In modern webserver environments it is more and more important to scale the application so that all webservers are optimally utilized. Being able to do this one can build infrastructures that have an optimal price-performance ratio. This talk describes posibilities to build up such infrastructures and the technical background to understand them. The focus will be on the layer that seperates the computing power from the storage layer so that one can scale storage independently from the computing power. For such infrastructures Cluster Filesystems and SANs - Storage Area Networks - are the perfect combination.
After describing the technologies used to build up the infrastructure, two different customer projects are depicted. One is a infrastructure for a classic Internet Service Provider and the other a 3-tier diskless webapplication cluster, running two Dutch ensurance web portals.
ワber den Autor
Marc grimme grndete 1995 die ATIX Gbr mit dem Schwerpunkt der Netzwerkbetreuung auch unter Linux, die schlie゚lich 2000 zur Grndung der ATIX GmbH mit Schwerpunkt "Storage Networking" vor allem unter Linux fhrte. Sein Unternehmen ist seit 2002 Reseller fr Sistina Inc. USA (LVM, GFS) und er grndete 2002 mit anderen die Linux-SAN-Alliance.