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Is it really a bug?

Before you report a bug to our engineers, please verify that the bug is really in the software and not in your configuration. Table 3.1 helps you track down the bug yourself and see if it can be fixed.

Table 3.1: Bug symptoms and possible causes
Symptom Check this:
AL error : AL_detect : Unable to open file!
Have you given an input file to the encoder (see section 2.1.5)? Does the input file exist? Is it readable?
could not open output file
Have you given an output file to the encoder (see section 2.1.6)? Does the output directory exist and is it writeable? Does a file of the same name exist and is it deleteable?
No parameters for this bitrate/samplerate Did you override any of the encoders parameters (stereo mode, samplerate)? If so, try another samplerate.
bitrate too low/high MPEG Layer-3 only allows bitrates ranging from 8 kBit/s to 320 kBit/s.
The Layer-3 file sounds muffled Try using a higher bitrate. Try using a higher bandwidth (see section 2.2.1). Try using a higher effective sample rate (see section 2.2.1)
The stereo image is destroyed. Try using the -no-is  switch

layer3@iis.fhg.de, 03/98