1996 Pro Digital Animation Development




Monument Titler

High Quality Titling

Monument Designer

A Synonym For Design Flexibility

Monument Professional

A New Dimension In Animation, Graphics Design, And Composing

Three concepts that stand for whatever is desired in titling, video effects, and composing.

Monument Designer V3 Professional offers everything for titling, picture editing and composing you could ever dream of and even more...!

Animated Alphachannel

For animated light effects, flashes, rotating search-lights, thunderstorm and other fantastic high-lights.
Not only the motion has now been integrated, but also the possibility to apply the Alphachannels exclusively to graphic material such as text or other, and NOT to color 0. With this feature, even users of an analog genlock can now use the fantastic possibilities of using real Alphachannel-processings - independent from the genlock! With special alpha-masks e.g. holes may be punched into graphics or titles or they may be faded in with a smoke effect.
Users of digital video editing profit from the real light effects in the common form but as well from the animated effects which appear even more impressive in the video. Monument now exclusively offers such effects in a simple and unlimited way - just like on TV...



Scrolls and wipes are visible only in special sections on the screen, defined by the user or may softly fade out in certain areas. A scrolling title may for example appear out of the sea or an animation may disappear through a door.


Animated textures

Waving textiles, undulating waves or flying clouds WITHIN your titles

up to 24 Bit, as easily applicable as before but now in animated form and processed with great speed. Just forget about the times when the shadow of your title was life-less, when a title could not flash or the perspective did not show true reflections. With Monument, new editing dimensions open up to you.


New effects

In the beginning, Monument primarily was aimed to create pure scrolling titles, but as time goes on, the users want more. To comply with their wishes, Monument now offers effects you could so far only admire on TV....
Various 3D-rotations, soft-fadings, 3D-zooms, superwipes that can be freely combined and the result is of so far unmatched quality. Thanks to vector processing, even the zooms are of an impressive quality even in the tiniest detail!


Animated punching masks

Any black/white punching mask e.g. created in Dpaint or Adorage provide an immense variety of effects for titles or graphic objects. Thus it is e.g. possible to have a 3D-rotation of a complete title while a highlighted text section burns in a b/w fire effect created with Adorage. An unlimited number of punching masks can be integrated per timeline-project so that the versatility of line- and character-effects only finds its limits in your own creativity.


Combinations - the first

If so far Monument could only apply the effects to the whole page, it is now possible to e.g. fade in a single line or word with a rotating effect while the rest of the text or another graphic is already disappearing in the deep center of the screen with a 3D-effect. This is possible by a clever combination of the above-mentioned effects in the new timeline with more functions. Amazing possibilities by combining objects in a clearly structured timeline - no problem with Monument V3!


Combinations - the second

So far, texts and graphics could be combined. Here again a big step towards flexible composing could be made:
Monument can now import animations to be integrated - independent from format or colors - in the editing process. A rotating logo from Lightwave is thus easily combined with a title.
ADORAGE-special-effects go on well with Monument-softfades, or Dpaint-tricks are completed by Monument titles - and all this of course further brought to perfection with Alphachannels such as fireworks or search-light effects. Naturally, all this in up to 32 Bit quality! Everything can be freely positioned, freely scaled and freely combined! With this, dreams become true and the creativity will find no limits...


The easiest operation of Monument ever since

The usual easy operation of all features remains unchanged. Users of previous versions don't have to get used to the new version - the use still is object-oriented. This means that it is the software that distinguishes between graphic, title and animation and not yourself!
In addition, the new bubble-help contains important information for you.
With the V3 Pro version, Monument now offers EVEN MORE comfort. There are several possibilities of an animated preview allowing the comfortable realization of the unlimited editing possibilities.
Quick preview with maximum exactness of the detail = maximum motivation for your creativity - this is the aim of Monument Designer!



Thanks to a further improved processing quality as well as to additional optimized algorithms for smooth scalings or fades, Monument is unmatched in respect to this application.
The professional use in TV-stations and professional studios is thus further confirmed by the improved performance and quality.


Supplements and improvements everywhere

    Such are for example
  • the new color wheel for the selection of any possible color in any possible transparency
  • the new printer output for high-quality video covers with minimum memory requirements
  • Control for the Alphachannel intensity for the exact control of the transparency of animated or still Alphachannel objects.
  • Timeline overlaps for simultaneous activation of different objects
  • bubble-help for quick and comfortable information on new and common features
  • lots of new effects like rotation, zoom, ....

New features of Version "V3 for MovieShop" (now automatically included in the package)

  • Possibility to assign digital video signal (!) in titles, outlines, perspectives, etc.
  • animated Alphachannel on the video signal so that e.g. a person may "Hollywood-like" be enacted with animated search-lights and spots
Monument Designer V3 professional is available at your competent specialist dealer or directly at proDAD.

ClariSSA Adorage Animage Cavin

More information or comments e-mail: adver@prodad.de.