// LinuxTag 2004
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//Do you PHP?

Do you PHP?

Rasmus Lerdorf


PHP is many things to many people. Today, little is left of the first version written almost 10 years ago, yet somehow the original ideas and concepts are very much alive and being used to drive everything from the tiniest personal sites to the largest web companies in the world.

This talk will focus on the basic properties of PHP that have enabled it to effectively span such a wide array of uses and also cover the PHP rollout at Yahoo!. The technical and social hurdles that needed to be overcome should be a useful guide to others facing a similar challenge in their own workplace.

No previous PHP experience is required to get something out of this talk, but there should still be a few morsels for the large contingent of PHP gurus that are sure to show up.

ワber den Autor

Born in Godhavn/Qeqertarsuaq on Disko Island off the coast of Greenland in 1968, Rasmus Lerdorf has been dabbling with UNIX-based solutions since 1985. Known for having gotten the PHP project off the ground in 1995, the mod_info Apache module and he can be blamed for the ANSI92 SQL-defying LIMIT clause in mSQL 1.x which has now, at least conceptually, crept into both MySQL and PostgreSQL. He is currently an infrastructure engineer at Yahoo! in Sunnyvale, California.


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.