// LinuxTag 2004
Besuchen Sie uns auch n臘hstes Jahr wieder auf dem LinuxTag 2004 im Karlsruher Messe- und Kongresszentrum. Fr n臧ere Details und den genauen Termin besuchen Sie bitte die LinuxTag Homepage.
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//The KDE kroupware client

The KDE kroupware client

Bo Thorsen


The BSI of the German goverment contracted three companies to produce a free software groupware solution for them. Klar舁vdalens Datakonsult AB got the responsibility to implement the KDE client in the project. The author is the project leader and main developer on the client part of the project.

The talk will tell the story of the project, and show the capabilities of the solution. It will give a short overview of the server part that Erfrakon implemented. It will present some relevant background into the biggest technical design decisions that have been made, and an overview of what has been achieved. Finally there will be an overview of what happens to the project in the future and focus on the development that is happening for KDE 3.2 in this area.

This is not a technical talk, and everyone will be able to follow it. It will be demonstrated that there now finally is not only a working free software groupware solution - something that has been missing for a long time - but also what the latest and possibly greatest addition to KDE may be.

ワber den Autor

Bo holds a master of computer science degree from University of Southern Denmark. He worked two years for SuSE on the Linux x86-64 port, mostly on gcc and binutils. He gave numerous talks about this subject in Europe and USA, one of these on LinuxTag 2002.

Since October 2002 he has worked for the KDE/Qt based company Klar舁vdalens Datakonsult AB. His main responsibility has been leading the development of the KDE client in the kroupware project.


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.