Here you'll find an extensive (but by no means comprehensive) list of publications and writings available on the Net. For the most part, these are magazinext archives of various sorts, but the list may include databases and other resource centers as well. I make no attempt at creating a unique list or offering anything unusual here; I just wanted to provide a nice jumping point for those of you who might be looking for interesting sites you may have been unaware of. The selection comes entirely from my own tastes and discoveries; if you're interested in other things on, you may be interested in these. -- a.h.s. boy

Essential Reading

Anti-media theory. Incomparable. Set your startup page to Suck. Do it.


High-end information on electronic communication theory
WIRED magazine
As if anyone really needed this


Crank magazine
I'd love to tell you more, but...
Geek Girl
Great magazine, with interviews with the likes of Kathy Acker, Noam Chomsky
MUTE magazine
Online accompaniment to the beautiful MUTE magazine from the UK
Nicely designed magazine covering everything from movies to rifle competitions
Urban Desires
The underbelly of the metropolis


City Lights Publishers and Booksellers
The famous City Lights publishers, run by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. One of the most successful alternative publishers ever.
All things literary, from texts to critical commentary. Houses the CTHEORY archives, and is broken down by subjects.
Literary magazine
Green Cart
Literary magazine
Infrequent but significant journal
Intertext (fiction periodical)
A fiction periodical
Journal of Electronic Publishing
A young but soon to be important resource for electronic publishing information
Internet Poetry Archive Home page
It hasn't changed in a while, but where else can you find Milosz reading poetry in Polish?
The Trincoll Journal (A Liberal Arts Publication)
Literary journal


Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy
E-version of the JAP from Indiana University. Seems to have become neglected.
The International Philosophical Preprints Exchange
A small but growing collection of philosophy essays and dissertations
Post-Modern Culture e-journal
One of the earliest and still one of the best strictly ejournals around.
PSYCHE: contents of Volume 1
Journal of psychology and philosophy of mind
(U of Toronto Semiotics Journal)[These are .gz files]
Undercurrent magazine
"A journal for the analysis of the present".


Anarchist Texts
One of the most ambitious of publishing projects. Here you'll find an extensive listing of anarchist, leftist, revolutionary, situationist and radical writings. Hightly recommended.
Hakim Bey's Texts (thanks Marius!)
Several of Hakim Bey's writings on Temporary Autonomous Zones, religion, information, interviews, etc.
Noam Chomsky
Granted, he's not a magazine, but he's worth several!
Media Filter
Very nice site full of current news, and home of the online version of NYC's The Shadow
Declassified information from the Department of Energy (USA)
The Seed home page
A guide to alternative political publishing in the UK
Database of government information (USA)

spud katiemur dada typo S.I.
I.W.W. social anarchism graphics poetry
the words music search

a.h.s. boy
dada typographics
Last updated: Monday 11 December 1995