// LinuxTag 2004
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//Seamless Content Management using Cocoon and Openoffice.org

Seamless Content Management using Cocoon and Openoffice.org

Christian Egli


XML is establishing itself as the universal content format. It is not only widely used in web publishing but also becoming the lingua franca for office tools such as OpenOffice.org and future versions of Microsoft Office. For the purpose of publishing content from a single XML source to multiple output formats, Apache Cocoon is an excellent tool. It provides powerful and flexible mechanisms to publish XML content in almost any format.

The creation of XML content however is still hard. There are many tools to aid you in this task. However, users want no XML editors where they inserts elements, but a WYSIWYG tool that is integrated in the office environment (and still provides all the benefits of validation, separation of content and style, etc.). There are browser-based solutions that work quite well, but none of them match the maturity and wide acceptance of an office suite.

OpenOffice.org may be the rescue as it is a widely used open source cross-platform office suite which uses XML as the native file format for all its documents. The format is documented and open. If we combine the two tools OpenOffice.org and Apache Cocoon we get a powerful solution for creating and publishing content. Add WebDAV to this tool chain to get distributed content authoring.

The talk will present the tools outlined, give a brief overview of the history and fundamental concepts behind them. A possible implementation of the combination will be presented and directions for further exploration outlined.

ワber den Autor

Christian Egli graduated as a software engineer from ETH in Zrich, Switzerland. He works for Wyona AG and is one of the core committers of Apache Lenya, an open source CMS based on Cocoon.


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.