3.41 General Settings
Microdot-II has a 'general settings' GUI which allows you to set the colours, headers, paths and button bar for the main Microdot-II interface. This setup is general to all users, whoever is logged into and using Microdot-II.
One of the best options for Microdot is that you can select practically any colour for nearly every option within the message handler.
The Group List is the main GUI where you see all your mail folders and newsgroups.
There are also colour options for the Message List and the Message Reader. Our advice is just to experiment with the colours until you find the best solution.
The headers section within the preferences allows you to add a list of headers to be shown when you read a messages. These are, of course, in addition to the normal to:, from:, subject:
These are shown when you select Show Significant Headers from the reader option within the Settings menu.
This section allows you to define the button bank within three sections of Microdot-II:
The Main GUI (named as "Group List" within the button prefs) Group List (named as "Group Contents" within the button prefs) Message Reader (named as "Reader Buttons" within the button prefs)
This section refers to the options you have configured within your PGP settings. For further information about each of these options, please read your PGP guide.
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