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S.I. Journal
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in english
Situationist and Situ-inspired texts, images, resources
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Graphics thumbnails

Pre-Situ and Situationist journal articles
Formulary for a New Urbanism by Ivan Chtcheglov (1953)
Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography by Guy Debord (1955)
Methods of Détournementby Guy Debord & Gil J. Wolman (1956)
Situationist Definitions I.S. #1 (1958)
The Situationists and Automation I.S. #1 (1958)

Guy Debord
Howlings in Favor of Sade by Guy Debord (1952)
The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord (1967)

Raoul Vaneigem from The Revolution of Everyday Life (1967)
Technology and its Mediated Use (Chapter 9) by Raoul Vaneigem
Sacrifice (Chapter 12) by Raoul Vaneigem
Separation (Chapter 13) by Raoul Vaneigem
The Organization of Appearances (Chapter 14) by Raoul Vaneigem
Roles (Chapter 15) by Raoul Vaneigem
The Fascination of Time (Chapter 16) by Raoul Vaneigem
Survival Sickness (Chapter 17) by Raoul Vaneigem
Spurious Opposition (Chapter 18) by Raoul Vaneigem
Creativity, Spontaneity and Poetry (Chapter 20) by Raoul Vaneigem

en français/CENTER>
Articles et essais situationnistes et pré-situs du journal
Définitions situationnistes I.S. #1 (1958)
Thèses sur la révolution culturelle I.S. #1 (1958)
Les situationnistes et l'automation I.S. #1 (1958)
Les souvenirs au-dessous de tout I.S. #2 (1958)
Sur nos moyens et nos perspectives I.S. #2 (1958)
Renseignements Situationnistes I.S. #2 (1958)
Sur l'emploi du temps libre I.S. #4 (1960)
Le Questionnaire I.S. #9 (1964)

spud katiemur dada typo S.I.
I.W.W. social anarchism graphics poetry
the words music search

a.h.s. boy
dada typographics
Last updated: Monday 11 December 1995