Nothingness is always an elsewhere. |
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of just what this site is, but my ambition is to make this site a focal point for a
variety of social, political, and cultural interests, all of which tie
into my interests, ultimately, but I hope to provide a number
of services for many and varied peoples.It may not get 1000 hits a day
but it's still the place I call home. If you have any texts or galleries
or anything of that nature that you think would fit in here, let me know.
Now, onwards!
Spud's home page is found here, as are the pages of Dada Typographics, the print- and online-design firm that designed this site. Word will lead you to a variety of publications and archives on the net, Poetry will take you to Unpretentious Proclamations of Poetry, an online chapbook press, and SI leads to the Situationist International archives, now searchable! The Graphics List pages contain a complete archive of that mailing list updated daily, a list of subscribers' home pages, and links to design-related pages. The IWW, once a powerful force in American labor organization, is still around and still cheering for the One Big Union. You'll find their favorite whipping boy, Mr. Block, on those pages. Look for Katiemur's pages here, and the official archives of the journal Social Anarchism will find their home here. The first web issue, number 20, is available now. Look for both back issues and excerpts from the current issue, as well links to related sites, in the future. Many thanks to Howard Ehrlich for the opportunity; we hope that it will be mutually beneficial. And, finally, as soon as is humanely [sic] possible, the pages of Montreal's Rhythm Activism will debut the music section of Enjoy your stay, and read on for a whimsical but informative ontological journey into that which is us, and that which is
Oooo! A new thing. I've set up a new mailing list called
"nothingness-update" that will be a simple, informal announcement list for
receiving information regarding updates and additions to this web site.
If you have problems subscribing, send mail to
Excerpts and Diversions, Version 1
This negative which is the nothingness of being and the nihilating power both together, is nothingness. Nowhere else can we grasp it in such purity. Everywhere else in one way or another we must confer on it being-in-itself as nothingness. But the nothingness which arises in the heart of consciousness is not. It is made-to-be. Belief, for example, is not the contiguity of one being with another being; it is its own presence to itself, its own decompression of being. Otherwise the unity of the for-itself would dissolve into the duality of two in-itselfs. Thus the for-iself must be its own nothingness. The being of consciousness qua consciousness is to exist at a distance from itself as a presence to itself, and this empty distance which being carries in its being is Nothingness.
The for-itself is, in the manner of an event, in the sense in which I can say that Philip II has been, that my friend Pierre is, or exists. The for-itself is, in so far as it appears in a condition which it has not chosen, as Pierre is a French bourgeois in 1942, as Schmitt was a Berlin worker in 1870; it is in so far as it is thrown into a world and abandoned in a "situation"; it is as pure contingency inasmuch as for it as for things in the world, as for this wall, this tree, this cup, the original question can be posited: "Why is this being exactly such and not otherwise?" It is in so far as there is in it something of which it is not the foundation -- its presence to the world.
J.-P. Sartre, Being and Nothingness, pp 125-7.
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