Win a copy of
Norton SystemWorks

Worth £117.44 inc. VAT
Eliminate viruses, solve problems, and enhance system performance
with Norton SystemWorks for Macintosh 2.0, the smartest way to
keep your Macintosh at its best.
Norton SystemWorks for Macintosh 2.0 is the smartest way to keep
your Mac at its best. This essential suite gives you five leading
utility products in one convenient package ç and they˛re all compatible
with Mac OS X. Norton Utilities helps you optimise performance
and solve problems easily. It can repair and optimise disks, recover
lost data, and prevent future problems.
Norton AntiVirus is the world˛s most trusted anti-virus solution.
It automatically finds and repairs infected files to keep your
data safe and secure. Easy updating of virus definitions over
the internet keeps Norton AntiVirus prepared for the latest threats.
Norton Utilities and Norton AntiVirus are integrated, with a single
installation procedure and main menu.
Back ups are the safest way to make sure that your data is there
when you need it most, so Retrospect Express Backup from Dantz
enables you to copy your files quickly and easily to a wide range
of removable media. A special edition of Alsoft DiskWarrior helps
you recover data in emergencies. And Aladdin Spring Cleaning helps
you to safely and completely uninstall old programs and remove
the clutter left over from your internet sessions. Buy Norton
SystemWorks today to protect your Macintosh from viruses and keep
it running at peak performance.
This month, we have clubbed together with MicroAnvika to bring
you this fabulous competition. All you have to do to be in with
a chance of winning one of the ten copies of this brand-new version
Norton SystemWorks is to log onto the web at
and answer the question below. Click submit, and your entry will
automatically be entered in the draw.
Norton SystemWorks for Macintosh 2.0 is compatible with OS X.
True or false?
Rules of entry
- Employees or family of Future Publishing Ltd and MicroAnvika
are not
eligible to enter this competition.
- The editor˛s decision is final.
(Closing date: 18th April 2002)