CONESYS is the Open Source COntent NEtwork SYStem for peer-to-peer content and knowledge management. In a content network, digital objects are free to move around and be replicated while they still remain accessible. With CONESYS, such content networks can be set up to improve availability and performance of Internet, Intranet, or Extranet services within or accross administrative domains. CONESYS offers a highly adaptive functionality to integrate legacy systems into a cross-server content and knowledge management infrastructure, but also to plugin new software modules and connectors into its framework.
An innovative technology allows CONESYS to decouple any digital object from the physical nodes and addressing schemes that carry them (e.g. URLs). This is called the Distributed Digital Objects (DDO) system, based on a kind of IP address combined with an arbitrary unique identifier for digital items. A CONESYS content network basically knows two kinds of nodes: content providers and content collectors. Content providers have some type of content they make available to the rest of the network. Content Collectors are looking for a piece of content which they harvest from content providers. Potentially, any content provider can also act as a content collector, thus allowing for a wide range of network topologies, especially peer-to-peer computing.
The network is self-configuring: Initial parameters defined in XML description files are being distributed between content collectors and providers similar to the DNS system. New content nodes will be registered automatically to the network. Communication between servers participating in the content network is achieved by interoperable or native connectors provided by CONESYS (like SOAP, XML-RPC, Java RMI, Z39.50, OAI, etc.).
Speaker notes and comments:
CONESYS is actually a fork and advancement of oc4ware (http://www.oc4ware.org). The first stable release of CONESYS is scheduled for mid March. More information on CONESYS can be found in this brochure http://www.zzoss.com/downloads/zzoss_conesys.pdf and after CeBIT at http://www.conesys.net.
CONESYS is currently used by the Open Communities Project and the Library of the University of Tbingen/Germany. More information about the Open Communities Project is available at: http://www.oc4ware.org/ddo:1.2.15/13en1-4
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Sandro Zic is CEO of ZZ/OSS a German company specialized on peer-to-peer content networks. He also heads up the Open Source project "Software 4 Open Communities" and "CONESYS - the COntent NEtwork SYStem".
Sandro seriously started software development 5 years ago and acquired skills autodidactically in Web-related technologies like Perl, PHP, Java Servlets, JSP, XML, Webservices - and of course also database servers like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle. Sandro is actively engaged in the international Open Source community, especially with ZZ/OSS Open Source products, the PEAR group, the OpenISIS database for digital libraries, and Bitfluxeditor, a WISIWYG XML editor. He has been invited to speak at several conferences, e.g. the International PHP Conference, or the MySQL users conference.
In his leisure time he enjoys travelling, reading non-programmers books, and playing the electronic guitar in his band.