It's Magic: SourceMage GNU/Linux as HPC Cluster OS
Jg Cassens and Zoran Constantinescu Fl
The goal of the presentation is to give an overview about how to build a commodity PC based GNU/Linux cluster for High Performance Computing (HPC) in research. After the presentation, the audience should be able to decide whether a source based GNU/Linux distribution is suitable for their computing needs, and how to actually install a source based computing cluster on their own.
Due to the extreme flexibility of the GNU/Linux operating system and the large variety of hardware components, building a cluster for High Performance Computing (HPC) is still a challenge in many cases. At the Division of Intelligent Systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), we have build a 40 node HPC cluster for research purposes using the source-based GNU/Linux distribution SourceMage.
We describe a methodology for designing and installing a highly customized GNU/Linux cluster. Different types of Linux distributions will be mentioned, binary-based and source-based, with their advantages and disadvantages.
The presentation will focus on using SourceMage for HPC, specifying the 'magical' ideas behind it: the ease of upgrading to the latest available version of the source code, a packaging system for keeping track of dependencies, optimized compiles for the hardware architecture used, easy integration of new packages, amongst others.
Intended for scientists and engineers interested in learning about ways to set up a HPC cluster, neither in depth knowledge of the Linux operating system, nor about clustering technologies is necessary.
ワber den Autor
Jg Cassens and Zoran Constantinescu Fl are working on their Ph.D. at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. Their field of research is Intelligent Systems. Jg is concentrating on usage aspects of knowledge intensive Case-Based Reasoning systems, while Zoran's main area of research is in using distributed computing for large scale scientific visualization.
At their research group, they have together built up a 40+ node HPC cluster for research and education in machine learning, data mining, visualisation, and distributed programming. Zoran is also the Source Mage GNU/Linux - Grimoire guru for the cluster section.