// LinuxTag 2004
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//A Sneak Preview on the new Features of CUPS 1.2

A Sneak Preview on the new Features of CUPS 1.2

Kurt Pfeifle


CUPS is currently under heavy development to prepare for the first release in the 1.2.x version development branch.

A whole bunch of new exciting features is planned. These include for instance sophisticated interfaces to customize the server's web GUI through PHP, Java and Perl bindings and an improved page accounting feature (by querying the printers themselves where they support it). An improved bi-directional communication with the output devices is also scheduled. A much more flexible ACL (Access Control Lists) will give control to the availability of individual printer or job objects to users and groups. Help for the creation and customization of PPDs will be provided by some additional utilities. Furthermore there will be support for the IPP extensions regarding customizable job notification (to users, admins, customers or who-ever-you-want), and extended support for high-quality photographic printing (including color management features). New features that help to deploy it in heavy production or really large environments (tens of thousands of users, thousands of printers in the network and hundreds of thousands of pages printed per day) round up this list.

If the first version of 1.2 is released before LinuxTag - then you'll miss the "Sneak" and the "Pre-" - but you still will be enjoying the "View"... ;-)

ワber den Autor

Kurt is working as a system engineer at Danka Deutschland GmbH. He is doing consulting and training related to network printing, IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), migrating heterogeneous networks to Linux print servers (with the help of CUPS and Samba).

He has been helping with both the Linuxprinting.org website and with user support in various newsgroups. He writes documentation related to printing and works as a beta tester for the KDE printing stuff. He also wrote most of the Documentation of the Samba HOWTO Collection dealing with printing. In various newsgroups he is actively helping users to solve their printing problems, minar and major ones.

Currently he is busy with a book about CUPS (dealing with printing on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows).


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.