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// LinuxTag 2004
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im Karlsruher Messe- und Kongresszentrum. Fr n臧ere Details und den
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//Commercial Involvement in Open Software |
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Commercial Involvement in Open Software
Ken Coar
Hard-headed commercial businesses and free-wheeling open software projects would seem to be a poor match; the primary focus of one is schedules and market share, and the focus of the other is quality and features. There are at least two ways in which commercial concerns may be involved in open software: either as consumers, repackagers, and resellers of the result.. or as participants in its development. The latter would seem to be the more difficult road to follow, yet the largest company in the industry - IBM - seems to be travelling it with ease. How do they do it? This presentation will examine IBM's involvement in the open software world, specifically in the projects developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
ワber den Autor
Ken Coar is a director and Vice President of the Apache Software Foundation, and a Senior Software Engineer with IBM. He has over two decades of experience with network software and applications, system administration, system programming, process analysis, and computer security. Ken has worked with the World-Wide Web since 1992, is a member of the Apache HTTP Server project core group, the Association for Computing Machinery, an at-large member of ICANN, is chairman of the Apache Software Foundation's conferences committee, and is heading the project to develop Internet RFCs for CGI. He is the author of 'Apache Server for Dummies,' co-author of 'Apache Server Unleashed,' and is currently working on a new books, 'Apache Cookbook' (O'Reilly).
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