Room layout design
Cutout is a planning program. It allows the user to easily enter,
move, adjust and modify objects on the screen. These objects could
range from spaces in a building to furniture within a room. Think
of the program as a computer version of arranging cutout paper
shapes to formulate an idea.
Product Details
Company: Mendota Software
Price: $8
Limitations: Shareware
Minimum system requirements: Power
Mac, OS 7-9
Where on the CD: Shareware/Freeware
(classic) / Graphics/Design folder
ImageBuddy 1.7
Photo printing prgram
ImageBuddy with it's simple and intuitive interface lets you
rotate, size, crop, mask and layout your digital photos for printing
in just a few simple click. Need 20 wallets and a 5x7 of each
member of the soccer team? No problem with Image Buddy's built
in event page you can create standard 'packages' that you reuse
over and over again.
Product Details
Company: KepMad Systems
Price: $15
Limitations: Shareware
Minimum system requirements: Power
Where on the CD: Shareware/Freeware
(classic) / Graphics/Design folder
ImageConverter 1.2.3
Image/Movie format converter
Convert image or movie files to a different format: JPEG, PICT,
PNG, and BMP. ImageConverter can import any image files that QuickTime
supports. You can also change a picture size, quality, and colour.
Product Details
Company: YOSHI's LAB
Price: $5
Limitations: Shareware
Minimum system requirements: Power
Mac, OS 8.5 or later
Where on the CD: Shareware/Freeware
(classic) / Graphics/Design folder
PhotoAlbum Pro 1.1.2
Generate Web gallleries
A quick and easy way to create a photo album for the web. PhotoAlbum
Pro lets you quickly share your images on the web by creating
all the html pages, resizing images and creating image thumbnails
for you, All you have to do is choose one of the many themes available
for your photo album. PhotoAlbum Pro can also be used to resize
and convert your PICT,TIFF,BMP,GIF,PSD and PNG files into web
ready JPEG's!
Product Details
Company: RealMac Software
Price: $10
Limitations: Shareware
Minimum system requirements: Power
Mac, OS 8.1 or higher with CarbonLib, Mac OS X 10.0 or later
Where on the CD: Shareware/Freeware
(classic) / Graphics/Design folder
PicPops 2.8
Picture Viewer
PicPops is a drag'n'drop picture viewer for Macintosh computers.
Some features:
- Open PICT, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, MacPaint, PhotoShop, Targa,
SGI, BMP,PNG and QuickTime images
- Open picture clippings
- Full drag'n'drop support
- Resize pictures
- Get picture info
- Full clipboard support
- Appearance-Manager savvy, supports contextual menus, Navigation
Services, and more...
Product Details
Company: Milto Xekalakis
Price: $10
Limitations: Shareware
Minimum system requirements: Power
Mac, OS 8.0 or later, QuickTime 3.0 or later
Where on the CD: Shareware/Freeware
(classic) / Graphics/Design folder
Tiff-Sight 1.2.1
Fax Tiff viewer
With the increasing popularity of Web based Fax-to-Email services,
Mac users need a simple way to access the Fax files these services
create. Until now, the only tools available were either too expensive,
or offered too many features for the average user.
Product Details
Company: Blue Globe
Web: web
site here
Price: $10
Limitations: Shareware
Minimum system requirements: Power
Mac, OS 7.1 or later, Mac OS X 10.0 or later
Where on the CD: Shareware/Freeware
(classic) / Graphics/Design folder