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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//The JOnAS Open Source J2EE Platform

The JOnAS Open Source J2EE Platform

Fran輟is Exertier


JOnAS is an open source J2EE[TM] 1.3 platform developed within ObjectWeb (www.objectweb.org), an international consortium providing open source middleware components. After a short introduction to ObjectWeb, this paper highlights the main features of JOnAS 3.x, including the current work for supporting J2EE 1.4, with focus on Web Services. ObjectWeb is a consortium which aims at providing open source middleware components, ranging from "technical components" as ORBs, Message Oriented Middlewares, Transaction Monitors, persistence frameworks, to platforms like J2EE, CORBA CCM. The component architecture approach is applied to the middleware itself, not only to the applications. JOnAS (Java[TM] Open Application Server) is a J2EE platform, developed upon open source components from Objectweb or from other organizations. E.g. the persistence support is achieved through the integration of the ObjectWeb JORM framework, the asynchronous support may be done through the ObjectWeb JORAM JMS[TM] implementation, and Web components as Servlets and JSPs are supported by integrating Tomcat or Jetty. The paper describes the JOnAS architecture, based on the concept of service, its support of critical J2EE features such as transactions (JTA[TM]), asynchronous messaging (JMS), persistence, and connectivity to Enterprise Information Systems (JCA[TM]). The document also addresses the high scalability of the JOnAS application server and the related internal mechanisms. Performance and clustering issues are also discussed. The JOnAS application server management is presented, from the management console to the implementation based on Java and J2EE standard.

ワber den Autor

Dr. Fran輟is Exertier is chief architect of JOnAS, an open source implementation by Bull of the J2EE specification. He is member of the college of architects at the Objectweb consortium (Open Source Middleware, see www.objectweb.org). He received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Grenoble (France) in 1991. His research interests have been in the fields of extended relational databases and object-oriented databases. He also worked on conception and implementation of solutions for Object and Web access to relational databases: the result was a Bull product called Robin. His expertise is now mainly focused in the area of technologies for distributed and object-oriented systems : J2EE, "Enterprise JavaBeans", "Java Messaging Service", Agents, OMG, ...


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.