Freenet (http://freenetproject.org/) is a peer-to-peer platform with a strong focus on free speech, anonymity and resistance against any form of censorship. The talk will present a few reasons why anonymity and censorship resistance may become important to future free software projects. An explanation of a few technical details of the Freenet network will provide the understanding required for the "how to". The "how to" part examines a few properties of existing software development platforms and how they can be reproduced or emulated in freenet. The final part of the talk will relate some experience with the described project layout and version control software.
ワber den Autor
Peter Conrad is a founding member of the Unix-AG Kaiserslautern, from which eventually the LinuxTag e. V. emerged. After finishing his CS master in 1996, he has been working in various projects, mostly related to e-business. Since 2000 he has been the co-owner of [ t]ivano Software, a small company specializing in web application development.