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Welcome to net�ROVER - Your Internet Advantage

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 - 21H30

Coming Soon...

Montreal MONTREAL - Upgrading installation
(More modems and T3 Connection)
Effective August 11th, 1997.
Testing details soon

Quebec QUEBEC CITY - Upgrading installation
(More modems and T1 Connection)
Effective August 13th, 1997.
Testing details soon

Dial-up How to change your dial-up number permanently
Details here

Oakville To our users in Oakville On

Residents in OAKVILLE will be able to get access to the following number: (416) 213-8117.
Please make sure to change your number.

Milton To our users in Milton On

Residents in MILTON with the exchanges 691,693,875,876 and 878, will be able to get access to the following number : (905) 469-1301
We apologize for any concerns this may have created. All other customers please use our new Hamilton phone number listed below.

Comments What customers think of the new installations
Details here

Press Release Press Release

netROVER signs with UUNET to Optimize Network Infrastructure
Details here

Hamilton HAMILTON - New installation completed
(Digital modems and T1 Connection)
Effective July 17, 1997 : Details here

Please change the dial-up number in your dialer to (905) 521-9620.
The following numbers will be disconnected on August 1st, 1997:

Ottawa OTTAWA - Upgrade completed
(More modems and T3 Connection)
Effective July 9, 1997 : Details here

Please change the dial up number in your dialer to (613) 594-4598.
Any previous numbers associated with the Ottawa site will be disconnected on July 24, 1997.

Toronto TORONTO - More lines now available
(Impact on Toronto lines with new installation in Hamilton)

Effectively, with Hamilton being up and running, several customers that dialed into Toronto direct are dialing into Hamilton.
Several ports have been freed up.

Installations Network installations and upgrades

We are now proceeding with the installation of additional lines and/or bandwidth upgrades (T1 and T3) in the following cities:
Montreal, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Kitchener, London and Chatham.
Look for details in the coming weeks.

Important message Important message to all our users

In the past, netROVER has been very tolerant of users adding more than 5 Mb of data in their home directory. Unfortunately, some users are abusing this privilege and have tried to store up to 300 Mb of data on our servers.
Because of this, netROVER has no other alternative but to restrict the size of home directories to 5 Mb, effective May 1st, 1997.
Users who have exceeded this limit should take immediate steps to remove the surplus data from their home directory.

Unlimited Usage $16.67 per month - Unlimited Usage

Most netROVER personal Internet access plans are UNLIMITED USAGE, throughout its existing network in Ontario and Quebec ! Check out netROVER's no hidden-costs plans starting as low as the equivalent of $16.67 per month ! on the basis of a single yearly prepayment.
Dial-up pricing table or Text only

Hours Password now required for "My Hours" page
Also, other features installed giving accessibility to certain pages for netROVER customers group only.

Password Protect your account with the right password
You never know who got a hold of your account name or your password. Don't share your password with anyone and change it frequently.

Log book Consult our Network Operations log book
netROVER maintains a log book to inform its users on the status of the network, as well as different problems encountered at all levels of responsibility. The history log is dynamic, the most recent information being placed at the top of the page.

[ Non Graphical Table of Contents ]

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if there is a problem with this page contact

� 1997 netROVER Inc. All rights reserved.


netROVER will not tolerate any system abuse, or lack of netiquette on its server.
netROVER reserves the right to terminate any user account falling in those categories.

Internet Use Guidelines
netROVER's Terms and Conditions