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NEW: Situationist Links and resources.
NOUVEAU: Situationist Links and resources.
- Situationist and Situ-inspired texts, images, resources
- Misc texts & resources
Graphics thumbnails
- Pre-Situ and Situationist journal articles
- Formulary for a New Urbanism by Ivan Chtcheglov (1953)
- Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography by Guy Debord (1955)
- Methods of Détournementby Guy Debord & Gil J. Wolman (1956)
- Situationist Definitions I.S. #1 (1958)
- The Situationists and Automation I.S. #1 (1958)
- Guy Debord
- Howlings in Favor of Sade by Guy Debord (1952)
- The Society of the Spectacle
by Guy Debord (1967)
- Raoul Vaneigem from The Revolution of Everyday Life (1967)
- Technology and its Mediated Use (Chapter 9) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Sacrifice (Chapter 12) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Separation (Chapter 13) by Raoul Vaneigem
- The Organization of Appearances (Chapter 14) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Roles (Chapter 15) by Raoul Vaneigem
- The Fascination of Time (Chapter 16) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Survival Sickness (Chapter 17) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Spurious Opposition (Chapter 18) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Creativity, Spontaneity and Poetry (Chapter 20) by Raoul Vaneigem
- Articles et essais situationnistes et pré-situs du journal
- Définitions situationnistes I.S. #1 (1958)
- Thèses sur la révolution culturelle I.S. #1 (1958)
- Les situationnistes et l'automation I.S. #1 (1958)
- Les souvenirs au-dessous de tout I.S. #2 (1958)
- Sur nos moyens et nos perspectives I.S. #2 (1958)
- Renseignements Situationnistes I.S. #2 (1958)
- Sur l'emploi du temps libre I.S. #4 (1960)
- Le Questionnaire I.S. #9 (1964)
a.h.s. boy
dada typographics
Last updated: Monday 11 December 1995