblick ber den Stand der Diskussion zu geben und dabei wichtige Aspekte und die durchaus kontroversen Positionen innerhalb dieser Bewegung zusammenzufassen. Ein einleitender Beitrag von Martin Mller skizziert die Wurzeln der Open Source-Initiative und die Grnde und Motivationen fr das Pr臠en des neuen Begriffs Open Source. Es folgen knappe Beschreibungen von Open Source-Projekten, die beeindruckend die Bandbreite und Bedeutung der freien Software belegen. Darber hinaus dokumentieren Interviews die Positionen von zentralen Perslichkeiten wie Linus Torvalds, Eric Raymond oder Brian Behlendorf.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Buch beim Verlag bereits vergriffen ist.


Der O'Reilly Verlag ist die deutsche Niederlassung des international erfolgreichen Verlages O'Reilly & Associates. Wir vermitteln Informationen zu wichtigen und zukunftsweisenden Technologien in Form von Konferenzen, Webangeboten und durch die Publikation hochwertiger Fachbcher. Ziel ist stets, auf ein in der Praxis tats臘hlich vorhandenes, dringliches Informationsbedrfnis zu antworten und fundierte Lungskonzepte zu bieten. Unsere Autoren sind Teil der verschiedenen Nutzergruppen und technischen Communities und vermitteln so besonders kompetent ihr Wissen aus der Praxis. Dies best舩igen die internationalen Auszeichnungen, die unsere Bcher regelm葹ig erhalten.

Aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen unserer derzeit ca. 400 Verfentlichungen stammen aus den Bereichen Programmierung (Java, Perl), Systemadministration (Linux/Unix), Web-Entwicklung (XML) und Web Services (.NET). Information: www.oreilly.de

Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.